Last edited by DnDo-Lemau; 09-26-2011 at 03:56 AM.
Caution: Rabid Shampoo Fan. Interaction at personal risk. :3
Toons (Ghallanda): Lemau d'Jorasco (Mnk20E2TR2), Alitrania (Wiz20), Gracethyra d'Cannith (Art20TR1), Merilidoc (Rog5Rng13Art2TR7 - Completionist that never ends), Shampoofan (Rog5Mnk4Drd8)
Does anyone noticed a downgrade of the sneak attack dps?Maybe tharnes or some enchantment aren't working?
I would like you to take a look at this MajMalphunktion when you can Since U11, I'm having sound issus that I didn't had before. I'm now having the background sound/music of some areas following me: Airship background sound, Shop sound, House k music, Clapping combat sound (example, when you have one of those minos near you in the VoN2 maze).
I have these almost on a regular basis, and the only way to fix it, is to close the game and restart it, logging out and back in dosn't work, I've even seen the sound continue in the character selection page two or three times.
Anyone else having sound issues since U11?
Guild I'm one of a kind, Khyber
Current Crew: Raika ~ Carolanne ~ Sulthania ~ Yasminne ~ Zazette
Semi-Active Crew: Rosanna ~ Venusia ~ Coriza
Retired Crew: Alexandra ~ Samara ~ Zaretta ~ Carelle ~ Katina ~ Nathalya ~ Kristina ~ Nausikaa ~ Carietta ~ Isabella ~ Zyvorra ~ Hetoff
Guild The Ashen, Khyber (Originally from Riedra)
Retired Crew: Zazumi
Are Alchemical Shields going to be fixed in the patch aswell? Would really like to start doing my DoS Paladins Heavy Shield
I haven't read the whole thread .
But what about the new metamagic feats change which are buged ?
You can notice that easily when you put to a spell quicken always on . Sometime it works sometimes it doesn't. My guess is that also other meta magics buged.
Any comment about that ?
One Monk To Gimp Them All
Europe Devourer Beta Player
Arise Founder
Daemus, Daemons, Daemonicus Thelanis Server
• Mabar Handwraps will no longer be horribly OP.
Good point on the shared bank slots thing except I use it to store highly valuable items like Blood Stones, Firestorm Greaves, etc as well as move any currently non-bound twink gear around.
On the bright side, this is like gaining a lot of shared bank space for no investment. Thanks Turbine!![]()
Ryiah | Raeyah | ReikaraThe Band of Gypsys
*If "New Turbine" can do this, I'll be happy...
This = Remove all feats that increase monk unarmed damage. Replace them with feats that give a bonus to damage in nDX form to both unarmed damage and "handwraps" damage. Thus allowing handwraps to be coded like every other stinking weapon in the game, rather than this weird idea that handwraps should enchant the monk's fists... Which leads to crazy problems every time an update comes out that affects all weapons (handwraps included), as the coders invariably forget that the handwraps work differently than every other weapon... Now, that was a long, drawn out sentence or two, but it just makes freaking sense. Change the way extra unarmed damage is given to monks, and make handwraps like every other weapon in the game.
In short, admit when the old code you wrote was a mistake, and rewrite it, so it bloody works.
Please =)
Will there be some preview time on Llama-land before the patch is rolled out?
Tnx for the weekly update. These updates have been a big boost for Turbine keep them coming.
So, if I get it right, the hot fix is not active yet, right? I still have the time to upgrade that epic ring of buccaneer from the +6DEX+7DEX version to the fixed one, or will it BtC now?
Also, why isn't this plastered left-right, top-botom and over diagonals over the page, launcher, launcher tip screens and everywhere? I only now know about it because I randomly stumbled into this thread.
It'd fail so hard if I upgraded my epic tier II short sword to tier III only to realize it's now permanently bound to a level 1 barbarian named "eventstuff storehere", needless to say, predestined to stay at level 1 if not be deleted eventually.
Srsly, work out funny quotes into it if you must, like "Pirate code is actually just a suggestion, loot be BtC now, yarr.", "Pirates be plundering, hold onto yer loot, 'less ye want it BtC. Savvy?" but please, let people KNOW.
OTOH, thanks for saving me the bother of farming CC again. If it's all BtC, there's little point to get any of it.
What I don't get:
Why isn't this much talked about patch/hotfix on Lamannia right now?
We all know too well how things turn out when patches go straight to live without any player testing.
(BADLY for those new)
So let me get this strait, you guys borked crafted handwraps before to give monks ULTIMATE dps... and as soon as it really became public knowledge.... there was an emergency patch a day later... now I dont dissagree that patch was needed...yet bugs that have plague handwraps and specifically crafted handwraps that adversly affect players, you guys get to when you have time, and it takes weeks or months to get the fixes in.
So old turbine... most bugs that effect players being able to exploit game features, 90% of time fixed asap... most bugs that effect players being downgraded or making features useles... 90 % of the time fixed when they get to it....
So maj... you keep saying new turbine right?????
Umm... new turbine sounds like old turbine in this respect..
So you guys are willing to roll out a small patch to get major bugs players can exploit, why should we accept that your only willing to roll out big patches when it comes to bugs that hurt players?
You wanna claim this is new turbine etc... well its time to start backing it up with a legitimate update schedule.... I dont believe this is really to much to ask if this *new* turbine is actually real... but if its just more talk.... well that wouldnt surprise me, and tbh is nothing more than I expect from turbine in general.