This is my First build ever. Would like some feedback and ideas for improvement. New to the builds, usually just pick one that is posted like the Superior Soul for FvS.
This is my tentative build for when I TR. Would like your imput. This build would prolly benefit from prestige from Wiz. This is a pure Artificer build. Its very versatile in that you can change the enhancements from Electric to whatever fits your needs.
Could not decide between Adamantine or Mithral Body, went with Adamantine for the additional DR. Upon looking at it, hp is kinda low but things like Minos and GS items should makeup for that. But again, just a WIP build and would like ideas.
This is a 36pt build, I am not lucky with +3 tomes (Have yet to see one even drop!). Doing VoD/HoX, and Reaver's til 20 completions to get some +3's this life before TR'ing into this build.
Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 03.11.01
DDO Character Planner Home Page
Larkta Melodieux
Level 20 True Neutral Warforged Female
(20 Artificer)
Hit Points: 272
Spell Points: 1206
BAB: 15\15\20\25\25
Fortitude: 10
Reflex: 15
Will: 11
Starting Feat/Enhancement
Abilities Base Stats Modified Stats
(36 Point) (Level 1) (Level 20)
Strength 13 15
Dexterity 13 15
Constitution 17 19
Intelligence 18 28
Wisdom 6 8
Charisma 8 10
Tomes Used
+1 Tome of Strength used at level 3
+1 Tome of Dexterity used at level 3
+1 Tome of Constitution used at level 3
+1 Tome of Intelligence used at level 3
+1 Tome of Wisdom used at level 3
+1 Tome of Charisma used at level 3
+2 Tome of Strength used at level 7
+2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 7
+2 Tome of Constitution used at level 7
+2 Tome of Intelligence used at level 7
+2 Tome of Wisdom used at level 7
+2 Tome of Charisma used at level 7
Starting Feat/Enhancement
Base Skills Modified Skills
Skills (Level 1) (Level 20)
Balance 1 9
Bluff -1 1
Concentration 7 28
Diplomacy -1 1
Disable Device 8 33
Haggle -1 2
Heal -2 0
Hide 1 -2
Intimidate -1 1
Jump 3 9
Listen -2 0
Move Silently 2 9
Open Lock 5 26
Perform n/a n/a
Repair 4 10
Search 8 33
Spot 2 23
Swim 1 -1
Tumble 2 -1
Use Magic Device 3 24
Level 1 (Artificer)
Feat: (Selected) Adamantine Body
Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Bard
Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Favored Soul
Spell (1): Enchant Armor
Spell (1): Enchant Weapons
Spell (1): Repair Light Damage
Spell (1): Static Shock
Spell (1): Conjure Bolts
Spell (1): Curative Admixture: Cure Light Wounds
Enhancement: Artificer Crossbow Damage I
Enhancement: Storm Manipulation I
Enhancement: Repair Manipulation I
Level 2 (Artificer)
Spell (1): Shield of Faith
Enhancement: Reconstructive Spellcasting I
Enhancement: Warforged Damage Reduction I
Enhancement: Warforged Inscribed Armor I
Level 3 (Artificer)
Feat: (Selected) Augment Summoning
Spell (2): Elemental Weapons
Enhancement: Artificer Damage Boost I
Enhancement: Charged Spellcasting I
Enhancement: Deadly Shocks I
Enhancement: Mighty Reconstruction I
Level 4 (Artificer)
Feat: (Artificer Bonus) Point Blank Shot
Spell (2): Repair Moderate Damage
Enhancement: Artificer Damage Boost II
Enhancement: Artificer Crossbow Attack I
Level 5 (Artificer)
Spell (2): Lightning Sphere
Enhancement: Charged Spellcasting II
Enhancement: Storm Manipulation II
Enhancement: Artificer Intelligence I
Level 6 (Artificer)
Feat: (Selected) Rapid Shot
Spell (3): Repair Serious Damage
Enhancement: Artificer Battle Engineer I
Level 7 (Artificer)
Spell (3): Blast Rod
Enhancement: Deadly Shocks II
Enhancement: Storm Manipulation III
Enhancement: Warforged Inscribed Armor II
Level 8 (Artificer)
Feat: (Artificer Bonus) Precise Shot
Spell (3): Curative Admixture: Cure Serious Wounds
Enhancement: Warforged Damage Reduction II
Level 9 (Artificer)
Feat: (Selected) Toughness
Spell (4): Armor of Speed
Enhancement: Racial Toughness I
Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
Enhancement: Charged Spellcasting III
Level 10 (Artificer)
Spell (4): Repair Critical Damage
Enhancement: Artificer Crossbow Attack II
Enhancement: Artificer Crossbow Damage II
Level 11 (Artificer)
Spell (4): Lightning Motes
Enhancement: Repair Manipulation II
Enhancement: Warforged Inscribed Armor III
Level 12 (Artificer)
Feat: (Selected) Improved Damage Reduction
Feat: (Artificer Bonus) Maximize Spell
Spell (5): Radiant Forcefield
Enhancement: Artificer Intelligence II
Level 13 (Artificer)
Spell (2): Toughen Construct
Enhancement: Reconstructive Spellcasting II
Enhancement: Mighty Reconstruction II
Enhancement: Storm Manipulation IV
Enhancement: Repair Manipulation III
Level 14 (Artificer)
Spell (5): Prismatic Stike
Enhancement: Charged Spellcasting IV
Enhancement: Reconstructive Spellcasting III
Enhancement: Mighty Reconstruction III
Enhancement: Storm Manipulation V
Level 15 (Artificer)
Feat: (Selected) Improved Damage Reduction
Spell (6): Reconstruct
Enhancement: Artificer Skill Boost I
Enhancement: Artificer Skill Boost II
Enhancement: Storm Manipulation VI
Level 16 (Artificer)
Feat: (Artificer Bonus) Quicken Spell
Spell (6): Deadly Weapons
Enhancement: Charged Spellcasting V
Enhancement: Deadly Shocks III
Enhancement: Deadly Shocks IV
Enhancement: Storm Manipulation VII
Level 17 (Artificer)
Spell (6): Tactical Detonation
Level 18 (Artificer)
Feat: (Selected) Insightful Reflexes
Spell (6): Globe of Invulnerability
Enhancement: Charged Spellcasting VI
Enhancement: Deadly Shocks V
Enhancement: Warforged Damage Reduction III
Level 19 (Artificer)
Spell (2): Reinforce Construct
Level 20 (Artificer)
Feat: (Artificer Bonus) Empower Spell
Enhancement: Arcane Empowerment
Enhancement: Artificer Intelligence III