Remember.. no shrines before Epic LOB fight...
Optional Chest drops garbage loot, put in something decent, or get rid of the chest and put in a shrine.
End fight is too long, after an hour or so in the LOB fight my brain stopped functioning effectively.
Add a rest shrine intermission at 50%, I needed a pee break by this point.
Add mana regen buff in the center along with the melee power buff, no reason to require healers to drink pots when timing can get you a chance for some mana recouvery.
Dying when knocked into water causes stone to fall to bottom. port stones to the center or something.
2 Minute rez blocker is annoying especially when he goes beserk..
Cometfall hits hard spread out the healers.
Pewpewing assassins at the last 5% LOB life minutes causes lag and they peg for a lot of damage while you are stuck rebounding and taking damage. My radiant bursts were going off, but quickened cures/heals dropped my sp bar but did not cast reliably, so be prepared.
Artificer's tactical detonation is nasty especially combined with pewpewing assassins and does make the last 5% challenging.(wish i had a torc)
Melee's, pack a spare ESOS, your main ESOS will likely be broken before the fight is over(had a melee that had no other weapon).
Healers, pack a lot of scrolls, i used over 600 and ran out.. dug into my pots more than I would have liked.
Currently, once epic LOB is completed once for favour, i don't see any reason to ever run this quest again, the rewards just don't = the time or resources and I can't see that changing anytime unless you put some static +4 BTA tomes in there and then I may change my mind.