Templar are a mixed bunch of guys and girls who like to have a laugh whilst running end-game content. We're not actively recruiting, but we always have room for more like-minded people to join our ranks.
If you had to give us a DDO alignment, Chaotic Neutral would best describe our nature - I'd go so far to say as we are the most un-PC guild on the server.
People that will like us:
Not many.
Those with (extremely) thick skins.
Those with an irreverent sense of humor.
Those who are end-gamers and enjoy running quests/epics/raids for the challenge/loot.
What you will get as a guildy:
A nice airship and TS3 server to chat with us.
Auto-inclusion into Templar runs, regardless of what gimp toon you decide to bring
Guildies who you can rely on to have your back
Jokes made at your expense at every opportunity
Never having to say sorry for poking fun at a guildy :P
If you're interested in joining Templar, there's no set method other than to get to know us and accept us for who we are - a bunch of pranksters who also happen to have awesome toons.