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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Do crafted handwraps work yet? Anybody check?

    Incredibly, crafting is out of beta... but the update notes are almost utterly silent about handwraps, which previously could destroy your char merely by equipping them.

    As we know, metalline didnt work, holy didnt stack with ToD rings, to-hit and dam were screwed to heck and went down the more you buffed, bane didnt add the enhance bonuses, and most prefs and sufs didnt work.

    And, of course, if you told cust service, you were told to go screw off, since it was all in beta. But... now it is out of beta. I'm assuming that we will still be told to screw off, that we are idiots for being so naive as to play ddo and expect it to work, but curious if anything has changed.

    I can say that I did a bit of simple testing with my 5 holy glob handwraps, and my to-hit and dam were still screwed up, but maybe that was left over from my entire main char being screwed up by having equipped them before. My holy burst glob warhammer had screwed up hit dam also, but again that may have been because my entire char was screwed.

    And maybe a developer could say something about this? For goodness sakes the disrepect towards players and incompetence regarding crafted handwraps has been epic. Something like: yes, crafted handwraps WILL destroy your char you've put 100's of hours into, after which we will laugh in your face while telling you we cant help you and please have a nice day... or now they work and WON'T destroy your char? Given the huge ingredient investment in crafting, and given the potential to actually wreck your char's hit/dam with all weapons, a bit of feedback from the devs would be nifty.
    Last edited by wyndzen; 09-15-2011 at 12:48 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Dilgar's Avatar
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    I crafted mine after the update, all of the listed problems still exist. All they managed to fix was holy adding good damage for bypassing DR, which is pointless with a ToD ring.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    cool, very good to know at least. looks like I'll use and craft warhammers for my monk hybrid for dr breaking (since those are the only weapons that work decently with twf and bludg specialization and imp crit)

  4. #4
    Community Member Chette's Avatar
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    As far as I know they haven't even acknowledged that they're bugged.

    Part of me wants to make new alchemical handwraps for my monk first and foremost. But most of me suspects that they will be bugged all to heck and never fixed and I'd be better of spending my shards on weapons for other characters.
    ~ Cheara : Raizertron : Pozitron : Higgz Bowtron : Illudium : Staphe Infection : Abraa Capocus ~
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  5. #5
    Community Member Jhenissa's Avatar
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    Although I cannot for the life of me find the link (my googlefu is not WAI), MajMalphunktions last blog entry explicitly stated that the issues with handwraps are known and did not get addressed in U11. They will be addressed in a future update.

  6. #6
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    Developers must be complete morons. It's been what, like over 6 months, and they can't fix handwrap issues with crafting? We're not talking quantum physics here people. How about stop putting the temp coder on the handwrap project...

  7. #7
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    But we are monks - we are used to waiting indefinitely.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chette View Post
    As far as I know they haven't even acknowledged that they're bugged.

    Part of me wants to make new alchemical handwraps for my monk first and foremost. But most of me suspects that they will be bugged all to heck and never fixed and I'd be better of spending my shards on weapons for other characters.
    Yeah, but the sad thing is that to get alchem wraps, would be nice to be able to craft decent wraps to do LoB and such in the first place.

  9. #9
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    Some things are working some aren't as always. My holy Adamantine GCB wraps, the GCB damage and adamantine works... Holy damage doesnt stack with ring, and enhancement bonus is borked still.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mystera View Post
    Developers must be complete morons. It's been what, like over 6 months, and they can't fix handwrap issues with crafting? We're not talking quantum physics here people. How about stop putting the temp coder on the handwrap project...
    While I appreciate the enthusiasm, insults aren't helping.

  10. #10
    Dual-Wielder of Halflings DevHead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jhenissa View Post
    Although I cannot for the life of me find the link (my googlefu is not WAI), MajMalphunktions last blog entry explicitly stated that the issues with handwraps are known and did not get addressed in U11. They will be addressed in a future update.
    Yes, this was said. I remember it as well. They're hoping to get them in a patch or at the very latest U12.

    And I can confirm that the to-hit is still causing problems; I crafted +5 Holy of Outsider Bane and watched my to-hit drop by three instead of staying the same (after switching from one +5 set of wraps to these).
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