I do not play Permadeath - Too easy to die in this game compared to PnP.
Sorry if this next statement is wrong but:
From what I've read on these forums I haven't seen a single post implying that any Permadeath Guild in the game enforces 1 death that's it - What makes you think Turbine would enforce a rule that the Permadeath Guild's do not?
D&D has always allowed resurrections up to a number of times based on your initial {base} Con.
{Base} Con - No Lvl ups, No items, No tomes.
Raise Dead = 6th lvl Elf Cleric/FS of the Undying Court, 9th lvl Cleric, 10th lvl FS.
What happens when Shroud kills everyone in the party btw? Under your suggestion the game would autolog every Permadeath character instantly.