i can use evocation magic for evil too, should i demand that all evocation-based items be changed? how about enchantment? i can literally turn someone against their close friends, and make them commit murder on my behalf. i can paralyse my enemies and then slaughter them without remorse, or make them dance helplessly while i burn them and all their friends around them.
and in any event, someone who probably allies with the
yugoloth isn't exactly in a position to take the moral high ground, nor is the person who, say, invades the homes of other races (of people who were often minding their own business, no less), slaughtering them all, and taking their possessions. sure, you can argue that they attacked you, but guess what: if someone invaded your home, you have a right to defend yourself, your family, and your properties. you make a living out of breaking into other people's homes, killing them, and stealing their property.
the problem here is not that the items need an adjustment. the problem is that your perspective needs adjustment.