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I understand that it's probably tradition to have characters have set feats, attributes, skills, and bonuses, but you could do so much with that. Take two level 1, just starting out, human whirlwind fighters. Both of them have EXACTLY the same stats. Now depending on what feats they choose, and what they choose to spend their action points on, they will end up having some differences, but you strip the feats and action points, and then you have to same character again. I think it would make the game that much more interesting, and the character building process would be loads funner, to be able to choose where your attribute points go, what feats you start with, and skills. You wouldn't have to change much to the character creation screen, except add another option. One to build a custom character. Meaning you start with a set amount of attribute points you can spend, and put into whatever you want, choosing what skills you use and which ones you do not, and choosing what feats you start out with, and then choose a class that is the basis of your character, or you could choose individual things that the character would have, spell points, ki, no spell points, etc. After that, you could add one trainer to every place that has trainers called "Custom Class Trainer" of which you would choose all of the bonuses you get from leveling up, and also could choose from any of the pool of things you could spend your action points on based on being a melee class, a monk, or a caster class ( one with spell points) like say you had a fighter, you would have access to all the feats of that any of the fighter classes could get if you chose a base class for your character, or you would have access to all of the feats of melee types if you only chose certain parts of your character. You could choose to build a character with no spell points, no ki, and no spell capabilities, and then pick from the range of feats and action points that a character with that type of build could have, or you could choose the basis of your character to be a cleric, and only have access to feats and action points that a cleric (in any path) could take. Thus creating a more customized atmosphere. Perhaps that is going to overboard, but to me I think it would make the game that much more interesting to play. Knowing that you can log on to a character that is being built just the way you want them to be built. As far as race bonuses go, you would have to keep the bonuses, because if you had the ability to exchange a race specific bonus for another race specific bonus, it would eliminate having to choose what race you wanted based on your build, thus making races only what you wanted to look like. The cool thing about this idea is that people could still go in, pick a class, pick a path, pick a race, and pick their facial features, and then go play like nothing ever changed, and others could go into creating their very own character.