The proc rate is ridiculously low for a 10 second buff. I ran shroud on Jial with this thing on, and it procced 4 times in total - Twice in phase 1, and once each in phases 2 and 5. Did some quick math, and the portals were going down after on average 40 swings. That means, not including trash, the thing procced twice off of ~600 swings - or a third of a percent proc chance.
So, suggestions -
1. Increase the proc chance, by a lot. Not enough to keep it up as a permanent buff, but enough to make the ability actually worth something. Maybe 2% (given an average attack speed of 100 swings per minute, that means about 1/3 of the time you will have the buff).
2. Increase the duration (again, by a lot). Up it to 1 minute. Given the same attack speed, you will end up with on average 3 procs every 10 minutes - around the same amount as #1, except that if they proc before the duration of a previous buff is over then you lose time. I like this one most, since I would much prefer fewer, longer durations of boost than more shorter duration buffs.
3. Increase the duration AND the proc chance, but have the buff come with a negative side effect (kind of like Blood Rage, except less complicated and frustrating). Looking for something to fit the theme, I came up with the following -
- -10% healing amp (or some appropriate amount) as the body is temporarily given construct strength improvements
- Stun at the end for 6 seconds as your body returns to normal
- -5 to-hit during the effect due to overfocus, and -10 for a minute after the effect from withdrawal
- Addiction: if the person does not receive a second hit from the Infusion within 10 minutes of the last one, they suffer from -10 constitution and strength until they are Healed, rested, or given another infusion.
Anyway, this ability needs some serious help. I didn't play on Lamannia, but I've heard that it was much more powerful there, and that might've been the reason that Turbine nerfed it into obsolescence. Maybe try to return some usefulness to this one?