Its just a matter of preference man, with most people (including myself) preferring the pre u10 version precisely for the reason that our eyes are comfortable seeing it the way we did for the past 5 years.
Sure, I love seeing everyones hitpoints and think thats a plus, but if it means I have to stick with that crappy spacious and shortened bars of my party, no thanks.
A bit similar, yes, but DDO's is not as chunky.
Over there the UI is gigantic and covers half my screen in a raid group. I'm not joking either, I can't even see my entire fellowship because it extends below the chat box, and that's playing it full screen at 1200x900 or whatever. Their UI shows all the buffs & debuffs someone has where the giant spacing is here.
But they also have little sliders you can use to control how big it is, scaling them all down if you'd like. Mine are set at 0% so I can play the game instead of staring at bars.
The other UI, where our character's image and HP stuff is... extremely similar to LOTRO's and a bunch of different games we'd be playing if we wanted to play them instead of DDO. I don't like that at all. Had a nice little setup in the bottom of my screen with that & my target setup above my toolbar, and chat scrolling above it. Now I can't do that or autoattack without wasting a toolbar spot... and worse, I think I'm always getting hurt, because the character image keeps moving & drawing my attention. - Remember to play in moderation.
It violates basic UI principles to use a font smaller than used elsewhere. What am I supposed to do? Reduce my display resolution so I can read the health bars?
I cannot read that font size fast enough in a raid to play a healer anymore and it gives me eyestrain headaches.
I can live it. That's the problem, in Turbines hands..... Just make me quit already.
Exiile --- Exalt --- Exception
Well it is taking up too much space <--- low resolution user like me
It is too small, I can't read it! <--- sounds like something at the opposite end of the spectrum.
So overall here I am hoping they do let us tweak the size of the bars... which seems to be the worse problem to me. After that it'd be the positioning of them.
The HP read on it spells death to my gimpy pew pew, however it makes my cleric's healing duties a breeze because its not more efficient and lo and behold, I now can tell which muppet I am targetting because its box is highlighted.
Odd as it sounds I think I am quickly getting used to it as well, nevermind the transparency because if it wasn't I won't be able to see half my screen >_>
One man's UI is another man's nightmare. You'd wish they would at least release some UI modding tools for you. Oh and skin wise I am still using Cosmos, just because it saves up more space for my tunnel vision toons.
No~ Stop! Don't ~Slow Down! Does not apply to Melee Class.
Communication only works when People listen.
Felline - Lyonne - Shandrine - Pingkie
It hasn't been a day. As was said, many of us played with it quite a bit on Lamannia. The UI is bad for most of us for many reasons, all of which have already been pointed out.
My guild leader and I were discussing these new icons last night. His fear was that with the HP/SP icons displaying the actual number of HP/SP peeps would get booted from groups if it was deemed by the leader that those numbers were too low. I have to agree with him. I could see it happening for sure.
"Sorry. You only have 1500 SP and that's not enough to run in the Shroud. Go rework your toon and come back later."
We played with it and although that display can be turned off, it only turns it off for you, not for others.
I'm sick of following my dreams, man. I'm just gonna ask 'em where they're going and hook up with 'em later on - Mitch Hedberg
Silverweb - Silverwren - Silverware - Daydream - Dubbelklik
My main is a healer and I really had a challenging time with the new UI. I like seeing the numbers but there is something else about it that made me not notice party health as well as I normally do.
I like to be active in melee with my cleric and I found it difficult to both melee and heal at the same time - and I have played this game 5 years and never had a challenge with that previously.
It will be interesting to see if this is just a short term perceptual adjustment or an actual deficiency in the layout. In the short term though I suggest that people be a little more cautious in quests because your healers may not be as responsive as you are used to them being.
The new UI is junk compared to the old one. Why they felt the need to REMOVE the old one in favor of this junk without allowing us the option to choose between the two in the UI settings is beyond me. Well, it would be beyond me, but this is Turbine after all.
No, no, no!
Not "Waaa the ui is different"
It's "Crimeny, the ui is now in the way of the action!"
I have a 19" monitor. Talking with my guildies, those that have a 21" wide-screen don't seem to care about the ui change. The large vital takes up ~1/3 of my screen (in a raid group, ~1/6 regular group). The small vital can't be moved past (it appears) 1024x768 resolution area (ie not to the bottom of the 1280x1024 screen).
The left side of my screen is now a write-off. Can't see a damthing.
My screen was already cluttered up.
Having a larger vital bar is NOT helping.
I MUCH prefer the previous and would switch back in an instant given the choice.
?Which is why the didn't give us the choice?
Must use the new thing!
Select one of the fabulous signatures from the list of your characters below!
You have no characters
Then what game was I playing last night
I was on my lowbie fvs and bought a couple dps hires. I died twice because I was focused on their health and didn't notice my own. I'm constantly squinting at their hp and saying to myself " their hp isn't too low, they can handle another mob fight". That's risky. Bought klin also. 232 hp?! Would have booted him if I didn't need him, lol. Do I really need to see a big picture of myself when everyone else has a class icon? Rather see a picture of them so when in say shroud I know to skip the wf when its time for pt. 4 and don't need to hit them with fom and poison. Easy fix, give us the option to toggle back to the old ui please.
Was tweaking around with the GUI controls today and things seemed to be working that WEREN'T working yesterday. Not sure if this is a Solo Vs Party thing or not... today was solo.
Self in Party
No portraits
Large Bar
No percent
Seems to be similar to what we had before in my limited testing. Will need to experiment more while in a group to see how things change.
It's in the GUI configurator options. Seems to be all or nothing though... if you turn off values then it turns off your values too.and a button to turn hp/sp-numbers on/off.
how has it reduced any information? the health/sp/ki bars are there just like before, but with a numerical value added, so you can guage whether a clw will heal that rog up to full, or an empowered heal is needed for the 900hp barb.
i fail to see the problem. if its cus they are shorter, well that IS a get used to thing, and one that hardly matters.
"I don't know half of you half as well as i should like, and i like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."
I've had a couple days now to try and adjust, and have found a way that makes it "bearable" (changed where the party bars are on-screen, and turn off all numbering after shrining and passing out buffs), but I'm still having real problems evaluating who needs immediate attention "at-a-glance" due to the increased footprint and decreased bar size. I'll probably get used to it, but still can't quite understand how this change made it to the top of their priority list, while things that players have been complaining about for the 14 months or so that I've been playing still remain broken. Sigh.
In addition to a "Use classic UI" option, another thing I would like to see (or find if it exists) is a way to hotkey the "numbers on/numbers off" selection (such as an Alt-letter combo).
Like all the other threads about this:
1. Give us the option to toggle back to "classic" UI.
2. Remove the space inbetween the party members in the "new" UI.
<-Curelite Bottling Company->
Originally Posted by Chilldude