Originally Posted by
Hoo boy, this is interesting.
So, to start with, I used the following methodology: conjure a stack of 400 bolts, cast a resist for a timer, and click my mouse button to attack the training dummy as the timer struck an even minute, holding the mouse button down and releasing it exactly 2 minutes later on the timer. This is with a level 10 arti at BAB 7, with Rapid Shot and Rapid Reload. See how many bolts I have left afterward. In cases where I used Endless Fusillade, I deliberately waited until after my attack chain started before triggering EF, so that I'd be sure I had the entire activation delay as part of the chain. Results:
Base (RR + RS only): 195 bolts, or ~97 bolts/min
EFx4: 252 bolts, 126 bolts/min
AoS: 216 bolts, 108 bolts/min
AoS, EFx4: 258 bolts, 129 bolts/min
So, clearly a difference between armor of speed and no armor of speed. For kicks, I then started changing my methodology -- rather than holding down the mouse button to attack, I simply engaged/disengaged auto-attack at the 2-minute mark:
Base (RR + RS only): 216 bolts, 108 bolts/min
AoS: 216 bolts, 108 bolts/min
AoS, EFx4: 258, 129 bolts/min
(Couldn't immediately do EFx4 with autoattack, as my network connection flaked out during the last test)
So, that's pretty interesting. With autoattack on, it looks like the server-side speed is mistakenly assuming the same speed boost as Haste/AoS? I gotta imagine that's a bug -- that probably the speed without auto-attack is the intended one.