I've done a cursory forum and Google search, and can't find any specifics about what I'm looking for. Has anyone done the math or have any insight on the Helf Arti Dilettante and improved Dilettantes? As a refresher:
Half-Elf Dilettante: Artificer
You have watched the artificers of House Cannith work their trade.
You gain proficiency with all crossbows, and Artificer Knowledge:
Scrolls (You gain a +2 bonus to Use Magical Device checks when
using scrolls, and their Caster Level is increased by one - this Caster
Level increase is capped by your Intelligence modifier.) You are able
to use wands and scrolls as if you are a level one artificers. For
item use purposes you count as a level one artificer in addition to
any other classes you possess (though this does not grant the
ability to use Rune Arms).
Requirements: Half-Elf, 13 Intelligence
Improved Artificer Dilettante I: Your knowledge of magical items
has improved, and now extends to potions. Also increases your caster
level in your dilettante class by 1, so you are now treated as a second
level Artificer instead of first level for scrolls and purposes.
AP Cost: 1 Level: 5 Progression: 15 Requires: Half-Elf Artificer Dilettante
Improved Artificer Dilettante II: Your knowledge of magical items
has improved, and now extends to wands. Also increases your caster level
in your dilettante class by 1, so you are now treated as a third level
Artificer instead of first level for scrolls and purposes.
AP Cost: 2 Level: 10 Progression: 34 Requires: Improved Artificer Dilettante I
Improved Artificer Dilettante III: Your knowledge of magical items
has improved, and now extends to magical arms and armor. Also increases
your caster level in your dilettante class by 1, so you are now treated as
a fourth level Artificer instead of first level for scrolls and purposes.
AP Cost: 3 Level: 15 Progression: 53 Requires: Improved Artificer Dilettante II
What does this mean, exactly, for UMD'ing scrolls as a rogue? Will I have a higher success % earlier, or be casting at a higher caster level as I progress? If I take these and a couple of the Rogue scroll/wand mastery enhancements (for +45% effectiveness), will I be able to function as a competent backup healer/buffbot? I know I'd still be missing things like quicken, heighten, etc. I'm planning a TR and the Artificer Dilettante appears to be the most useful to parties.
Feedback is, as always, appreciated.