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  1. #41
    Community Member Feralthyrtiaq's Avatar
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    Default Personally...

    I am not a fan of endgame "epic" non-sense. If I want to try a different class or class combo and do not have a character slot then I will TR and existing character.

    Some characters I have a plan for. Some are just for trying new things. Like "Returning" First Life 12Rogue TA/8Monk Human Staff user, Second Life 19Rogue/1Monk Horc UA Assassin, This life he's Helf pure Artificer and coincidentally also my Main crafter.

    Mokune is my planned "Completionist"

    Thaumat was a Pre-Savant Sorc and I didn't like kiting in ToD with him so I TRd into a Helf PM Wizard

    Drow Str Based Rogue is fun to play but would rather be a Helf Str based Rogue or Dark Monk/Rogue Mix

    Drow Cleric is a great healer but not tough enough for my play style so, once I get 20 HoX completions and a possilbe Lorrik's Shield he will get TRd

    Drow FVS may never get a TR one day but would more than likely TR Thaumat into a FVS at some future time.

    The list goes on..

    TR gives you the opportunity to play your geared loved toons again and they become a little more powerfull each time.

    I suppose I could stick around at 20 and pound my head with big Epic brick but OMG *Ouch*

  2. #42
    Community Member redraider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Galeria View Post
    Some people rush to the finish line, some people enjoy the journey.
    This says it all.

    TR'ing is not for everyone.

    Epic end game grinding in not for everyone.
    Captain's Crew - Ghallanda

  3. #43
    Community Member Terebinthia's Avatar
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    I TRed my cleric, Terebinthia, because the lag monster screwed up a Greater Reincarnation and it was the only way to fix her. I toy with TRing for past lives that will improve her casting capabilities but really I only want one double TR to work on at a time.

    I TRed my FvS, Tereana, because she was the best geared of my toons and I dislike grinding out raid loot on multiple toons. She's been a deep splash bardbarian for the barb past life and I'm currently doing my bard life because I enjoyed the 8 bard splash so much. She's aiming for completionist eventually but it's a toss up whether they will switch the servers off before I get there, I level sloooowly (and want 20 VON completions this life for that perishing sword). If I get there she will be a FvS.

    Of the toons I haven't TRed I have no intention of TRing the ranger or the paladin. I may TR the wizard once I get to cap, unsure. The monk would benefit from a TR but I will probably cap a bard instead, which will complete my planned toons.

    I'm not a major fan of raid loot grinding, it was nice to have one character with all the gadgetry. This way I raid when I feel like it on my capped toons and am zen about the loot coming when it comes.
    Terebinthia, Terebynthia, Tereana, Tereaina, Tereanna, Terebyte, Terechan, Terebinthis
    The Hand of the Black Tower, Khyber.
    Cupcakes welcomed.

  4. #44
    Community Member grayham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Davanyn View Post
    so you get a past life feat for free, but the rest cost you.

    you get a couple more Ability Points.

    you have to grind more to level, i understand why, ok.

    and you get storage for all the sruff you accumulated during your last life on your person at the time of TR..

    Supposedly you lose all your back and bag space that you earned and favor as well.

    ok so really, is this worth it? what am i missing that makes this such a great thing?
    OP. When you break it down into 'hard gains', the case for TR'ing is not overwhelming, given that a first life toon can achieve an awful lot. In the end I did it purely for a PL feat and the extra points. How surprised I was then, when I found the journey really enjoyable, discovered content I'd ignored previously and brought all my skills/knowledge to bear in 'new' content. I would recommend it.

  5. #45
    Community Member WruntJunior's Avatar
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    For me, the biggest thing about TRing is getting to enjoy my favorite toons again...while making them better.

    For example, Wruntsploit, my exploiter, is currently being TRed as a fighter 3 times (on his second fighter life now). I can't exactly say fighter is my favorite class, but it's fun, I'm getting to spend time leveling with a good friend, and I'm making my favorite character better. And that's what DDO is about to me...having fun and spending time with friends while making my characters awesome(r).

    That said, if you don't enjoy leveling, TRing isn't for you. But if you do, TRing can make your character very powerful. Even just doing something like getting to 36 point builds (huge for ac toons, monks, casters, anyone with MAD) or getting 3 fighter past lives (+3 to hit is HUGE, really REALLY huge) will make a character much more powerful.

    But at the end of the day, it's about having fun with a friend (or friends) while leveling again and again.
    Pestilence: Wruntjunior ~ Dragonborn Fire Sorc (finished completionist project) // Wruntarrow ~ HW Archer // Youngwrunt ~ SWF SDK Bardbarian // Wruntstaff ~ Stick Melee (current tr project)

  6. #46
    Community Member Aztek's Avatar
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    Here are the 2-3 characters I am thinking of TRing (I don't have the mentality to do this very fast unless i run w/ some guildies of like mind. The new XP definitely helps at low levels, although I'm not sure ppl are going to do Shroud Elites etc. all the time so a few ppl can continue their bravery bonus streaks, but we'll see...

    1. Human 18 Wiz/2 Rogue (evasion, UMD) - I want to make him WF pure wizard. Can't change race without a TR. and I get a +1 to spell DC from granted past life feat. Not shabby. oh and 2 stat points.

    2. Human 16 Pal/3 monk/1 rogue (Healing Amp "Phoenix" build)... this is still fun buttttt they nerfed the monk build (probably to what it was supposed to be but cmon how did that hurt anything) so my cure light wound attacks that used to be level 20 are now level 3 basically. My self-healing amp with two greensteels is pretty fun but the massive healing amp punch is gone. Either i keep this very soloable but lower DPS character or I TR him into the favored soul i finally unlocked with 2,500 favor because i don't want to buy yet another character slot. Or I choose someone else. we'll see.

    3. Artificer - can't lesser reincarnate so my 12 rogue/3 fighter needs to level to 20 and TR to get the artificer levels i want to finally put my stupid wicked repeater collection to use. OR i could wait and see if they allow lesser reincarnate to artificer in U12... choices, choices....

    4. I TRed my ranger, who was originally going to be a bow user primarily but now is tempest/melee primarily. however i am toying with the idea of TRing a 2nd time into a half-elf AA and maybe not so pure ranger this time. The past life feat (each time up to 3 TRs (maybe only 2?) gives +2 to ranged damage i believe....).

    So these are my reasons. I really probably won't TR all of 1-3 at least not anytime soon, but the Wizard i probabably will for sure after i get some more gear like Shroud, TOD etc. if I can get in any pugs with the new changes LOL. Squishy wizard = bad kiter!
    Ghallanda - Spock's elvish cousin, not to mention his other Pointy* (Eared and otherwise) alts

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Galeria View Post
    I don't enjoy end game content much, and I certainly wouldn't want to do the same dozen quests over and over every day. Bleh.

    I love TRing with more powerful stats and gear because I enjoy the game. Some people rush to the finish line, some people enjoy the journey.
    This. I always find it funny that people think of TRing as a grind, when it is the exact opposite, it gives you access to the most content by far. The idea of "endgame" perplexes me. Just bigger numbers is all. If you want variety and content, TR.

    Grind=playing same quest over and over again. I refuse to do that.

  8. #48
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  9. #49
    The Hatchery MRMechMan's Avatar
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    40% favor
    30% cache space
    25% running through the game with raidloot at your fingertips
    5% cap gets boring after a while

  10. #50
    Hero Nahual's Avatar
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    Really 2 extra points wont make you feel stronger. What does is having all the backed up loot at level. example: GS items at lvl 11 GS weapons at lvl 12.

    That makes all the difference in the tr process.

    What you gain from the passive past life feats just adds up as you continue to tr.
    Kasik ~Rogue~ Fui ~ Barb ~ Emmeryl ~ Clr ~ Hilcias ~ Sorc ~
    Cool kids play on Mabar!

  11. #51
    Community Member gloopygloop's Avatar
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    My opinion on TRing:

    If you enjoy the process of leveling to 20 and you really like an existing character, you can level that character all over again. You also get to use all of your existing gear - and for many character, there were a lot more hours spent at 20 gathering that gear than the hours spent getting to 20 in the first place.

  12. #52
    Community Member gloopygloop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Davanyn View Post
    i have heard a rumor anbout higher starting HP adn SP but i cant find anything to confirm this.
    A TR'd character will generally have higher HP at any particular level below than a character that isn't TR'd because a TR'd character will tend to have significantly better gear than a character who hasn't had an opportunity to gather Bound to Character gear - this has particualr significace from level 11 onward because a TR'd character will usually have a greensteel +45 HP item and may also have a +150 SP item as well as various other "twink" items. If they've spent enough time in the raid Against The Demon Queen/Zawabi's Revenge, then they'll effectively have infinite spell points while leveling once the hit the minimum level to wear the Torc of Prince Raiyum-de that will slowly recharge their SP as they are hit in combat.

    A character that has a "big brother" farming Bound to Account items or just plain spending big money on the Auction House for him will have similar advantages over a character that is acquiring all of his own gear with only funds acquired by that character.

    Aside from some very minor benefits from passive past lives or a moderate advantage in HP from the active Barbarian past life, any increased HP or SP on a TR'd character will be from gear.

  13. #53
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    Arrow Revenge

    Quote Originally Posted by SirValentine View Post
    It's not the destination, it's the journey.
    Personally, I make a note of every quest and entities in said quest that kicked my butt. Then, when capped, I go back into that quest and obliterate those felons with my superior abilities and gear. For some it's the destination, for some it's the journey for me its revenge.

  14. #54
    The Hatchery zwiebelring's Avatar
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    ok so really, is this worth it? what am i missing that makes this such a great thing?
    Increased stat points make some builds work at all. So, you have the option on building up a very strong character concept.

    But, likewise, more stat points give opportunities for flavor builds and in general, more multiclassing. Half Orc Wizard e. g., maybe as melee type.

    If the cost is worth it is nothing you can generalize. My personal fun is thinking about a concept and test it and when it works out, it creates biggest fun for me. More stats means I can think about more concepts, so porbably more chances to have fun with this game .
    Characters on Orien:
    Wanzer/ Klingtanz/ Incanta Superior/ Mercantus

  15. #55
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    The end game in DDO is just plain horrible.

    Farming gear sucks, not fun at all.

    Epics... meh

    Challenges... nice try altough I'm pretty sure challenges are more of a try to make more money than a try to make another thing to do at maxed level.

    Basicly when I get to 20 I stay there 4-5 days untill I get bored then I TR.

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Davanyn View Post
    oh boy and a feather and wings around your name. (cool looking)

    i have heard a rumor anbout higher starting HP adn SP but i cant find anything to confirm this.

    what benefits? the wiki doesnt really state much in that corner and i just cant find the info on the forums.

    so some people want to make it even harder to get to Lv 20, and that is fun? it took me over a year to get to 20...
    Well if you tr after being a barb you start with more hp and if you tr as a sorc and Ithink a fvs you start with my sp if your new life has sp

    Beware the Sleepeater

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