Nice update, changes not really unexpected at all, I'm amazed how many people just didn't get it. Maybar wraps were broken badly, when one item is all you really need to make epic wiz king trivial yes that item is OP. Seriously, a guildie with one monk level with a pair of these will have 3/4 of the kills in ewk no matter who else is there. BTA / BTC on event items, not a big deal, farm a couple more items.
What I do need to see is something addressing the lag, it does seem to be worse on crappy computers (I've rarely seen my toon unable to move or lagged out, never 3 mins behind a fight, but I play on an i7 with 6 GB ram and run off a raptor, oh and a 2 gig 5850 dosent hurt either, but when 1/2 the raid is obviously standing there unable to move ... well you're never going to finish.
i am Overeem
Wait, can you hear it? Is it? The worlds smallest vio..nah... nevermind... it can't be, its too small..
How in Godh's name are they MUCH harder to obtain? Singe-shard GS items are trivial to make, just run shroud every time you're off timer and voila - any day of the year. An item that's only obtainable during a certain, limited, period of time, is inherently 'harder' to obtain, even if it just spawns in your inventory without any effort.
Comfortably [d|n]umb
Weirdly / Annoyed of Khyber
WanderLust EuroTrash
Kobold not hamster. Kobold remembers waterworks. Kobolds will have revenge.
Yes Mabar Wraps got a lot stronger with the update 9 changes. Though, to be honest, who cares? Let Monks have their limited purpose weapon, even if it is a bit stronger than originally intended. They certainly get "crapped on" the rest of the time.
If you INSIST on taking something away, please don't take away Greater Undead Bane. That part is extremely helpful for monks to get enough to-hit for the highest AC undead (ie Epic Raiyum).
As for their use in Wiz King, there are many ways to "clean house" in there.
Triple Positive Blunts
Mabar Wraps
Undead to Death
Radiant Servant bursts
Sorc SLA's (Lightning Bolt and Fireball especially)
Plain old Wall of Fire
DoT's on the mummy bosses
The rare Turning based Cleric (seen one who could turn everything in the entire dungeon)
In ALL cases, Halt Undead is the thing that facilitates the high damage killing from both casters and melees.
Sorry if I missed it buried in 20+ pages, but does fix to melee/lag going to have any effect on the horrendous crossbow behavior?
Well I disagree with the change to BTC (actually I believe the entire BTC concept should be thrown out as ludicrous and stupid, but that's another debate after all)
Many players are probably going to be unhappy and quite annoyed with this unnecessary change.
As for who decides 'how it is supposed to be', I feel it is we, the paying customers and players who should be deciding that, not the guy over in marketing cubicle 4e. And from what I have read in this thread so far, more players have voiced against such a change rather than for it.
Much harder because it takes running all 5 toons I can in shroud for at least a week to get 3 devil scales, gloves take a couple hours work (for the very limited time its up).
The item is retardedly op because even in the hands of a non monk it makes an epic quest trivial, sorry if you can't get it, somethings just are not fixable.
While I agree that making any (non-Epic) item BtC doesn't feel right, it IS in fact, the dev/manager/whatever that decides how items are bound, not the paying customer. At best they can voice their opinion, and we can only hope that whoever DOES decide over this actually changes their mind.![]()
Caution: Rabid Shampoo Fan. Interaction at personal risk. :3
Toons (Ghallanda): Lemau d'Jorasco (Mnk20E2TR2), Alitrania (Wiz20), Gracethyra d'Cannith (Art20TR1), Merilidoc (Rog5Rng13Art2TR7 - Completionist that never ends), Shampoofan (Rog5Mnk4Drd8)
the main reason turbine is going to.. (to use a poorly coined term) "nerf" the items in cc is 1. it was a bday event as you all know therefore special treatment. coming bac it needed to be changed. otherwise you would be able to gear up all your toons with crazy as....s loot so easily they will have to double raid boss hp this time bc ppl will whine that the games too easy.. and 2. because they can.. on a lighter note.(SABT)(TANSTAAFL) if you dont start getting things up and running soon *rants and raves**threatens to quit ddo** blah blah blah*... when you do ill be doing the most horrible things to the kobolds in the cove and the meantime WW shall taste my vengeance.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE dont make them btc unless you t3 please. it makes it hard for someone who doesnt have alot of time to play that loves the game.. seriously.. i dont eat for hours sometimes.. also can you leave the trinkets alone i have 2 twinks currently in session and another palli and monk on the way please dont mess with my existing twink gear cmon man.. please?
thank you that is all
btw greetings from BANE.. Yes were still alive and kickin
Last edited by Akristorn; 09-27-2011 at 03:52 AM. Reason: needed to grovel..
Mabar Wraps do NOT make Epic Wiz King trivial. Casters make Epic Wiz King trivial. Yes, monks are incredibly strong in there, but no more strong than a Cleric RS blasting and Imploding, or a Fire Savant Halt'ing and Fireball'ing, or a Barbarian swinging a Triple Positive maul.
It's a weapon that only really affects Undead, nothing else. A single raid boss, that has very little useful for monks, while the Wraps aren't overly strong on any of the other raid bosses.
People without Monk levels will not be able to effectively use Mabar wraps as well as a Triple Positive or a Holy Greater Undead Bane or Holy Banisher.
Last edited by Sarisa; 09-27-2011 at 07:52 AM.
All I'm saying is there could be a player exodus because of this. And since it is the players who are paying the development team's bills, they could be helping to decide themselves right onto the unemployment line. May not seem that way now, but can easily change on a dime. Players are fickle, the industry is unforgiving, and the perfect storm is brewing here. DDO simply cannot afford to lose any more players than it already has. I expected to see a fresh infusion of players with U11, but sadly I have yet to. And now this.
It happens often in the gaming world. How many online games, the good, great and not-so-great are now buried 6 feet under, relegated to the gaming musuem because their development team either had an inflated ego or vision that ran counter to the needs of their playerbase. Too many to count. The market rewards those that can adapt, pushes aside those that fail to.
Long story short, the lesson here is and always has been, is to *never* punish your playerbase. Never.
And taking a rather large benefit in-game and either reducing it or eliminating it is doing just that.