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  1. #81
    DDO Producer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cam_Neely View Post
    Does this mean
    1.) I have a tier III Epic Ratkiller from the last time CC was out. If i dont epic slot it, it stays BTA?

    2.) If I has a tier II Epic Ratkiller from the last time CC was out. If I updated it, it then become BTC, by whoever updates it?

    3.) Will collectibles stay BTA? ie I can farm the quest with my lv 18 guy for XP, then pass the components to other characters to build the weapons they want (which will then be BTC)?


  2. #82
    Community Member Zarquine's Avatar
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    Do I understand this right? We have to wait 7-10 days until Crystal Cove is back? Really? After that "fiasco"?

  3. #83
    Hatchery Founder
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Yes. If you have an item that you want to upgrade, make sure you upgrade that item using the character you want to have using that item, when Crystal Cove returns.
    I hope you realize that this change is rather ridiculous, considering all the items to make the items in question are BTA.

    This just means all my items from last time will not be getting upgraded, and I'll simply make new items to upgrade.
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  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by Qaliya View Post
    Still confused by: "Crystal Cove is back from repair."

    This is written in the present tense, but near a discussion of a hot fix 7-10 days away. Can someone clarify?

    And I'm asking not solely out of impatience, but because if they only keep the last week of this I'll likely miss the entire thing and I want to not plan on having it in that case.

    Sure sorry, back from repair on *my* machine, not on live.

  5. #85
    Community Member Captain_Wizbang's Avatar
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    Major Malfunction, Kudos for the info, We have waited a long time for weekly status reports, Truly appreciated from all of us.

    Just one thing;
    This is Pete, one of my pet dragons, he's been working for 2 years trying to get rid of lag! Think the devs can help him out a little?
    Last edited by ferd; 09-23-2011 at 04:37 PM.

  6. #86
    Community Member grodon9999's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zenako View Post
    Seriously they should consider a middle ground on the CC items.

    Anything of less than EPIC level should remain BtA both old items and any new ones created.

    If they really have heartburn about level 20 items with the EPIC name on them being freely moved about, make any of them that are upgraded or newly created convert to BtC.

    Making all the mid level stuff convert to BtC mode really blows for people with a handful or more of characters. That was one of the real nice aspects of the event. Not having to waste time and gems/coins making sets for everyone to use. It was a nice feature to only need to make one or maybe 2 copies of the level 8 versions of items, and again a couple of the level 12, etc. So that characters could pass them down as they outgrew them.
    No, forget a middle ground period. The stuff should remain BTA. Most of this junk is simple twink loot, none if it is what a character will be "burried" in.

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samadhi View Post
    Please elaborate on the BTC... does it become BTC when the update hits? or when the items are upgraded? Your language suggests one but the context suggests the other...

    So if I get a NEW un-upgraded item... what will it be?
    When they are upgraded. Anything you have right now will be how it is...unless you upgrade it. Remember CC exists right now in this state on live, it is just off...nothing was versioned or changed in your inventory.

  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    Sure sorry, back from repair on *my* machine, not on live.
    So, WHAT DOES THAT MEAN! Going live in 7-10 days? How times does the question need to be asked.

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    Sure sorry, back from repair on *my* machine, not on live.
    Thank you (though man, it is really disappointing that it will be so much longer until it goes live.)

    Will the event be extended?

  10. #90
    Community Member maddmatt70's Avatar
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    Thank you sir for giving the playerbase both knowledge of the process as well as specific details/changes being made. It is good to get an understanding of the work that is done following an update. There is work done on a patch, work in preparation for the coming update 12, and more general work? My assumption here is that after nearly every update an assessment is made as to any patch that is necessary and the timeline on that patch's release date. The criteria for what is put into a patch is also good to have an idea of.

    It would of course be interesting to hear why Turbine has experimented so much with number of releases per year and types of releases (some releases have significantly more content then others) over the course of this game's history. It seems like there is going to be another change coming soon to this with update 12, but no confirmation...
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  11. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uthar View Post
    So, WHAT DOES THAT MEAN! Going live in 7-10 days? How times does the question need to be asked.
    Yes in 7 to 10 days.

  12. #92
    Community Member Sarezar's Avatar
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    Thank you for fixing crafting on Handwraps, really great news.
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  13. #93
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    This is how "I" read what Maj said in his first post startign this thread ont he topic of Crystal Cove items. Let's see how close I am...

    1. All newly created items will be BTC, on the character they are created on, end of story...

    2. Old itmes will remain BTA unless you

    A) Upgade in epic alter
    B) You don't upgrade them in Euphoria's box with another tier.

    If you do either A or B, they will bind to character immediately, not on equip.

    That should cover all the items.. Simple..

    He did not say anything about whether the the collectibile you use to buy the items will be BTC or BTA.

  14. #94
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    To answer at least some of the questions so far:

    When Crystal Cove returns, any items that are upgraded through the barter box will become Bound to Character at the time they are upgraded. So, if you get basic Calvary Plate, it'll be Bound to Account up to and until you upgrade it, at which point it will become Bound to Character. This bind status will happen on all levels of the item; the level 16 Calvary Plate will become Bound to Character when upgraded, just as the level 20 plate does.

    Consumables and other items from Crystal Cove that are not upgraded (or upgradable) will remain Bound to Account.

    Augment slots: Clearing an augment slot, or slotting something into the augment slot, will not change the bind status of the item.
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  15. #95
    Community Member Ryiah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyr View Post
    Apparently people spending an entire week in CC was not grindy enough. I mean the kobolds were cute the first few times, but really I wanted to punch the dev who designed the entire event at the end of it. Running the same quest nonstop is incredibly boring. It is far worse then the old TR grinding of quests. At least then you moved on after a few hours.
    Amazing how the developers waste so much time making an event only for it to be so boring in the end. I may find the time to waste getting fresh items up to Tier 3 for the only character I even care about anymore or I likely will just ignore this sorry excuse for an event.
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  16. #96
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    I should add, I'm thankful for these threads. I really missed the old Weekly Dev Activities, and this is a welcome return to the days of old. Even if most of these things are bugs, bugs have made up my biggest complaints in DDO lately.

    By the way, any news on how Monk Shintao abilities (like Smite Tainted Creature) do not proc off-hand attacks while fighting unarmed?
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  17. #97
    Community Member Yetzederixx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    The ingredients remain BTA, as are the items when they're fresh out of the box with no upgrades.
    Thank the powers that be.

  18. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    When they are upgraded. Anything you have right now will be how it is...unless you upgrade it. Remember CC exists right now in this state on live, it is just off...nothing was versioned or changed in your inventory.
    Does slotting the epic slot count as upgrading? So when my Devils Ruin slots run out and I need to place new ones, will that cause it to change from BTA to BTC?

  19. #99
    Community Member Zarquine's Avatar
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    Well, thank you MajMalphunktion for at least keeping us informed. You are gaining a lot of "rep" in my book.

  20. #100
    Community Member Zess-wolf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    The ingredients remain BTA, as are the items when they're fresh out of the box with no upgrades.
    Thanks a lot Eladrin... i can live with that ;D
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