So my Artificer is slowly working his way up and is now level 11. Its been a joy to watch my pet iron defender “Fluffy” grow in size from a small puppy to the size he is now. The only thing is that while my intelligence has been steadily increasing level to level, Fluffy has been growing more and more stupid.
When I first got Fluffy I was reading about there being problems with the AI but I didn't really see the problem as Fluffy seemed to be a well behaved dog and mostly did as I asked but now he's a total nightmare and he just keeps getting worse.
I think he's been reading up on zerging as he often just runs off as far as he can get until he hits a door or other obstacle, he doesn't care that there may be dozens of angry mobs in his path. Now to be fair if I call him back he will eventually come to me but then he'll instantly turn around and be off again even if I ask him to stay where he is.
One thing I've noticed though is that when he is on one of his zerg runs, he doesn't aggro anything? I was running a quest last night and as the group was stood waiting for our “let me get the traps”, 8 con, 65hp, no fort, “don't worry I'm good at avoiding damage” ding, ding, ding Rogue (that's a whole other story) to disable a trap I looked up ahead to where Fluffy had run off to and I could see that next to the door he was attacking there were several mobs who were just stood there not bothering with him at all. “Hey Bob, look at this enormous metallic dog with the huge spikes on his back and snarling razor sharp teeth and claws. I've been guarding this door for the last several years - never seen him before.” “Me neither Bill, but anyway guess we better get back to looking out for anything that may look suspicious.”
Another thing he does (or doesn't do) - I'm getting attacked form all sides – Fluffy will more often than not either stand and watch me with a toothy grin and do nothing as the *@#! is getting kicked out of me or he'll savage those couple of wooden crates that are lying around next to us – that'll teach those nasty creatures that just beat up my master.
I've tried to be a good master, I take him for long walks around Stormreach, feed him a good iron enriched pet food and even read the latest “Iron Defender Whisperer” book but he just gets worse. I dread to think what he's going to be like by the time I reach cap.
Anyone else having more & more problems the bigger they get?