Funny story bro... except for the last part where you call the newb a fail.
Ok, the heat of the battle... but why do you screenshot and brag on the forums about it? Makes me wonder if you are one of those people that get there lolz out of calling other people a fail.
PS: Yes, I'm a forum newb. So go ahead and call me a fail or neg rep me
Haven't negged a soul in this thread yet. No need to now.
"The Sorc's a fail" is a fast and effective way of communicating to someone else the reason as to which I need their assistance.
The chat box is for context. In the time I'd typed two lines - quickly so - s/he had already completely invalidated themselves for the job they were, and will continue to be expected to do in the future.
Maybe the moral of the first post is "If you don't know what you're doing, say something. Also, stop whatever it is you're doing, because it's probably wrong."
I heard The Silent Accord is recruiting. How do I join such an uber guild?
I am a lost wandering soul
Originally Posted by grodon9999
Haven't played an arcane in the shroud. But it begs the question; is the crystal only damaged by spells. Or can my ranger Manshot it, because I am sick of being the Evasion/Fire Elemental guy.
What do you mean a -6 armor class is no good any more?
Proud handler of Baldric, Melkazar, Clant, Mulray, Tirimon, Mallon.
Remember, if one of them falls off a cliff, it's actually my fault.
Meh, I still dust him off for the Epic raids every now and then. But with 7 level 20 Toons, I'm finding myself enjoying the Specialists (The Rogue Oschkosch, Spellsinger Hobadash, Warchanter Festivius) more.
But yeah, if you look at the roster, there's like 4 level 20s, and 20 level 4s XD good times.
Sorry you (and the leader) fail, not the sorc... You gave him almost no meaningful instructions, and you didn't ask him to take the crystal until after you guys had already engaged the lieutenants.
If a caster has never done the crystal before, it's quite likely he may not even know where the crystal IS.
Caster was a newb, not a noob. There's a big difference.
Sure, other things can damage it. A one shot disintegrate just happens to be the most convenient.
I was the leader. That's actually been discussed.
I'm sorry that in hundreds of Shroud completions, I occasionally forget to ask "is anyone here new?", especially when half the party doesn't speak English.
And by sorry, I meant that I'm not. Sorc should've spoken up and said "I'm a newb". Sorc should've stopped what they were doing when they were aware they had a "job", instead of randomly blasting the closest thing to them until they had unshakeable aggro of it.
But hey, you're right, we should all just hold hands, and coddle, and assume that it's everyone's first time in a - and yeah, I'ma say it again -
Edit : To add to this, as has been echoed by those who know of my actual conduct in game, I am more than happy to give someone an exhaustive explanation, via text or audio, of what their perceived "job" will be in a raid. I have absolutely no problems with that. But it's these people who ninja their way into raids without speaking up, and then continue doing their own thing after being alerted that maybe they need to do something *not* their own thing, that gets on my nerves.
The new content? Master Artificer, Lord of Blades? Yeah, I'm asking who is new. I'm asking before we even get into the explorable. But Shroud? C'mon. It's Shroud. And I sure as hell remember my first for each and every raid, and telling my party leaders as a matter of courtesy "hey man, I'm new, that a problem? What should I prepare/bring? Any tips?"
But I guess that's gone to the wayside.
Last edited by TheDearLeader; 09-28-2011 at 01:59 PM.
The whole crystal issue should've been sorted before anything was close enough for the sorc to blast. Especially if there were potential language issues (it may have taken the sorc a minute to translate the sentence asking him to do something). It's a fail for all involved parties, really.
If I was told I had a job, I wouldn't stop attacking. I'd keep killing things until the job was explained to me. Expecting a new player to know that it's bad for them to have aggro if they're the crystal-breaker is asking a bit much, especially if they're used to snatching up aggro with their spells.
Brand new players come in every day. I wouldn't expect hand-holding from anyone on this raid, but I'd make sure I had my essential jobs covered before actually reaching a critical point. The whole thing could've been avoided by making sure the sorc knew he was on crystal before the lieutenants were pulled.Three.
I think everyone needs to relax and listen to this freakin awesome song with me.
I am a lost wandering soul
Originally Posted by grodon9999
Then you're as silly as them. Having a job means a change - means something different from the norm.
If the norm is blasting indiscriminately, then stop that until you know what the new norm is.
The whole thing could've been avoided by the Sorc saying he was new when he popped into the party. He was the second to join, and we were by no means fast to fill. In that time, I could have given him a full rundown of the entire raid, and picked up a second, "seasoned" caster to ensure he had someone able to mentor him by "monkey see, monkey do" tactics.
But no. He remained silent until someone pointed him out. His first time with crystals makes him a newb. Not saying a thing about it for the twenty minutes we took to fill made him a noob.
You're right, though - brand new players do come in every day. Is it so hard for them to inform someone of that fact? I'll even take a tell - wouldn't be the first time.
You sound so angry, Aneist.
I am a lost wandering soul
Originally Posted by grodon9999
So everyone who plays this game has been here three years? Everyday someone runs the Shroud for the first time.
The sorc screwed up. He should have said he was new... But he was not "fail". That's what gets me most. That you sent that tell, taking zero responsibility. Most vets on that run, seeing that party chat would be thinking that you, the leader, also failed.
You had some responsibility here. Own up to it. I always make sure everyone knows their job in a PUG with unknown players BEFORE I pull everything from the middle.
It's also possible he's done the raid 5-10 times already, but never had to do the crystal, so he didn't realize he needed to ask for special instructions.And I sure as hell remember my first for each and every raid, and telling my party leaders as a matter of courtesy "hey man, I'm new, that a problem? What should I prepare/bring? Any tips?"