Ran Elite tonight 119 minutes of wave after wave of devils and orthons - I did HAM and only did the poison room, cleared the shrine and then killed the boss. I realize this is not an UBER accomplishment, but for me it was a fun goal to be able to have enough "Natural Resources" to accomplish this task and not be dependent on Consumable Resources.

Even running this Solo Mis Adventure still ended up killing 5... Some day I'll catch her and ask her to kindly stop following me

Enoach is level 20 and benifiting from the U11 DoS changes
1. +6 Strength
2. +6 Con
3. +20% Max HP
4. Only 10% movement speed penalty

Wearing the Epic Cavalier Full Plate Tier 3 - Nothing slotted (Still need to get enough Tokens)

Has Paladin's Capstone - Weapon of Good

Average AC throughout the quest was 66. Spiked to 81 at one point (was using CE, +3 Barkskin and Double hasted). AC was also as low as 63 (Forgot to cast shield of faith).

I was hoping to use my Epic Grim's necklace and run at a 75-76 AC, but found out quickly that I would still be depleting my SP bar and would be dry by the time I made it to the shrine, so I opted to go with just enough AC to get hit about 25% of the time which is roughly 69ish AC and use the Torc to keep my SP flowing.

My personal rules for this accomplishment:
  1. No Mnumonic Potions.
  2. No Hirelings
  3. No summons
  4. Use of SP and only use Scrolls/Wands for healing when SP was depleted.

The first two fights went smooth with the use of Deathward, so my Silver Flame Trinket got a small break. With Stance my saves are much higher as I'm now sporting a 49 Fortitude Save.

Equipment That I felt was key:
1. Torc <- Paladin's without SP is like a Barbarian with out Rage - A Gimp Fighter
2. Superior Ardor Clickies - 1 Belt and 1 Scepter for a total of 6 charges
3. MIN2 Khopesh with 4 Insight AC
4. 3x Positive Khopesh - For Cinderspawns
5. Smoke Goggles - Blur and 2 Displacements per shrine
6. Leviks Tower Shield - Heal proc

Stuff I wished I had to make the whole trip easier
1. More Barkskin Potions +4 kind
2. Superior Ardor Potions or more clickies - When I only had 500 HP cure serious and mod together can restore you to full pretty fast. Now that I'm running with 740 HP using an Ardor Clicky just makes more sense.
3. Displacement Scrolls - I have enough UMD to use these and I still forgot to pick up some before I went in... At least I brought a Stoneskin wand

A quick funny story - While running this quest, after getting to the HAM poison room and clearing it of its occupents, my 3 year old son comes to me because he wants chocolate milk to drink, but insists that he will do it himself, all he needed me for was to help him get a cup and supervise. So I thought ok, room cleared I'm good, I'm at full healthish (almost all my 740 HP). Well when I returned 5 minutes later, there's this Orthon Lieutenant trying to kill me, I look at my HP's and notice that I'm at 452 HP. In approximatly just under 5 minutes time the Orthon only managed to knock almost 300 hp off of me... And they say Paladin DPS is weak