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  1. #1
    Community Member Doktr_Strangelove's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Epic Master Artificer and Guild level 90

    Wednesday, September 21st, 2011
    The Prophets of the New Republic and some friends from other guilds had a lot of fun beating Master Artificer on epic. It took us a little while since we didn't quite time it correctly so we had to take down the Marks a second time. Not the first or last guild to beat it on epic and some of our guildies didn't make it for this but our friends from Fallen Heroes, Ransack, Loreseekers, Wanderlust, Pilchards and Lava Divers put in a great effort. I think we had a pretty good plan and we executed well so hopefully we'll have a chance to do it more often including having some other friends like 'I will shine your shoes Mr. Clean', 'old balls Halls', 'I'm in your pants Draz', 'grandpa foghorn leghorn Karl', 'I'm a man Dymanda', 'I play with my own Ruel', 'wonk my steenky Wiggles', 'destitute in a van down by the river Desteria', 'yes I took it out Stoc-er' and 'handsome beef jerker Sal' around to keep 'sad face uncle Norg' from crying ...he cries alot :`(

    If you're wondering what the little chat is about, since it took a little longer Chastyn drank a 'few' extra pots to maintain some aggro Merado jumped around like a madman for 20 mins making him dizzy and unfortunately for Niyo who did all the traps (and I hep'd!) he died and accidentally hit the release button ... oh noes!

    A nice achievement... guild level 90! With many guildies busy with real life I'm glad we had a chance to hit this achievement where once again it's exclaimed across Khyber... who the f are The Prophets of the New Republic? No you can't join the guild and trust me you don't want to use the hot tub there's Draz everywhere!
    Doktr Strangelove
    Prophets of the New Republic (Khyber)
    Artoro, Aryenne, Docktr, Doktr, Mickee, Nilla, Pania, Peewpeewpeew, Rong, Zooee

  2. #2
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006



  3. #3
    Community Member BlackPantha2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Nice one!


  4. #4
    Community Member Salkanor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Default Haha....

    ...nice names that you have for everyone.

    "Don't Get Any On Ya'!"
    Guild: Prophets Of The New Republic

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