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  1. #301
    Community Member Bronko's Avatar
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    Default BTC items in shared bank

    Here's a point that should probably be clarified: what happens to an upgraded item if it's in the shared bank?

    Will this cause DDO to implode and start the Kobold Revolt of '11?
    Bronko Lawbringer
    Founder, Guild Leader, & Official Meat Shield™ of THAC0 on Ghallanda

    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    Make Gazebo cry.

  2. #302
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronko View Post
    Here's a point that should probably be clarified: what happens to an upgraded item if it's in the shared bank?

    Will this cause DDO to implode and start the Kobold Revolt of '11?

    Nothing will happen to anything UNLESS you put it in the box.... So any items you current;y have will stay as is.. Unless you put it in the box.... All items you buy from the box will stay as is... BUT..... If you buy an item and then upgrade it in the box it will be BTC no matter what.... And if you take an old currently existing item and use the box to upgrade it, it will be BTC no matter what.

    Kobolds are too lagged out to revolt.... They're stuck in the corner

  3. #303
    Community Member Flavilandile's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronko View Post
    Here's a point that should probably be clarified: what happens to an upgraded item if it's in the shared bank?

    Will this cause DDO to implode and start the Kobold Revolt of '11?
    According to what I read : any item made in last Cove event stay the way they are ( wherever they are stored ) that is BtA.
    It's only if you put them in the Cove Barter Box that they will change to BtC.

    So an item you did upgrade to Tier II or III last time and stored in the shared bank is BtA... and will stay BtA.
    ( until such time you put it in the Cove Barter Box to upgrade it to Tier III if it was a Tier II item then it will become a Tier III BtC item )

    Basically all the Tier III items we have stored/are already using, as they are fully upgraded will remain BtA.... at least until such time they decide to do sneaky a mass conversion. ( but oh the whine there will be at that time )
    On G-Land : Flavilandile, Blacklock, Yaelle, Millishande, Larilandile, Gildalinde, Tenalafel, and many other...

  4. #304
    Community Member Phemt81's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Afyndax View Post
    Part of what you are seeing is the original posts being updated over time.

    1. Dev makes post
    2. Players ask obvious questions
    3. Dev goes back to original post and answers obvious questions
    4. Player 2 reads thread and thinks the first player is an idiot for asking a question that has obviously already been answered in the first post.

    The players in step two are the reason so much information is NOW available in the orignal post.
    So, how items will become BTC?
    How to revamp past life reward system <--- working again
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    We absolutely planned for Fighter to still have Haste Boost. It's absolutely a bug. Any similar issues that look "wrong" to any player should be bugged.
    Developers should fix this <--- 2020 edition!

  5. #305
    Community Member Psiandron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    More like we are a company in transition, personally I think it is something wonderful. People are going to love it, or hate it.
    Grumble grumble.

    Well Maj I hope that mostly people love it. Sure hope that I do. Keep letting us know what directions you guys are wanting to move so that we can be prepared for it and maybe offer some feedback. That's going to make any transition better. For all of us.

  6. #306
    Community Member Ganolyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    ...I think it is something wonderful.
    Something Wonderful
    Anál nathrach
    orth’ bháis’s bethad
    do chél dénmha

  7. #307
    Community Member andbr22's Avatar
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    When you fix handwarps you should realy fix them:
    Today I tested freshly crafted +5 Holy adamndite of greater construct bane (and random lot generated (+5 holy) and old crafted (+0 holy))
    tested on warforged paladin in canith manufactury:
    And how it looked:
    - Crafted HOLY do not stack with holy burst ring, while random loot generated HOLY stack with ring.
    - attack bonuses 6 TO HIT diffrence betwen +0 crafted and +5 random loot generated. +5 random loot generated have 1 more "to hit" than +5 crafted -> It seems crafted handwarps have -1 unknown penalty to hit.
    - Bane TO HIT bonus STILL do not work (checked in combat log). Bane portion oof untyped damage work.
    - Adamndite property works.

    Base damage tests:
    Crafted +5 Ada GCB <at favorite enemy and frenzied berserker ToD set> (In equipment state d10 + 16) -> damage range 25 - 34
    Unequiping frenzied berserker do not changes values on crafted warps.
    Random generated +5 <at favorite enemy and frenzied berserker ToD set> (In equipment state d10 + 18) -> damage range 27 - 36
    It seems That crafted handwarps do not work with Frenzied berserker set (and probably other ToD sets as well).
    Enchacment bonus from GCB to damage does not aply to warps.

    To sumarise:
    - Greater construct bane - apply bane portion of damage but do not apply Enchantment bonuss to hit and damage
    - holy crafted do not stack with holy burst on Tower of Despair ring while holy random generated stack with holy burst ring.
    - Unknown -1 to hit on crafted handwarps
    - Crafted handwarps do not work with frenzied berserker set bonus (someone should check other sets, and items like brawlings gloves).

    these issues are quite BIG...

    UPDATE: I found unknown -1 hit penalty to craftable handwarps. If you have item that add attack bonus (like nimble trinket) it somehow DO NOT work with handwarps (Probably this same issue that is from frenzied berserker set).
    Last edited by andbr22; 09-25-2011 at 12:25 PM.

  8. #308
    Community Member masterzzan's Avatar
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    2 things on my mind

    people seem to miss this point and ask again and again. the items turning into btc are actually NOT the same items you have. when you put it to be upgraded your items is removed and a new item which is btc is given.
    any item already bta that you do not upgrade,even if you slot it with epic stuff and remove it a 100 times. stay the way it was.once you upgrade it it is no longer that item but a new one with btc.

    2nd: a question, the Mabar wraps that get nurfed (or "blanace fixed"). is it the epic one's or even the 4th level or what. i mean, are ALL the Mabar wraps going to be decreased in power or from a specific level and up?
    This Side UP

  9. #309
    Community Member Hirosue's Avatar
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    For me personally one of the biggest attractions of Crystal cove crafted items is/was that they bind to account so that I can share them amongst my characters as I level them up. This feature made the grind to get the items worth it.

    The changes that you are making to newly crafted or upgraded items becoming bound to character is a massive and pointless reduction in these items utility and usefulness.
    i.e why bother crafting a level 16 set of equipement at all when it is bound to character and will be relegated to bank storage when you get to level 20 ?

    In addition the changes make Crystal Cove a horrendous grind fest for new players (or players that missed out on the event the last 2 times), they will have to make items for each and every character. Either that or they won’t bother with crystal cove at all after they realise it is a horrible grind feast.

    Not forgetting the dreary unlock the doors by collecting items mechanic.

    These changes in no way improve game play or fun in DDO, and in some respects punish newer players.

    Regarding the comments about “ getting out pitchforks “. Not very funny and frankly pretty insulting to players (customers) who would take the time to post their views , positive or negative on the forums. Essentially you are saying that you are making the changes and you really don’t care what the customers think about it.
    Last edited by Hirosue; 09-25-2011 at 06:11 AM.
    "Player testers have done an excelent job and I really do appreciate the testing done by the players that report the issues which then get ignored ......."

  10. #310
    Community Member Ryiah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    More like we are a company in transition, personally I think it is something wonderful. People are going to love it, or hate it.
    You mean like Hewlett Packard who is leaving the PC hardware industry because they can't compete?
    Ryiah | Raeyah | Reikara
    The Band of Gypsys

  11. #311
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    I am usually very positive about DDO and the great work that the people who bring us this great game do, but the BtA/BtC CC item change is not one I can see any sense in at all (unless the idea is to reduce lag by reducing the players taking part). I am still supportive of the increase in communications - even of bad news.

    I had originally intended to spend all my available time doing CC as I have 33 toons to equip, but the BtC issue means that they will outlevel anything I make within a very short time (possibly in just the time they take to do CC), after that the items just clutter inventory and can never be used again. BtA meant that the items could be passed down to toons who had outlevelled their own gear and so on.

    Spending weeks to make stuff that I'll have to dump within a month? Not interested.

  12. #312
    The Hatchery BruceTheHoon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xaxx View Post
    DDO is not equiped with an agro mechanic like taunting or vengance for people to be able to somewhat easily maintain agro and switch control/agro as needed.
    Yes it is, it's. It has numerous ways of increasing/decreasing one's threat and intimidate/diplomacy that, to point a difference from WoW & others, can be used by anyone.

    Quote Originally Posted by Xaxx View Post
    LOB is something that I would expect in wow or eq or eq2 or rift, or something along those lines with the phase shifts, adds, attack flags, attack gives, jousting, etc......
    The question here is not, whether You would expect that in other MMOs, but why wouldn't You expect that in DDO?

    Quote Originally Posted by Xaxx View Post
    Thats not how ddo's been built, unless your willing to shut the game down for a few months while you go back and rework the base code and the base calculations of the game along with a complete revamp of the combat system and spell system to a less frantic and more controlled system, its not gonna work.... sorry.
    I know You know that nobody wants that. DDO's 'frantic' combat system is arguably it's most prominent and distinguishable feature. I disagree, that it's less controlled system. It's harder to control, but it gives you more control at the same time. Also, based on my Lamannia experience and generally positive responses on the forums, I'd say it is working so far in Lord of Blades.
    Extrapolating the future based on one update is risky. I, for one, don't expect the 'new boss = old boss HP x 2' and similar scenarios to continue. With all the old and new game mechanics, that would make no sense.

  13. #313
    Community Member mrtreats's Avatar
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    they need to make it so that when i craft a +5 MFP its not ML9 when the same item random droped is only Ml 8
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  14. #314
    Hatchery Founder Glenalth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrtreats View Post
    they need to make it so that when i craft a +5 MFP its not ML9 when the same item random droped is only Ml 8
    You have been able to do this since U11 with the -2 min level recipe.
    Glenalth Woodwalke ■ Preston the Ranger ■ Brisqoe the Dentist ■ Prescription Liberator
    AoK @ Argonnessen

  15. #315
    Community Member Esserbe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by donblas View Post
    I am usually very positive about DDO and the great work that the people who bring us this great game do, but the BtA/BtC CC item change is not one I can see any sense in at all (unless the idea is to reduce lag by reducing the players taking part). I am still supportive of the increase in communications - even of bad news.

    I had originally intended to spend all my available time doing CC as I have 33 toons to equip, but the BtC issue means that they will outlevel anything I make within a very short time (possibly in just the time they take to do CC), after that the items just clutter inventory and can never be used again. BtA meant that the items could be passed down to toons who had outlevelled their own gear and so on.

    Spending weeks to make stuff that I'll have to dump within a month? Not interested.
    Agreed. Once again, there shouldn't be an issue with having the non-epic tier 2 and 3 items still be BTA. I can pass around my Docent of Defiance with ML10 and many other older items that are either not bound or newer ones that are BTA. Is an option like this or a barter box remaining somewhere after the end of the event, like the harbor, so your lowbies can use your previously earned shards and gems to get equipment once it's certain it won't just clutter their bank being looked into or considered at all?
    Last edited by Esserbe; 09-25-2011 at 07:24 AM.

  16. #316
    Community Member Infant's Avatar
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    Thank you MajorMalphunction for the news!


  17. #317
    Community Member Stealthdog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by donblas View Post
    I am usually very positive about DDO and the great work that the people who bring us this great game do, but the BtA/BtC CC item change is not one I can see any sense in at all (unless the idea is to reduce lag by reducing the players taking part). I am still supportive of the increase in communications - even of bad news.

    I had originally intended to spend all my available time doing CC as I have 33 toons to equip, but the BtC issue means that they will outlevel anything I make within a very short time (possibly in just the time they take to do CC), after that the items just clutter inventory and can never be used again. BtA meant that the items could be passed down to toons who had outlevelled their own gear and so on.

    Spending weeks to make stuff that I'll have to dump within a month? Not interested.
    I was excited about the event being back until this announcement. Now, not even going to bother. Putting in any time or effort for an item with such limited utility makes the event kind of a waste of time now.

  18. #318
    Community Member mrtreats's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Glenalth View Post
    You have been able to do this since U11 with the -2 min level recipe.
    I didnt say make it so i can drop the ml it should start at the same ml or lower how does it make sence to have it higher then the same item as a random drop?
    Server: Fernia Guild: Southern Tenant Farmers Union
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  19. #319
    Pale Fox
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    I don't think a torch and a pitchfork quit cover the base of things people wanna do to the defs over this whole BtA vs BtC thingy. Or whoever thought of that. Btw this whole BtA to BtC switching is getting lame, get your purple trousers to think of something new instead of old and lame tricks to get us to grind and grind and then grind some more.

    So that's an unsigned for you sir!

  20. #320
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    devs pls chose one of the two solutions please

    Please, please, please, PLEASE reconsider this. You still have time (a week to a week and a half, apparently). Just think about it. Make the L20 stuff BTC, sure, that makes sense. But please keep the lower level stuff BTA at *all* tiers.

    How about leaving the Barter Box around, maybe some where in the harbor. So those that have farmed ingredients can make new items for future characters. Not quite as good as a BTA item, but if you are willing to grind you can at least equip new characters.

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