Dear Orien, Evon6 pugs shouldn't take 56min to complete. That is all...
P.S. This is not a rant per say, just wish people wouldn't take so long![]()
Dear Orien, Evon6 pugs shouldn't take 56min to complete. That is all...
P.S. This is not a rant per say, just wish people wouldn't take so long![]()
Blame the leader!
Blame the piking puggies!
Blame the impatient complainers!
(On serious note, yes, I agree. Even if you do evon5 in a laid-back way, it shouldnt take more than 40 minutes.)
I know how hard it can be to get a coherent PUG. For shroud that's even more some kind of a problem than for von, as you actually need to wait for the last one to enter. When I lead, I always try to be considerate of my party member's time, patience and newbishness, even if those are in conflict sometimes.
Ooooooooh... no. I'm sorry. That is not correct. But that's only strike 1. Please try again... you'll get it next time, for sure.
Nope... that's strike 2. But that's still okay... you have one more shot
Strike 3. And we're done.
I'm sorry.... the answer, of course and always is, Blame the healer.
Yes.... blame the healer. If there is a problem with anything DDO related, it is... of course... the healers fault.
But we have some lovely party (heeheehee... get it? Party, not parting??!?!?!?! Heeheehee, I crack myself up sometimes) gifts for you.
Thanks for tuning in, to everyone's favourite DDO Game Show....... BLAME...... THE ....... HEALER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I thought I'd take on my related observation about the concept of time for pugs. What's bugged me is that time spent in the quest seems to be more directly considered by people than the time spent getting the quest started. For example, let's imagine you want to run the shroud.
The typical experience seems to be the group forms and I step into the quest...and wait...and wait. Because people are off getting buffs, or someone who clicked to join the group went afk. From the moment the group filled to actually hitting the portal in part one should not take more than five minutes in my mind. Since the portal has a lock-out timer at five minutes I suggest "hey lets get started." The typical reaction is, "oh my god! The inhumanity of it all, we need to wait for everyone to get here."
Contrast this to the end of the quest, you know in part five where you're not supposed to hit the altar until old grandma jones has left already. What happens there? Well if someone doesnt immediately hit the altar to show people "how uber they are and enforce on us how the game should be played saying things like you should thank me for saving you ten seconds it takes to recall" then people start get fidgity about waiting a whole 30 seconds, constantly asking are people out already, has everyone who wanted to left yet?
So, rather than saving those 10-30 seconds at the end of the quest pugs need to start thinking about the first 5 minutes after party fill. I'd much rather see people immediately jump in the quest and hit the portal to start it than think that by clicking the altar immediately at the end they are actually saving me time. That assumes you only do one or the other of course, Im fine if you do both just be consistent. Why is it people are perfectly fine wasting my time moving their slow behinds to get to the quest but completely burdened by any lag time at the end of the quest?
This is why I mostly only join fast/zerg Shroud PUGs.
1) The portal opens when the group fills, or after 60 seconds after fill, or at the latest when there's only one or two people not in.
2) No shrining at every **** shrine. No sitting at the altar mass buffing. If you don't know your puzzle, someone takes over immediately or your crystal just gets broken.
3) You recall out at 15% in p5 if you don't want to complete, or at the most you get a 30 count.
4) Pikers and those not pulling their weight are mercilessly mocked and blacklisted.
Most importantly, they tend to attract people that know what the hell they're doing. 25-30 min completions instead of 40-45. And never anything close to a wipe.
I'm not sure how long it took to do Von5 itself (I joined when it was almost full and the party had already started von5). It was after it was finished is what took so long. Ship buffs ect.....we probably waited 10min and i'm not exaggerating. I can honestly say i'd would have rather buffed everyone with resist than have to go thru that again. Ship buffs are nice, but not worth 15min of my life.
On the topic of shipbuffs, it is very possible to buff before Von5 and still have plenty of time left on them to do von6. If I hear one more person say, "I only have 25min left on my buffs, i'm going to refresh them" I will just talk to the dwarf after they leave.
I tend to host speedy (but not zergy) shrouds, which follows the following guidelines.
1) Be ready to enter quest when joining. Quest starts as soon as the 12th guy is in group, Quissana is immediately talked to.
2) Shrine, if you like. No excessive buffing at the altars. Mass Buffs in part 2 and 3 while the trash is being done.
3) Let the party know when you can't do your puzzle.
4) If you don't want to complete, there is a DDoor which you can take. Drop group if you do so. After 20ish secs, the altar will be clicked. Unless someone screams "wait". I'm not griefing anyone for being a slowpoke.
5) I'm not blacklisting or squelching. But I have lists of people I like to group with and I don't like to group with.
Following these rather nice rules, I achieved some 25-30 minute runs on a first come, first served PUG basis. 3 Healers are a nice time-saver in part5, btw. They just need to have the balls to go without a full blue bar...
When levelling now it seems like I always end up in group with 2-3 artificiers, I'm turning deaf from the constant "plink plink plink" sound. I even have dreams about millions of artificiers standing around my bed, shooting their blasted repeaters into the air..
Plink plink plink!