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  1. #1
    Community Member aberent's Avatar
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    Default Fighter Greensteel Greatsword Advice

    I am a level 18 Kesei Fighter, about to craft my first Greesteel Weapon. I am thinking of a Greatsword. Can I get some advice on what Tier 1 and 2 DPS Effects I should consider adding. I don't want to craft something that most end game npcs are resistant to.

  2. #2
    Community Member Cold_Stele's Avatar
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    Min II is solid all round weapon.

    Lit II is more DPS but gets resisted more at hard/elite levels (and in the new House C stuff).

    If you're new to GS I'd say go for Min II, unless you have super high Cannith crafting levels and can make +5 Holyburst silver of Greater Lawful Outsider Bane.

    I actually can craft HB of GLOB, but even so still make Min II's.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by aberent View Post
    I am a level 18 Kesei Fighter, about to craft my first Greesteel Weapon. I am thinking of a Greatsword.
    Fighters should not craft a greatsword: go for falchion or greataxe.

    Notice the critical power: greatsword = 4*(2-1) = 4, greataxe = 2*(3-1) = 4, falchion = 6*(2-1) = 6. So falchion is better to start with.
    But Kensei 3 adds +1 critical threat to all weapons, changing those results:
    greatsword = 5*(2-1) = 5, greataxe = 3*(3-1) = 6, falchion = 7*(2-1) = 7.

    In addition, your race might give you a damage bonus with either greataxe or falchion, but not greatsword (except for global bonuses that work for them all)

    PS. The one reason to craft a Greatsword would be if you'd like to reincarnate as a Warforged Favored Soul.

  4. #4
    Community Member FrozenNova's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    Fighters should not craft a greatsword: go for falchion or greataxe.

    Notice the critical power: greatsword = 4*(2-1) = 4, greataxe = 2*(3-1) = 4, falchion = 6*(2-1) = 6. So falchion is better to start with.
    But Kensei 3 adds +1 critical threat to all weapons, changing those results:
    greatsword = 5*(2-1) = 5, greataxe = 3*(3-1) = 6, falchion = 7*(2-1) = 7.

    In addition, your race might give you a damage bonus with either greataxe or falchion, but not greatsword (except for global bonuses that work for them all)

    PS. The one reason to craft a Greatsword would be if you'd like to reincarnate as a Warforged Favored Soul.
    You craft a greatsword because when you grab your eSoS you don't want your greensteel to become useless because you're no longer an axe/falchion specialist.

  5. #5
    Community Member Cold_Stele's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FrozenNova View Post
    You craft a greatsword because when you grab your eSoS you don't want your greensteel to become useless because you're no longer an axe/falchion specialist.

    But you should also ask yourself - am I really gonna grind the hell out of this game to get eSoS or am I just going to enjoy it?

    If it's the later craft falchion if you raid normal or gaxe if you raid hard/elite.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by FrozenNova View Post
    You craft a greatsword because when you grab your eSoS
    If a person is asking about his first greensteel weapon, he's not on the track to obtain an Epic Sword of Shadows in the reasonable future.

    In the far-off future where he gets an Epic Sword of Shadows, he may as well go back and build new greensteels then.. if he still wants some.

  7. #7
    Community Member gloopygloop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FrozenNova View Post
    You craft a greatsword because when you grab your eSoS you don't want your greensteel to become useless because you're no longer an axe/falchion specialist.
    I absolutely agree with this as a valid reason for making a Greensteel Greatsword, but I would also say that anyone who is going to make an epic Sword of Shadow is also going to have plenty of Larges to make a replacement GS when they do finally get an eSoS.

    I suggest making a Greataxe for a Kensai III.

  8. #8
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    I am going to ignore the weapon choice discussion and focus on the effects.

    A Min2 (Mineral 2, ie. Holy/Acid/Acid) weapon will grant you a stoneskin clicky, slicing (1d4 damage) and metalline. Since the weapon already has evil and good damage the metalline allows a Min2 to bypass a very large amount of DR, but a large amount of end-game mobs are immune (or highly resistant) to acid damge.

    A Lit2 (Lightning 2, ie. Holy/SHocking/Shocking) weapon will give you a chain lightning clicky and a chance at a lightning strike (~600 damage 2-3% chance). The lightning damge is effective aganist a large amount of the game's mobs, especially devils. It also does good damage thanks to the Holy aspect, so will break the DR of trash devils and such, but not the raid bosses (pit fiends have DR silver+good).

    On normal difficulty level the Lit2 is the best "all-around" DPS option, on hard the 2 are close in DPS with an edge to the Min2, on Elite the Min2 Is the way to go.

    If you are running a lot of the new House C stuff then the Min2 is more attractive, many of those mobs are immune to (or actually heal from) lightning damage, but take acid damage.

    Other options are a Radience weapon (holy, fire, fire) that will give a sunburst clicky and cause blindness and 4d6 light damage on a crit. This is not seen very often on 2-handers, but is a solid wepon for non-devil content. Especially if you also wear Tharnes Goggles.

    You may also consider a Triple Holy weapon. That would give you a very handy raise dead clicky and also do solid damage to most mobs you fight, but the "on proc" effect is only useful against undead. Many experienced people make a Triple Positive Maul for epic skelly bashing (works great on the Wiz King and Sorjek), but that is a nice weapon tat should only be made after you have all your bases covered. (I was a little unclear there, a 3xPos maul is the nice weapon for a non maul user, but a 3xpositive greatsowrd might be a good choice for you, and it will also use less large ingredients).

    I hope that was helpful and not too confusing.

    Other options are a Radience weapon (holy/fire/fire) with a sunburst clicky and the 4d6 light damage and blindness proc on crits. You do not see many of these crafted as 2-handers, but I still find them useful, especially if you also use
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  9. #9
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    I'd go with lit II. There are very few enemies immune to elect but quite a few common ones immune or resistant to acid.

    For a BB you can just craft one or buy the unbound shards for a +5 holy silver of lawful outsider bane for a fraction of the cost. Similarly for the new content you can also buy a +5 holy adamantine of construct bane. These are only situational and i think you'll get more out of a lit II.

  10. #10
    Community Member aberent's Avatar
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    Thank you for all of your replies. I have some newb questions though about some posts.

    I get the greataxe v.s. greatsword argument, although from aesthetic reasons only I prefer a sword rather than an axe. I know its lame but this is a role playing game so forgive me. Also I currently use a greatsword of insanity that does 2d10 base damage so even better that Tier 1 greensteel

    I do not get the falchion advice because from what I can see falchions base damage is 2d6 vs. the greataxe or greatsword 3d6. Maybe the +2 critical evens things out in the long run but I am not a ddo math wizard so I can use some help here.

    I think I get the Min2 (Mineral 2, ie. Holy/Acid/Acid) advice although it took me a bit to figure out what Min2 is. However I saw 2 posts about this, one suggesting Acid and one suggesting Lightning. The Lightning post seems to suggest that it is a better choice over Acid since many high level monsters are Acid resistant. I could use some confirmation on this.

    Also I am looking at the greensteel crafting planner:

    And I can't see how to add metalline, which was one of the suggestions as well.

    Thank you for all your help.

  11. #11
    Community Member gloopygloop's Avatar
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    Same planner, but with all of the appropriate tiers of effects to give you the Metalline property that you were asking for.

    Also, higher base weapon damage is certainly nice, but you will have a lot of other things that add to your damage (especially Strength and Power Attack). The bonuses to damage should significantly outweigh your base damage, so anything that multiplies your total damage (i.e. critical hits) will end up being more important than anything that adds a small amount to your base damage.

    If you have Kensai III PrE and Improved Critical: Slashing, then:
    A Greatsword has a critical hit profile of 16-20/x2. You will do double damage 5 times in 20 swings. That means you do effectively 5 "free" hits in 20 swings compared to not getting any critical hits.
    A Greataxe has a critical hit profile of 18-20/x3. You will do triple damage 3 times in 20 swings. That means you do effectively 6 "free" hits in 20 swings compared to not getting any critical hits.
    A Falchion has a critical hit profile of 14-20/x2. You will do double damage 7 times in 20 swings. That means you do effectively 7 "free" hits in 20 swings compared to not getting any critical hits.

    Those extra "free" hits will end up more important vs. many enemies than the small amount of increased base damage. Against enemies that are immune or resistant to critical hits, however, the higher base damage will end up being more singificant because they will ignore most of your critical hits (or all in the case of golems, undead and a few others).

    Because of that, I reccomend taking a Greataxe. You get the higher base damage and you get a very nice critical profile with the Kensai III PrE.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by aberent View Post
    I do not get the falchion advice because from what I can see falchions base damage is 2d6 vs. the greataxe or greatsword 3d6. Maybe the +2 critical evens things out in the long run but I am not a ddo math wizard so I can use some help here.
    Sadly melee combat in DDO is all about crits, so nothing else matters.

  13. #13
    Community Member Thebeest's Avatar
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    if you are using that planner, choose the following from the tier 3 bonus effect:

    Aspect of Mineral II - this is referred to as the min2. you can work backwards from there and add holy, acid burst and acid blast. you also get metalline, keen and slicing and added durability/hardness as part of the min 2 bonus effect. this is the all around dr breaker.

    Aspect of Lighning II - this is referred to as the lit2. generally this has holy, shocking burst, shocking blast. the lit 2 part adds lightning strike which goes off for huge numbers 500+. that is why this is generally the best trash beater, as it does not break all dr, but things without dr it chews up quickly.

    and as far as weapon type, use what u want. i have a fighter also that uses greatswords. i decided to make the lit 2 first and had a crafted harry beater made. i have a tier 2 min 2 started, and use it for stoneskin clicky, but have not decided to upgrade it yet or not.

    edit: also, with your imp crit and kensai in greatsword, i believe the crit range is 15 or 16-20. can't remember off of top of head which (at work atm )
    Last edited by Thebeest; 09-22-2011 at 10:35 AM.

  14. #14
    Community Member Khanyth's Avatar
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    For the RP POV, you're a human, so use whatcha like.... imho, regardless of numbers or stuff like that:

    dwarfs - axes
    humans - GSwords
    elves - scim/falchions
    warforged - any of the above.

    May I suggest that when planning your GS item, you use this:

    IMHO, it is second to none when it comes to GS planners.

    When making my first GS item, I went with this maul , due to the raise dead clickie and that it takes no larges to make. Then I made a MinII great axe. When I decide (or my daughter starts sleeping again) and I start playing again, I'll work towards a LitII GAxe. Grind grind grind.

    Oh, again IMHO: ignore the Canith crafting and eSOS advice: it's a helluvalotta more of a grind than the Shroud is.

    Again...... my opinion

  15. #15
    Community Member Thebeest's Avatar
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    agree with khanyth on the planner, that is also the one I use. I have found it to be the easiest to navigate and select what you want.

  16. #16
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    Acid/Good Burst/Acid Blast Min2 is a good choice for a general purpose weapon as it works against neutral monsters too. As a boss beater Holy/Acid Burst/Acid Blast is better, but there's no point in crafting a Min2 boss beater any more with Cannith crafting available.

  17. #17
    Community Member Khanyth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dilbon View Post
    Acid/Good Burst/Acid Blast Min2 is a good choice for a general purpose weapon as it works against neutral monsters too. As a boss beater Holy/Acid Burst/Acid Blast is better, but there's no point in crafting a Min2 boss beater any more with Cannith crafting available.
    Disagree: from all who have told me, GS grind pales in comparison to Cannith Crafting grind.

  18. #18
    The Hatchery Vissarion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khanyth View Post
    Disagree: from all who have told me, GS grind pales in comparison to Cannith Crafting grind.
    That may be the case if you attempt to reach crafting levels for a Holy Burst of Greater Bane, but a Holy of Bane will still outDPS a Min II on raid bosses and requires relatively minimal commitment to Cannith Crafting.
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  19. #19
    Community Member aberent's Avatar
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    Thank you for all your posts, sounds like the winner is:

    metalline holy, acid burst and acid blast

    Now back to ingredient grinding, stupid chipmunk funk

  20. #20
    Community Member Khanyth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aberent View Post
    Thank you for all your posts, sounds like the winner is:

    metalline holy, acid burst and acid blast

    Now back to ingredient grinding, stupid chipmunk funk

    Good Luck....

    and if you think the funk is bad.... wait until you have to get large mats and you need to wait 20 runs for those 5 large devil scales

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