My dog eats wood.
In battle, on attack mode or after having been told to attack/trip/intim target, the dog will go munch on a crate.
Stand at the door, there are mobs on the other side, open door. Tell dog to eat mobs, but he has already run off to munch on a crate.
Dog attacks target, mobs start closing in around him, I start picking them off with some pew pew. Dog runs off to munch on a crate. Mobs follow.
Sense trap, tell dog "stay!" Dog runs off to munch on crate--through trap, dies.
Can we train our dogs to only eat what's put in their bowl? If my RL dog behaved like this, she would have to be put down.
Arty's (battle engineers) are supposed to be tactical support, but one of their most useful tools is off munching on crates!
Devs: could you please help?