Hey, I was cooking up some ideas, and one that really stood out to me was a 12Art/8Cleric build. They would have level 5 Art spells and a decent healing power, what do you think?
Hey, I was cooking up some ideas, and one that really stood out to me was a 12Art/8Cleric build. They would have level 5 Art spells and a decent healing power, what do you think?
But a warforged artificer would be more powerful, and have better healing capabilities than a 12/8 hybrid.
Also the stats would be spread thin on a build like this, and the strongest spells available on either class would be unavailable to you.
for a fleshy going for self sufficiency, the 18/2 wiz/rogue would suffice (maybe 18/2 wiz/arty for the rune arm and dropping evasion could work, but would need some testing)
short answer:
long answer: To long to type it all out.
As far as arcane healing is concerned (repair spells) if you cant get reconstruct, you wasted your time.
Also, what does 8 cleric levels honestly get you aside from the free "do not pick me for group" dragonmark?
Rune arms scale by arti level, i'd not multiclass with artificer for rune arm usage. Maybe there are some rune arms out there that have a good enough level based charge with only a few arti levels for higher level content, but i've not found them. Running elites my arm using charge tier 2 hits in an AE for 40ish with the best lightning one i have found up till 11. Bit weak. Flame turret is making up for that though.
I think arti/cleric multi is a bad move too. Between UMD and potions admixtures they have a bit of healing already. With the bonus feats a person might consider halfing dragon marks for a bit more.
I have a hard time giving up caster levels on almost any caster or casterish class. A small splash maybe but not a big dip.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zonbLF-NMZgOriginally Posted by Turbine
The idea was a human art/clr, but I guess a WF Art would be a lot better...
50% reconstruct on a lvl 20 Artificer is better healing (and all around survivability) than you'll get from 8 levels of cleric.
With a pet to draw aggro, self buffs and a heavy repeating hello_you're_dead_bow; healing via construct essence is more than enough to keep my tinker going.
I feel like Construct Essence is a trap.
Arti's are the unequivocal Kings (And Queens) of UMD. With even a medicre Charisma, they can use enhancements, items (Persuasion is a very low crafting level!), and inherent class abilities to boost their UMD, as well as the Artificer Knowledge and wand-and-scroll enhancements to *really* pump out some extra OOMF from UMDables! As such, Arti's, like most characters, can survive of pots at low levels, but just when pots become not-quite-good-enough, Arti's are able to UMD some good wands and great scrolls! With +5 caster level (Or caster level 25, after capstone!) and +75% damage/healing from wands and scrolls, you will be incredibly self sufficient without even needing repair spells!
Side benefits include saving a feat (woo), and saving the AP you would otherwise spend on the repair line. You can apply the same benefits you get to wands and scrolls to repair and reconstruct your Iron Defender, making the repair line unnecessary
To OP - I propose that a pure Arti can heal *BETTER* than a 8 cleric split.
While I agree with the logic on this, I would still splash Arti. for more than spell casting-You could gain a ton of good feats if you intended on going Repeater or Great X-bow or could advance Traping/Lock skills.
May I suggest to the OP that you just splash 2 levels of Arti for a little pew pew power and leave the rest as a Cleric (similar to a Machine Gun Nun style build).![]()
if you're brave take a look at this one ...
Last edited by Theolin; 01-13-2012 at 12:09 AM.
if we have cleric domain here.. then sure.. but we don't.. most of my old build have 1 cleric level for the bonus two feat from domain.. saddly we don't have domain in ddo.. so it may not be the best idea to splash cleric
I felt the same way and didnt get that feat on my drow arti for the longest time. Then I tried it out and realized it actually is pretty good. Yes, I've still got a stack of Heal Scrolls, but using them in the middle of backwards kiting 10 mobs in and out of a blade barrier is a pain. Easier just to jump cast reconstruct.
The halfling DMs are quite powerful on an Arty. If built for it, they can heal anything that doesn't absolutely require a dedicated healer spamming masses on every cooldown.... but they *can* act as a backup in those. I like mine so much that I'm rolling him a second time on my second server, althouigh I'll be changing the rogue splash to a monk splash.
With the eventual enhancements changes, it will possibly also free up another feat or two for the build and possibly add some Life Magic, adding even more healing.
It has become my favorite character to play, so I'm moving him from my testing grounds to my main server. And he's potentially only going to get better when the enhancement changes come into effect.
But even without the marks an Arty has plenty of ways to heal that spending a feat to lower your incoming healing from every single source just so you can quicken a Recon at only half power is a complete trap, as Brennie said.
Last edited by Calebro; 01-13-2012 at 08:49 AM.
it's a decent build so far got caught up in the bonus xp and leveled some tr's instead of this first lifer once he gets some gear i'll update the build with how it plays.