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If you could measure the total, overall damage done over the coarse of the average lengthed epic instance, i have no doubt that the Barbarian has contributed more. Every single monster a fighter attacks without haste boost leaves a huge gap with the Barbarian dashing forward because Range and Frenzy basically last forever. The latest % based change to Damage Boost further buffs barbs.
However, in some circumstances the fighters are superior. evon6 dragon, for example, fighters are a touch ahead. This is due to the constant breaks from combat giving them time to wait out the gap between haste boosts due to 30 sec CD and 20 sec duration and activate a new boost without losing swing time.
Ultimately the simply fact is that Fighters are not haste boosted 100% of the time. There are a great deal of swings made that are not powered by haste boost, and every round they throw unboosted is pretty pathetic dammage compared to the fully raged and frenzied barb.
If you ONLY care about damage output and max hp, Barbarian is the logical choice. Honestly i think anyone who really believes fighters are truly end-of-the-day more dps are delusional.
Fighter = utility, great burst dps, and flexible builds (the option to go AC for example)
Barbs = overall ultimate dps and HP with zero flexibility and no options for build customization (you wont be seeing any barbs with Improved trip, Stunning blow and Improved Sunder on the same toon.)