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  1. #21
    Community Member Jakarr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Davanyn View Post
    honestly, i kinda enjoy end game content when i am not frustrated that i keep failing it..

    so the only real perk is that you get a couple extra Ability points (which could be useful, depending on where you put them) and a free past life feat, the rest of which you have to use your feats to obtain (i understand why..)

    i have heard ppl that tell me they are more powerful but i just dont get it.. how? and dont tell me 2 abilty points and a feat do that much...
    Its like another thread that is around, its all about fun. Some people enjoy questing from lvl 1-20, I love TR'n as it allows me to cont playing my main toon and enjoy the questing and gear.

    While the reward may not equal the means it still is fun and a challange for many.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien_the_First_One View Post
    D&D promotes gang activity? Ya, because when I meet a bunch of Crypts I obviously assume they are all D20 players.
    What a stupid ruling, we all know that D&D promotes satanism, not gangs.
    In-Game Eldgrim The Gray-FvS Life Now

  2. #22
    Community Member FreDDyoShIie's Avatar
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    Actually it was my bad for what i appologise, still someone that takes Barb PL without taking Berserker's Fury later will, IMO, fail in the build... so those 10hp will in fact be at least 30. But then again its just my opinion and i rather not enter in this kind of discutions with such uber(...) players as you guys are.
    “Pretend inferiority and encourage his arrogance”
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  3. #23
    Community Member Esserbe's Avatar
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    That's kind of a silly thing to say. Not all builds require berserker's fury, in fact for a great deal many builds it would be a very bad choice. The free HPs are, however, always good.

  4. #24
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    Duh, so you can be totally uber with max Spell Pen and DC's, and you can join TR LFM's and get a +3 skill bonus to riducle pn00bz! oh, and have a gimpy barb past life since they fixed it.

  5. #25
    The Hatchery SisAmethyst's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDearLeader View Post
    Then you'd be right, but 7 posts behind me already having said so.
    hehe yes, noticed that afterwards, was 3 minutes to late ... seems I am sometimes a bit slow on posting answers

    To the OP: It has been already said, but the only other choice you have is either to reroll a completely new character or run epic till the end of the day. The first one has the disadvantage that you can't take you BTC loot that you earned in your journey with you, TR does let you.
    Last edited by SisAmethyst; 09-24-2011 at 12:10 PM.
    * We have collectable bags, mind you, even hireling folders, but can I have that 6-pack for my potions please?
    * Having already a past life on the dieng EU servers, I rerolled here and started from scratch as I like the game and the community, so lets see what awaits me here

  6. #26
    Community Member Indoran's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Davanyn View Post
    oh boy and a feather and wings around your name. (cool looking)

    i have heard a rumor anbout higher starting HP adn SP but i cant find anything to confirm this.

    what benefits? the wiki doesnt really state much in that corner and i just cant find the info on the forums.

    so some people want to make it even harder to get to Lv 20, and that is fun? it took me over a year to get to 20...
    Past life feats have 2 flavours. You get 1 for free and you can take the other at level 3 onward.

    Mostly my incentive to tr is because Past life feats (pl) can be very good... and it can explain why they told you that toons can start with more hp/sp.

    Barb past life feat gives a few hp

    Sorc and FvS pl feat gives a bit of sp (ridiculously low amount but they also give other benefits)

    Paladin pl is amazing for WF toons. Monk pl is great for all melee. Barb pl recently got adjusted so no longer overpowered (sad panda) Fighter pl is good specially when imp. sunder just became THAT good. Ranger can be good for arti.

    And so on... be sure to check ddowiki regarding this topic, as my post never intended to be a comprehensive guide on this topic. but be sure... pl feats improve your toon in a very noticeable way (without the need to go for completionist).
    Khyber: Pinel / Laerak / Sibeli / Kaeral / Gilmara - Crafter

  7. #27
    Community Member Feylina's Avatar
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    consider what the passives can do to help make toons stronger.

    2 past life bard + 1 past life wizard = 18/2 wizard with the same enchantment dc's and spell pen as a 1 lifer (course necro will suffer a bit)

    or what i'm going for

    1 past life fvs (cause i started there) + 1 past life wiz + 3 past life sorc = 1 hellacious implosion! (and some kickass bb's as well)
    I am roleplaying. My toons are zergers.

  8. #28
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    The main purpose of the Lesser and Greater Reincarnation was to facilitate respecing/fixing of a character without having to Re-Roll it.

    True Reincarnations purpose was to allow a person to replay the entire game using the same character, thus keeping anything that was bound.

    True Reincarnation works for playstyles for those that are Power minded - want to get more and for those that just enjoyed some of the lower, mid level quests more than the Higher/End Game content.

    Personally I only have 5 Characters - I limit myself here just for my own sanity. Being able to have one of them at a low level, one at mid level and others at High or End Game means that I can always squeeze in something depending on the time I have available.

    I have always loved playing the each of the quests and what makes things fun is how each quest has changed over the last 5 years - change in story line, location, difficulties. This alone keeps them fresh and fun for me.

    I TR to be able to do it again, maybe this time with a little more seasoning... Its the Journey.

  9. #29
    Community Member Daedalis's Avatar
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    Default To TR or Not To TR....that is the question

    I think a lot has to do with the character that is going to be built as a last life. Building up +1 to all spells, increasing HP and SP, etc for a last life Wizzie or Sorc would be beneficial. And you can do the same to boost a melee, rogue, or any class.

    You have feat starved builds that would benefit from some free past life feats.

    Some do it for the challenge of playing a different class/race.

    Some do it for bragging rights....takes a lot to get a 3rd life or greater to cap.

    And if your lucky enough to get completionist...that is +2 to all skills and all stats if i'm not mistaken. That is a very tasty bonus....but a lot of lives to run through to obtain it.

    Personally, I TR'ed my sorc because:
    1. he was my first attempt at building a sorc
    2. he was super squishy
    3. not very well geared for end game (i know that I could farm items...but that still wouldn't help the squishy in him)
    4. needed some major revamping for the new prestige class

    So I TR'ed him into a Wizzie...only up to lvl 7, and will mostly likely stay there until my Arti gets to level 20.

    Class & Race changes is the spice that can keep the same game refreshing. Running a quest as a barb and then changing gears to a sorc or cleric is going to make the player change tactics and learn to play from a new perspective.

  10. #30
    Community Member Milfeulle's Avatar
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    For poor people like me, TRing will grant me Turbine Points without buying more character slot. Each TR I can get about 400~500 TP so there's no need to spend any money into DDO.
    Khyber - Pilchards: Milfeulle (Completionist Sorc), Milreaf/Millefeuille/Mireiyu(20 drone Wiz), Eweca (20 Wiz at life 5)
    Sarlona - Black hands & Black feet: Misakamikoto (18/1/1 Ranger at life 3)

  11. #31
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    wow thanks guys!
    All Entertainment Value. the Heals are free, its the killing that will cost you
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  12. #32
    Community Member Tsuarok's Avatar
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    So, I think that the rewards are not that powerful because turbine wanted TRing to be a character advancement option for those who enjoy leveling, but not a requirement for those who don't.

    Personally, I TR because I enjoy leveling. I usually spend a month or so at cap before I get bored with my build, then TR again.

    There is a lot more content in the lower levels.

  13. #33
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    Well the way i see it is that TR benefits are permanent while equipment tends to get outdated at some point. Which means the time you spend grinding for items at cap might be wasted later.

    Besides getting a 36 point build you can get:

    1: With 3 monk and 3 figher lives you get the equivalent of +6 permanent str.
    2: With 3 ranger lives you get +6 dmg to ranged attacks that equals 12 str when ranged and +6 to all resists.
    3: 3 wizard lives would give you +9 spell penetration and a very nice feat option.
    .... etc

    It can actually be quite powerful.

  14. #34
    Community Member DeafeningWhisper's Avatar
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    Well I for one will likely have to TR my wiz, my feat choices are too limited as a 1st lifer to get anything more the 40 Necro DC and 36 Enchantment DC, both too low for end game content. TRing will also allow me change race, going from Drow to Human allows me 4 extra con, which is nothing to sneeze at, as soon as I get my Mabar robe, Spyglass and Torc I'm going back to noob island.

  15. #35
    Community Member ainmosni's Avatar
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    Eating Tomes. whats the point?

    it's just +1 to hit, +1 damage... a few more hitpoints... an extra DC..... couple more spellpoints...... slightly higher class skills.......

    oh yeah, you can get all these through TRing. i can finish a 36 point life a LOT faster than i can farm a +4 tome.

  16. #36
    Community Member Templarion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Galeria View Post
    I don't enjoy end game content much, and I certainly wouldn't want to do the same dozen quests over and over every day. Bleh.

    I love TRing with more powerful stats and gear because I enjoy the game. Some people rush to the finish line, some people enjoy the journey.
    Yeah. It's all about the journey.

  17. #37
    Community Member BoBo2020's Avatar
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    The OP's original question was "what's the point?"

    You could also ask: What's the point of spending action points?
    What's the point of leveling up?
    What's the point of getting new gear.

    There is no real point, per se, it's just a game.
    In this case, it allows you to experience the game differently (as a caster, as a melee, as a split class) etc.

    TRing allows for character growth.
    TRing allows you to make your character stronger, more versatile or both.
    TRing (especially with the bravery bonus and motivation to open quests on elite) is fun.


  18. #38
    Founder tfangel's Avatar
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    So far i have one TR, but as soon as my arty fister hits 20, i'll probably do the same with her. I prefer running the quests to any end game, and since there are few quests at 20 i can do if i don't raid (prefer the shorter ones, not the long group ones), i tend to go right back to 1. i'm not the fastest leveler, but it's fun to keep the character, even if you can change things, it's more the spirit of it with me. The stat bonuses are just icing on the cake, and for what it's worth, my wizard did feel more powerful even with the few points increase.

  19. #39
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    From what I've learned from friends and guildies that have TR'd, it's good for a good many things, as well as being able to fix mistakes you made on the toon in the first place. Like I did with my first toon.

  20. #40
    Hero Gkar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jakarr View Post
    This, Dungeons and Dragons imo has always been about the journey and not so much the destination.
    Agreed. I get bored with my L20s. Oh sure I raid with the guild, but that's mostly to raid with the guild. Once my characters hit 20 I used to go roll something new, now I get a new life on an existing character, and I can have some fun raid gear along the way to help with levelling.

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