got a spare Boots of the Innocent, looking for a Cloak of Ice. Will trade one for the other.
got a spare Boots of the Innocent, looking for a Cloak of Ice. Will trade one for the other.
Wiz Melee ->
Undead Cleric Melee ->
its the deal so bad?
still looking for that cloak of ice.
Wiz Melee ->
Undead Cleric Melee ->
I think its a matter of the boots dropping more often now and being almost "trash" loot now. Just check the AH, you'll probably find 4-5 pair up, maybe even the cloak your looking for as well.
*I say this because on my last TR run I got THREE pairs of Boots of the Innocent from one grinding session of Temple of Vol, and then I saw TWO cloaks of Ice drop from GoP. So you might be better off just grinding one out.
Last edited by Xionanx; 09-15-2011 at 05:49 AM.
Actually, the boots are pretty much surpassed by crafted boots now, which can also provide you with a guild slot.