Yep, like the title says. What is the current price of the scroll of the chaosblade? My friend pulled out one lately, and I was not sure, what to tell her about the value. So?![]()
Yep, like the title says. What is the current price of the scroll of the chaosblade? My friend pulled out one lately, and I was not sure, what to tell her about the value. So?![]()
Bloody ridiculous Lol cos i want one.
Whatever you can get but going rate is twenty Redscales (ish)
So she hit one of the really valuable ones. Grats
Last edited by krackythehoodedone; 09-21-2011 at 02:42 PM.
Hum... this isnt Wonderland bro, 20 or more its the MC one. Actually the MC its the only scroll you can easly trade for 2 (!!!) of the more rares scrolls, 2 Chaosblade or 1 Torc + 1 Chaosblade for example
Thats what i think also, IMO the Chaosblade scroll worth 10 reds
As you say a "little high" but I dont think its a outrage Children, it all depends in how much you wanted the scroll and what you can pay for it![]()
“Pretend inferiority and encourage his arrogance”
Pakidobom / Axanon / Enro / Frederichtho - LootCannith Server
20 reds? LOL.
I've two crafted CBS,
I paid 7 reds for one, 9 reds for the other.
I'd say 9-10 is a fair value.
Children / Zeya / Tyremus / Inspiring
yeah 20 reds? pfft. marilith chain scroll is the only sands raid scroll to be considered 20 reds or more. Chaosblade scrolsl goes for a max for 10 reds.
I bought it for 12, little high... But I wanted it :s
Children / Zeya / Tyremus / Inspiring
Might be a little different on Cannith but here on Khyber their is a big demand.
People are offering 20 reds on the forums and the last few i know of went at that kinda price.
I wish it was lower cos i want one
Well, i dont even think it's worth 10. I bought my first one for 5 and tje second for the equivalent of 3. Plus, with the new alchemical stuff it's only temp anyway. (and looks ofc)
Scarletdalia Windwalker-Air Savant, Syngh Nswing-Ultimate DPS Bard, Kaehlan Amnell-TWF DPS Completionist-in-the-making , Bloodraynne-Human DPS Fvs, Stiel Kaege-WF THF DPS/Tank.
Leader-Obsidian Dragons, Cannith.
two just sold on ghallanda for 10 reds. different server, but seems pretty standard.
It all depends on the buyer & the seller.
On khyber, we have people paying 60 reds for 2 chaosblade scrolls (just check the forums).
Someone else might pay 5 reds only because the seller is a good friend.
Of course, you can estimate these scrolls are worth about 10-15 reds, but again, it's all about who sells it and who buys it.
Looks like i'm off to Cannith then.
I wont even begin to start to tell you how much Mari Chain Scrolls are going for on Khyber.
Well go on then i will.. 30 reds +
And then theirs the guy offering the equivalent of 60 million Plat for a Spell Storing Ring Shard
I paid 10 reds for one![]()
Energi 12/6/2 blitz / Peqal 20 Bard SS / Kituzzo Sorcerer
Officer of Ordo Draconis