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  1. #1
    Community Member AestorTheKnight's Avatar
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    Dec 2009

    Default Epic Outfits and Epic Combat Robes.

    At present in DDO there is not a single Outfit that can be upgraded to an Epic version. There are a few named Outfits in the game, Garments of Equilibrium, Enlightened Vestments and Icy Raiment, come to think of it are the only high level named Outfits, and niether of them can be made Epic.

    There are plenty of named Robes that can be upgraded to Epic, but none of them are geared towards combative classes, they are all designed with casters in mind. Even Epic Vulkoorim Dervish Robe, which one imagines would be worn by amazingly agile Drow Ranger Tempest with Short Swords, has Efficient Maximise II on it... Why?

    Ok theres Epic Red Dragon Robe thats good for Monks, but its still certainly not designed with Monks in mind. Well not reeally anyways, it at least still looks like a "Caster Item."

    So where are the Epic Outfits?

    Where are the Epic Robes geared towards super high dexterity melee or archer Classes?

    Heres a couple of suggestions:

    Majestic Aikidogi

    These glittering martial uniforms were worn by Prince Masake's elite Zen Samurai. They bear his crest which symbolises strength and fortitude and the design of these robes exemplify those ideals.


    Min Level 12.

    +6 Armour Bonus.


    Enhanced Ki +1


    Zen Blade. +1 to Hit and +2 to Damage with Slashing or Piercing Weapons.


    Epic Majestic Aikidogi

    These glittering martial uniforms were worn by Prince Masake's elite Zen Samurai. They bear his crest which symbolises strength and fortitude and the design of these robes exemplify those ideals.


    Min Level 20.

    +10 Armour Bonus. (This may seem over powered, but if Epic Caster Robes get +8 Armour AC, then why shouldnt Robes designed for fortidue in melee combat get an extra +2 - but some balance issues here with other Epic items sadly - Just a suggestion really +8 would be fine )

    Exceptional Toughness. +30 HP (Doesnt stack with Toughness).

    +2 Dodge.

    Enhanced Ki +1

    Epic Zen Blade. +3 to hit and +5 to damage with Slash or Pierceing Weapons. Competance Bonus.

    Deflect Blades. As Deflect Arrows Feat except vs Slashing Melee Attacks.

    Colourless Augment Slot

    Blue Augment Slot.


    Mystical Aikidogi

    These shimmering martial uniforms were worn by Prince Masakes elite Spies. They bear no crest, but instead are embroidered with strange translucent runes, unknown to the sages of Xendrik.


    Min Level 12

    +6 Armor Bonus

    Striding 25%


    Enhanced Ki +1

    Spearblock, Hammerblock.


    Epic Mystical Aikidogi

    These shimmering martial uniforms were worn by Prince Masakes elite Spies. They bear no crest, but instead are embroidered with strange translucent runes, unknown to the sages of Xendrik.


    Min Level 20

    +8 Armour Bonus.

    Striding +30%

    Mystical Mobility: +6 AC when Tumbling and 25% Incorporeal Miss Chance.

    Enhanced Ki +1

    +4 Dodge.

    Deflect Arrows. Grants Deflect Arrows Feat. - Only works vs Arrows and Throwing Weapons.

    Deflect Blows. As Deflect Arrows Feat, except works vs Bludgeoning Melee attacks.

    Blue Augment Slot.


    These two Armors i have described above could work really well for any Robe or Outfit wearing combatant class, be it Rogue or Monk or Ranger or Evasion Fighter.

    So you guys get the idea. Some Epic Outfits or Robes that suit combatant classes, instead of just casters.

    Just seems kinda sad that at the moment the best stuff for Outfit / Robe wearers is Icy Raiment or Garments or DT Outfit / Robe. Ok thats at least some choice, but when compared to the amazing variety of suits of Epic Armors its certainly a gap in the gear available for those wanting to wear Outfits or Robes. A gap i look forward to seeing filled in the future.

    Thanks for reading, comments welcome!
    Last edited by AestorTheKnight; 09-24-2011 at 12:52 AM.
    So in everything, do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

    Cannith: Arqa - Celduin - Gnossos - and others.

  2. #2
    Community Member altrocks's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by AestorTheKnight View Post
    At present in DDO there is not a single Outfit that can be upgraded to an Epic version. There are a few named Outfits in the game, Garments of Equilibrium, Enlightened Vestments and Icy Raiment, come to think of it are the only high level named Outfits, and niether of them can be made Epic.

    There are plenty of named Robes that can be upgraded to Epic, but none of them are geared towards combative classes, they are all designed with casters in mind. Even Epic Vulkoorim Dervish Robe, which one imagines would be worn by amazingly agile Drow Ranger Tempest with Short Swords, has Efficient Maximise II on it... Why?

    Ok theres Epic Red Dragon Robe thats good for Monks, but its still certainly not designed with Monks in mind. Well not reeally anyways, it at least still looks like a "Caster Item."

    So where are the Epic Outfits?

    Where are the Epic Robes geared towards super high dexterity melee or archer Classes?

    Heres a couple of suggestions:

    Majestic Aikidogi

    These glittering martial uniforms were worn by Prince Masake's elite Zen Samurai. They bear his crest which symbolises strength and fortitude and the design of these robes exemplify those ideals.


    Min Level 12.

    +6 Armour Bonus.


    Enhanced Ki +1


    Zen Blade. +1 to Hit and +2 to Damage with Slashing or Piercing Weapons.


    Epic Majestic Aikidogi

    These glittering martial uniforms were worn by Prince Masake's elite Zen Samurai. They bear his crest which symbolises strength and fortitude and the design of these robes exemplify those ideals.


    Min Level 20.

    +10 Armour Bonus. (This may seem over powered, but if Epic Caster Robes get +8 Armour AC, then why shouldnt Robes designed for fortidue in melee combat get an extra +2 - but some balance issues here with other Epic items sadly - Just a suggestion really +8 would be fine )

    Exceptional Toughness. +30 HP (Doesnt stack with Toughness).

    +2 Dodge.

    Enhanced Ki +1

    Epic Zen Blade. +3 to hit and +5 to damage with Slash or Pierceing Weapons. Competance Bonus.

    Deflect Blades. As Deflect Arrows Feat except vs Slashing Melee Attacks.

    Colourless Augment Slot

    Blue Augment Slot.


    Mystical Aikidogi

    These shimmering martial uniforms were worn by Prince Masakes elite Spies. They bear no crest, but instead are embroidered with strange translucent runes, unknown to the sages of Xendrik.


    Min Level 12

    +6 Armor Bonus

    Striding 25%


    Enhanced Ki +1

    Spearblock, Hammerblock.


    Mystical Aikidogi

    These shimmering martial uniforms were worn by Prince Masakes elite Spies. They bear no crest, but instead are embroidered with strange translucent runes, unknown to the sages of Xendrik.


    Min Level 20

    +8 Armour Bonus.

    Striding +30%

    Mystical Mobility: +6 AC when Tumbling and 25% Incorporeal Miss Chance.

    Enhanced Ki +1

    +4 Dodge.

    Deflect Arrows. Grants Deflect Arrows Feat. - Only works vs Arrows and Throwing Weapons.

    Deflect Blows. As Deflect Arrows Feat, except works vs Bludgeoning Melee attacks.

    Blue Augment Slot.


    These two Armors i have described above could work really well for any Robe or Outfit wearing combatant class, be it Rogue or Monk or Ranger or Evasion Fighter.

    So you guys get the idea. Some Epic Outfits or Robes that suit combatant classes, instead of just casters.

    Just seems kinda sad that at the moment the best stuff for Outfit / Robe wearers is Icy Raiment or Garments or DT Outfit / Robe. Ok thats at least some choice, but when compared to the amazing variety of suits of Epic Armors its certainly a gap in the gear available for those wanting to wear Outfits or Robes. A gap i look forward to seeing filled in the future.

    Thanks for reading, comments welcome!
    I could definitely get behind something like this. Lots of leather/light armors out there, but if you want your DEX AC bonus with over 30 DEX, you're pretty much out of luck when it comes to epic gear. I've done fine with epic CC leathers on my rogue and DT outfit on my ranger, though. It would have to be a pretty epic Epic Outfit to make me rework my gear.
    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    as for voice actors I wanted Betty White for Lolth but I got voted down.
    Khyber: Alelric - Wiz 5 (Hero), Arayaleth - Ranger 20 AA (Champion), Altrocks - Cleric 20 Radiant Servant (Champion), Zinnix - Rogue 20 Assassin (Champion)

  3. #3
    Community Member Jay203's Avatar
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    Feb 2007


    no, unless you make these available to WF as well....
    PS: Greensteel RUINED the game! and you all know it!
    less buffing, more nerfing!!!
    to make it easier for those of you that wants to avoid me in game, all my characters are in "Bladesworn Mercenaries"

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