So... it's really hopeless to make a pure Tempest then?
So... it's really hopeless to make a pure Tempest then?
The guy who likes to experience every class. Except Fighter >:[ I don't like you Fighter.
Hey Devs! Let's give Warpriests and Eldritch Knights some loving, kay? :<
Extra feat, bastard swords!
I start my dex at 17 on a 32 pt build
I max out my strength at beginning & with every lvl.
With str maxed, any ranged attack you have will kick some arse! (you get bow strength feat)
Start your wisdom at 10 & put whats left into con.
And watch what Gordon posts, he's still a noob! (but a smart noob)
The guy who likes to experience every class. Except Fighter >:[ I don't like you Fighter.
Hey Devs! Let's give Warpriests and Eldritch Knights some loving, kay? :<
OK, (going by your start date) it looks like you started playing right when Gordon999 & a small band of people were doing test shroud runs (on Lama, "monitored by Turbine"), when the big TWF nerf came in.
We (Gordon & I) had several lengthy talks about rangers.
His strengths were in "Ranged" builds, while mine are "Melee". The continuing main topic for us & others, is how to fix "ranged" path builds, & doing some serious fine tuning of the class from start to finish! (Ranger fans).
There is no need for you to defend his position, as he will throw barbs with the best of them, when needed.
(As for the main topic here, Ill post a simple screen shot character sheet soon)
**Laggin bows to the fine sir. And apologizes for any misgivings his comments might unfortunately have made for such a fine gentleman** ** "Accept my apologies, oh thin skinned one. A few hundred back lashings from the trolls around here will fix you right up sir!" **![]()
Last edited by ferd; 09-23-2011 at 08:15 PM.
My point is that insults tend to make you seem less reliable, but friendly ribbing is fine. It's just that to someone who doesn't know the dynamic you two have, it tends to be a bit hard to tell.
The guy who likes to experience every class. Except Fighter >:[ I don't like you Fighter.
Hey Devs! Let's give Warpriests and Eldritch Knights some loving, kay? :<
Average Tempest strength based stats, before in-quest buffs, also, any exceptional stat buff.
5 toons on 2 accounts spec'ed out almost the same, have been a blast to play & compete vs. mobs & allies alike, and hold their own.
(screen shot is not indicative of average stats achieved, buffs & penalties may apply)
Point is, Pick it apart, hate it, tell me I'm wrong, whatever, Im an noob gamer compared to the average DDO player, but I know for a fact, my build works in this game.
all epic melee weapons not equipped
Last edited by ferd; 09-24-2011 at 12:50 PM.
I hope that rangers get upgraded soon, they are a nice class and it's a pity they are left behind in ranged combat.
As for their pets - I think they don't need them. The only thing they do need in that area is boosting CR to their summons. Right now you can summon a level 1 wolf which dies instantly. CR of that wolf should progress with ranger level and be capped at level, say... 8. Also, wolf AI isn't anything special - not aggressive enough.
Young razor cat should at least be CR 16 with appropriate health and str. At least, they should make ranger summons useful as summons of the Create Undead spell. Those summons ARE useful, but you don't need a control bar for them.
BTW. this ain't WoW.
Other ranger spells could use some changes too:
Level 1:
Camouflage - this spell is pretty useless only because Deepwood sniper PrE isn't implemented till end. If it would be, maybe rangers would cast if more often.
Wild insticts - same goes for this as for Camouflage.
No, you can do it: you need the 4 Tempest pre-req feats, Toughness*, Imp Crit**, and PA; so any non-human race would stick with martial weapons (naturally dwarves, elves, and drow should use their racial weapons). A pure human ranger gets one more feat which could be spent on khopesh, Imp Crit Ranged, or whatever.
*Well, OK, technically you don't need Toughness, but I never leave home without it!
**Unless you stick to keen/Min2 weapons, in which case you can take something else.
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.
Indeed, rangers in 3.5 get animal companions.
But, rangers in 3.5 also have to choose a combat style ( ranged or TWFing ), and do not get bonus feats for both.
We got caster level equal to character level and both combat styles to make up for not having animal companions.
Would anyone really like to see Turbine take those bonus feats away for a stupid dog???
Now bringing the sexy back to AoK!!!
Ashamed officer of : My Little PWNY
Proud officer of :Archmagi
I am not convinced we would need to take those benefits. The spells even at full caster level do not do much and the bonus feats cannot be used for simultaneous effect so will never be over powered just by having two combat styles.
I just cannot see the need to remove those benefits just for the equivalent of the artie pet. Posted by Turbine
Why would they take those benefits away?
A lot of people assume that they would, but...
Look at Monk. Straight buffed from the original class, nothing taken away. Better than the PnP equivalent in every way.
Why wouldn't Ranger get to keep simultaneous TWF and Ranged, as well as at-level spells (which isn't as beneficial as you'd think) in addition to the pet?
The guy who likes to experience every class. Except Fighter >:[ I don't like you Fighter.
Hey Devs! Let's give Warpriests and Eldritch Knights some loving, kay? :<
Both bring to the table a nice bonus. Human with a bit more skill points and an extra feat. I prefer Half-Elf though myself since they get the Half-Elf Doopadoo bonus which is essentially a baby cross class without actually cross classing. Plus a few bonuses to our class skills from the get go.
./shrug I think my main used to have 32 dex till I changed him and now has 28 and I dont miss much since I use Weapon Finesse when fighting enemies. Then again I dual weild Rapiers for that.Originally Posted by Zachski
If you plan to not wear Armor of any kind then yes. The bes Outfits though will come from your Dragontouched Robes/Outfits naturally but you may be tempted later on to wear actual Armor. If you have good armor you want later I would probably go with another Doopadoo instead of Monk. I went with Monk myself though.Originally Posted by Zachski
Improved Crit Ranged, Weapon Focus Ranged and pretty much anything else to focus on it if you really want to. Arcane Archer is pretty neat to just to let yah know but if your going the road I did then I wouldnt focus my feats at all on Ranged Attacks.Originally Posted by Zachski
Hell I just did Shroud the other night with my Bow of Sinew on and just plicked him away and called it a night.
And you don't have to be. It would only require that the Devs are.
What? Having the best melee buffs in the game, and having them scale as if a full caster isn't " not doing much ".
And, it's three bonus feats ( which happen to be the best available for both ranged and TWFing ) either way you slice it. That's not a small thing on a non-fighter class.
I'm not saying that they should. I'm not saying that they would.
I'm responding to the constant clamor for pets on these boards because " they get them in 3.5 DnD!!! ".
Yes, rangers do indeed get them in 3.5 DnD. But rangers here from day one have also gotten many benefits that their 3.5 counterpasrts do not, in order to make up for the lack.
It's not as if compensation wasn't given.
Now bringing the sexy back to AoK!!!
Ashamed officer of : My Little PWNY
Proud officer of :Archmagi
I do not think the devs would disagree on not needing to take away the bonuses to rangers with feats and caster level, but you have a valid point.
What I meant by cannot use simultaneously is the ranger is either using ranged weapons or melee. He can swap between either for whichever if a better choice at the time but having that options does not give the ranger any massive boost. Making a choice of one or the other would not really change the damage output of the ranger and all we might see is a circumstantial change in effectiveness based on when range is or is not useful. That is why I think removing one style would be pointless at this point.
Rangers spells are pretty limited with or without the full caster level. They have some useful buffs, to be sure, but not what I would consider the best melee buffs in the game. The offensive spells and summons are pointless and the actual spells that are useful are jump, resist, barkskin, FoM, ram's might, and maybe longstrider. These are not what I would consider the best melee buffs in the game.
I might be missing something in there so I am open to feed back on what I am missing but at this point I do not see a need to remove anything from a ranger if a pet were to be added. Posted by Turbine
Now bringing the sexy back to AoK!!!
Ashamed officer of : My Little PWNY
Proud officer of :Archmagi