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  1. #1
    Community Member redraider's Avatar
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    Default TR2 Bravery to lvl 9 - Thoughts

    As my journey with my 4th life Sorc continues, and i continue to try to level without really repeating using the Bravery Bonus, I have arrived at lvl 9. So far it's really good.

    Around lvl 5 I had to repeat a few quests to get to 6 (staying at lvl 3 quests elite) but I had not sucked down any xp pots. Bravery gets you to 5.3+ with no pots, no repeats.

    Lvl 6 quests elite (effective lvl 8) then easily gets you to 9 with a 20% pot running and no repeats.

    But lvl 7 quests elite (effective lvl 9) ... won't make it even close to 10. No, not even close. That means repeats or sadly, moving to lvl 8 elite quests (effective lvl 10) which means that this is about where the Bravery stops being leveling effective.

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  2. #2
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    Bravery streak is awesome in that it helps cut monotony for a great many players. More content is still the ultimate answer though.
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  3. #3


    For the most part, as long as you don't mind extending the limit of the quest level you do for the Streak bonus (such as doing a level 6 quest [on normal, 8 on elite] at level 7) you can get around level 11 or 12 before you need to consider quest repeats, on a 2nd or higher True Reincarnate. The level 8 and 9 quests (and level 10 by forced completion in Threnal to do the level 9 quests in there) are pretty chock-full of EXP.
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  4. #4
    Community Member Monkey_Archer's Avatar
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    Ive been trying this method as well... so far my repeats are:

    -Durks Nx3/H, Stealthy Repossession Ex4/H/N, Ringleader Ex3/H/N, STK part 3 Ex2, TR part 5 Ex6 (did these out of habit.. I quickly realized this was mostly unnecessary)

    -Pit H/N, Tear of Dhakaan H/N (for level 10)

    -VON3 Ex3/H, SC H (for level 12)

    -Threnal Library series (Coyle... )

    -Desert Caravan H/N
    -Dreams of Insanity H/N
    -OOB Ex2
    -WK Ex3/Hx3
    -Eyes of stone series (did this in group after soloing it once)
    -Framework Nx6/H

    Getting to level 10 and 12-15 does take a few repeats if you don't starting doing over-level quests. It looks like level 16-20 will still require quite a bit of farming.
    Last edited by Monkey_Archer; 09-25-2011 at 11:53 AM.

  5. #5
    Community Member redraider's Avatar
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    What lvl are you now Monkey?
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  6. #6
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    I did this as well, also with a few repeats but not many.

    Slightly slower than regular levelling, but a lot more fun. Especially for some of the chains noone does on Elite at level, like the Carnival and Sentinels.

    9-11 elite Into the Deep might be interesting. That Hezrou is nasty enough even on Normal.
    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

  7. #7
    Community Member BlackSteel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    9-11 elite Into the Deep might be interesting. That Hezrou is nasty enough even on Normal.
    ItD was a pretty easy run, I was a little intimidated with the hezzy fight too when my 9-11 group got to it. As my entire party was fairly squishy, most of the party between 100-150 hit points, with my lvl 11 arti ~220. But the wizard in group did a fantastic job keeping the portals closed, while I literally shot Mr. Happy point blank into his big fat face. was a fairly good run.

    I honestly had a worse time of it in elite claw at level, but only b/c some kid in party decided to open the skele's treasure after being warned not to. found out that the skele boss has a pretty tight leash, and will rubberband if he gets near the exit door
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  8. #8
    Community Member Monkey_Archer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redraider View Post
    What lvl are you now Monkey?
    Just hit 16, and add TBF/Feast Ex6/H/N to the repeat list...

    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    9-11 elite Into the Deep might be interesting. That Hezrou is nasty enough even on Normal.
    This is one of the few places I died... got it down to about 25% but got tripped at a bad time

  9. #9
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    although i have tried to not repeat quests this tr(currently 8/banking 9), I have farmed a few. delera's part2(w/opt), bloody crypt(5-6 min runs, couldnt resist), kobold new ringleader. some quests are just too good to not farm out. looking back at my quest list, i have many un-run quests(3bc im looking at you!)

    edit: agree with sirgog, seems slightly slower leveling but way more fun. havent calculated xp/min overall yet.
    Last edited by mystafyi; 09-25-2011 at 09:55 PM.

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