Joined a pug a bit reluctantly last night to run the new raid The Master Artificer. It was a fantastic group, we finished in 45 mins with <3 deaths. Great job to all!!
Joined a pug a bit reluctantly last night to run the new raid The Master Artificer. It was a fantastic group, we finished in 45 mins with <3 deaths. Great job to all!!
everyone has a little monk in them
Argonnessen - Gezriel, Lawknes, Flatlie, Bawnd
New Raid = Exclusive to VIPs
VIPs / Paid Costumers = People who take more interest into the game than regulars (Average)
People who take more interest into the game > People who don't take interest into the game = People who know what they're doing
People who know what they're doing = Success.
~Everything is Bearable With Music~
Seconded. Just cause you throw in 10 or 15 bucks a month doesn't mean you're taking anything seriously or that you have a clue.
Although I did run a couple of PUGs last night since most of my guildies are either running new artificers or the new quests, and they were all fine groups.
Toastee McRoastybuns - Shinigamii - Theifing Slum - Bakabaka - Salsasnack - Tssst The Dog Whisperer
MrBlonde - Omakase Omnomnom - Austrian Deathmachine - Consonar Crazy IvanAscent
You do know MA is stupid easy on normal right, try a normal LoB with a pug group then talk.
Toastee McRoastybuns - Shinigamii - Theifing Slum - Bakabaka - Salsasnack - Tssst The Dog Whisperer
MrBlonde - Omakase Omnomnom - Austrian Deathmachine - Consonar Crazy IvanAscent
The word on the forums that PUGS are the most dreadful/horrible thing to ever walked the earth is highly exaggerated. Not everyone is in large guilds that has enough toons with all sorts of levels to cater for everyone. And not everyone plays in peak hours with lots of players/guildies. I've seen even many good/recognisable players PUG, and I won't call them the suzzors! The number of failures I have experienced in a PUG is negligible to the amounts of success.
And who says guild runs guarantee completions? Folks just tend to have a higher level of patience/tolerance with guildies/people they know.
To read some threads on the forums, you would think that you'd be better off grouping with 5 (or 11) chimpanzees banging randomly on keyboards than you would be in a normal PuG.
Honestly, it's not really that bad. Most PuGs I join complete without major headaches or drama.
To those who insist that it really is that bad, however, I humbly suggest that if every PuG you've ever been in is a fail, that maybe it's not the other party members?![]()
You are responsible for your own DDO experience.
So instead of "TR/Vets only" we should all do "VIP/Premium only"
DDO Bug Ratio: For every 10 new bugs, 1 is fixed.
If you ever join someone else's group, you're the pug.![]()
Part of the issue here is a bias in reporting. People probably are not likely to come post here everytime a pug is ok or good. They are, however, far more likely to come a post a long-winded complaint about how they failed a quest because of a pug. So, all we hear about are stories about how terrible pugs are, in part to tell us how awesome the OP is in comparison. This leaves us with a general misperception of reality in most cases.
Not awful. But certainly entertaining.
Mellkor Wizard, Culpepper Cleric, Coyle Warlock, Anarion Mechanic Archer, Ungoliant, Assassin, Tulkas Astaldo Vanguard Pally,
***Argonnessen*** ~~Ascent~~
i loved that raid it was so much fun ...but it would be impossible on epic.
Ya it was a fun i was glad we completed since we charmed the cannons and they kept stealing the purple titans agro and he never stopped running, also we had no one in the party who has ever completed the q before it was a great run with lots of great people some times pugs are awfull sometimes there great. If u get a great one its really fun, but if u get a horrible one it really sucks, its just part of pugs.