Hey all, just wanted to put this up here. I've already bug reported it, but figured others might want to know about it.
I crafted my new Epic Midnight Greetings on my Rogue on Monday. Today I swapped out IC: Pierce for IC: Slashing since I will be using the kukri on almost everything. I did that by using the free feat swap from Lockania (as a level 20 who never had to run that quest). I lost my IC: Pierce benefits, but did not gain my IC: Slashing benefits. On any weapons.
Tried logging out and back in, didn't work. Tried reloading the client, didn't work. Not sure if it's a display bug or if it's actually not applying it to my weapons. And it's not just the eMG, it's all slashing weapons. Here's a shot with what I'm talking about.