As an old DM still play PnP(i learnt that today). Completely new to online play Its a nightmare PUG F2P P2P bad enuf txtin .
Been playing a month or so got 3 mth vip . Got pc's on Sarlona on Thelanis. I prefer Thelanis. I am not very good at directions, get lost, backtrack but have fun all the same. Today i got an 8 bravery streak with a L2/3 Wiz Solo.
I would enjoy to be part of a RP group. i am on often but like soloing. A few hours here an there, regular sessions if required of 'Meeting up with the party' '" Well met Krimble" a gnome of renown after collecting the parts of a very powerful magic from the ruins of Myth Drannor. "Well met Aliether" No mistaking this one an Elf who once had the fortune/misfortune of owning The Ring of aliether a greedy treasure eating mischeavoius(but not stupid but still greedy to the last moment) Ring. It hard severla powers but needed? feeding gold/gems/magic rings in fact anything small shiny, sshhhh don't even mention mithril.
I've read the forums and guilds till i am dizzy.
I am staying on thelanis
I'll earn you guild points 5, 10, 50 at a time he he.
Invite me
Slowmo Kromble and Covuk