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Here's the general thing:
When soloing, the Favored Soul has the casting advantage due to their debuff, and bonus damage on their spells. This is a certain given.
When soloing, the Cleric has the melee advantage for many reasons. One being the ability to splash three levels without losing anything major- the second being Divine Might, and the third being their RS aura. Fourth advantage Clerics have when running solo is their Empower Healing metamagic gives a 75% boost on the major spell they'll be using: Heal. Favored Souls get a mere 50% boost from this powerful metamagic.
When grouped, with only one divine, the Favored Soul has the advantage of his debuff and bonus damage.
With two divines, both Favored Souls, you'd be better off with a Cleric because the debuffs do not stack.
With one divine, a Cleric, you will have better healing in the majority of cases due to the RS PrE. The aura provides a lot of healing, generally enough for most trash mobs. Bursts cover the rest of the trash mob damage,.
With two divines, both Clerics, nobody is stepping on the other's toes. Both get the bonus damage on DP from their bonus caster levels, and both auras are used, resulting in about 50 hp every two seconds being healed.
However, when you have two divines, one a Favored Soul and one a Cleric, the Cleric WILL outpreform the Favored Soul. In melee, the Cleric has more damage due to the reasons above. In offensive casting, the Cleric's +1 on the DC over the Soul benefits from the FvS's debuff. The two bonus caster levels on Divine Punishment benefit greatly when the debuff is added. Plus the Radiant Servant aura provides more healing than the CLW capstone does. Face it, more hp are gained back with an aura than the capstone- although the capstone is single-target and the aura is mass.
In that party, the Soul will be playing second fiddle to the Cleric in EVERY ASPECT. The Cleric outheals the Soul, he will outcast and outdamage the soul with spells, and has better melee.
I'm sorry to offend you Soulists, but the Cleric *is* superior in the main case where it matters: group settings. No toe-stepping, just straight-up better. However, your Souls are better soloers. Guess that's why nobody solos ADQ1 with their Cleric. They're a team player, unlike many Souls.