1. To avoid cleaning your bathroom. Yuck
See here's your reason...
2. To avoid ending up in a bar and drinking yourself into a stupor. I don't drink.
You should it helps
3. To avoid what happens after #2. I don't drink
It really helps sometimes, till you drink too much
4. To **** off your wife. No wife, no girlfriend.
Drinking would help you with this.
5. So you can come to the DDo fourms and complain about bugs/nerfs/slippery slopes/VIP/Free/handwraps/rogues/rangers/over powered/under powered. I only complain about bad players.
Complain more, it's good for you, unless it's about the girlfriend or wife you get after you start drinking.
6. So can can go in game and radomly insult every Canadian you can find. Just Canadians? Nah, I hate everyone equally!
You should concentrate on Canadians, there' s lots to hate there.
Maybe you should quit, yuo need to get out more![]()
Only been playing a few years and I can understand where you are coming from Illy.
Now, i've found it fun to screw around with different builds that aren't just about power gaming but fun to play. When i Tr'd Seth i did the whole "wraith-monk" thing and he was a blast. Gimpy and undepowered for epic content? Sure! Is he a hell of a lot of fun to play? Absolutely! And it's always fun explaining the build to people who scratch their head about it. (Honestly, if i did a stupid amount of grinding he could be used in epics, but whatever, that's too "job-like")
It's really the only thing that has been keepin it fun for me. Doin things outside of the "MUST BE LEET" box. All about the fun man.
- Sarlona: Sethus, Mirgat, Barranor, Vontran, Nefferrous, Keertan, Crixxuss
Member of Endgame
Wow, page 3 and I'm still the first person to ask...
Can I haz ur stuff?
Seriously, have fun or do something else that is fun. This is just a game.
I'll give you two reasons -
1. I've never run with you. However, that just may push you off the edge never to return, so not sure if that is good for your long term desire to play this game.
2. If you leave, that is one less TR-aholic to buy the +2 tomes I find; we can't have that now, can we?
Sarlona: Stelvar, Stethos, Saltmint, Abbracadaver, Shaigh Hulud, Fujihowser MD, Soundwaive, Kuddlefish and some others