Just a bard and his 2 assassin bodygaurds
Stnkywizzle, Krimsonrayne & Llrana (The High Council)
Just a bard and his 2 assassin bodygaurds
Stnkywizzle, Krimsonrayne & Llrana (The High Council)
Krimsonrayne -Ultimate Lord of Shadows on Orien server.
Using -Ethan Hunt build -Assassin III, 900+ HP versatile, survivalist, high dps, str build.
Build presented in video format. Long Live R.O.G.U.E.
Krimsonrayne -Ultimate Lord of Shadows on Orien server.
Using -Ethan Hunt build -Assassin III, 900+ HP versatile, survivalist, high dps, str build.
Build presented in video format. Long Live R.O.G.U.E.
Stnkywizzle, Krimsonrayne & Llrana (The High Council)
haha, like krimson needs an arcane, or bard, or healer, or anything else wasn't it more like krimson solo'd and the others just popped in to observe
jokes aside, grats all the same
it almost makes me want to log back in and play again. almost....
Somedays your the Bug
Somedays your the Windscreen.
lol ty. i appreeciate the sentiment but Llrana & Stinky were awesome. Stinky took us on a frikkin tour and enthralled everything. then me and Llrana just picked em off. Was pretty easy actually. What took the longest was the boss fight. just 2 rogues beating on him with no SA. Luckily I'm a str build or it would have been a lot longer.
Krimsonrayne -Ultimate Lord of Shadows on Orien server.
Using -Ethan Hunt build -Assassin III, 900+ HP versatile, survivalist, high dps, str build.
Build presented in video format. Long Live R.O.G.U.E.
here ya go stinky!
Krimsonrayne -Ultimate Lord of Shadows on Orien server.
Using -Ethan Hunt build -Assassin III, 900+ HP versatile, survivalist, high dps, str build.
Build presented in video format. Long Live R.O.G.U.E.
Ok for a moment there I tought it said "3 min E Tide runs..." :O
Gratz nevertheless
Games don't make you violent, lag does