I'v had some thoughts the passed few days about how society when they define something it also limits its potential. An simple example is a Pen, while most just view it as a writing utensil some see it for other uses as self-defense(a pen in the eye hurts).
This can also cont into Limitations science has put into our law of physics which science seems to be remaking these laws and expanding them everyday. Lets say there were no laws or rules to start with and as such no box would we instead think of some other reasoning and theories that we wouldn't have noticed before?
Now the point you say?
By Defining a role or class in DDO you are limiting its potential.
I wont go over each and every class but I see it all the time, your a _____ you cant do that, why did you take ____ thats for a ____.
Wipe your mind clean of the idea of roles for a minute and look at the game for what it is, progressing a character in skill, gear, and levels(along with social interactiveness of course). There have been many All *class* Shroud runs that are successful and easy along the way and more often then not they finish the quest. In the same way how many times do we fail a raid or quest and blame it on, not having enough heals, not having a tank, not having enough dps. Really though its not that you are missing an element to your party, its because some characters are lacking in skill, levels, and/or gear.
Some see a Sorc for just nuking, wizard for cc, barb for dps, and from this make a character based on that class. When I make a character I think of what I want him to do and base my class picks on that idea.
I look at the new Artificer class as not role but a tool to build a unique character.
/late night should of went to bed before writing all this rambling off
Edit:Think I dropped this into the wrong place, =)