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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default Cannot Use Mouse

    This issue arose after the last Update.

    when I log in to character selection my mouse pointer is gone. I move the mouse over my desk and the screen lights up where the buttons are, or at least where the mouse "Should" be.

    If I alt Tab out to desktop, I can see "tracers" on the screen saver as if it was a paint brush using the ddo window as "paint."

    I can log into a character if it is highlighted and I can coax the mouse pointer over the "Enter" button.

    In game, it is the same thing. I can see the mouse but it flickers in and out and does not track smoothly with the mouse moving across my table top. Again, if I alt tab out I see where the mouse was moving... ie if I move the mouse in circles in game and then alt tab out, I can see the circles painted with ddo screen, on the desktop.

    edit: I set the graphics to very low and it still does not work.
    edit: I am using a mac with windows OS
    edit: This did not happen before the update
    edit: I am using the default UI

    obviously, I cannot play with out a mouse pointer.
    Last edited by Ann_Shadow; 09-21-2011 at 07:58 PM.
    Alice laughed: There's no use trying, one can't believe impossible things.
    I daresay you haven't had much practice, said the Queen. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.
    Alice in Wonderland

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