Just a bit of sharing, but I have to say I am really enjoying the change in game approach the U11 XP Modification has encouraged.

Since I mostly multi-box / solo, I don't generally play at a high clip (moving 3 guys around can be slow,) but the changes have really changed the way I approach the game. Before I would normally run quests on normal, run chains all at once, and frequently part and sit two guys after buffing and basically solo with hireling.

Since the change, I run things almost exclusively on elite. I haven't had to run the same quest more than once, and I am actually driven to run more content instead of repeating the same. So it is a lot less monotonous. Run every quest at-level on elite (normal +2) and I am constantly banking ahead. Admittedly, My newest trio is only 10 (storing 11,) but I did start at 1 for a change, to play an Artificer. And teh quests I am not 100% familiar with are getting a bit tougher (ran Shadow Lord last night, and managed to lock myself out of an area.) But the approach has really been enjoyable and the rewards (XP wise) have have completely made the occasionally difficulty worth while.

One other comment. I've never done this before, but the older quest chains progress in level as you get further in. Running this way I am running parts of a chain at a time. I find myself enjoying that as well, since it keeps the content varying. It is actually something I am finding myself enjoying less about newer content. Ran sentinels and it was 4 rounds of zombie pirates (one quest is still to come.) Ran Carnival and it was 4 rounds of tieflings, etc.

Anyway, just sharing. a thumbs up on the XP mods. Thanks!