Someone told me you can go back to the old UI with a simple UI selection in the options but I like the UI so I didn't look.
Someone told me you can go back to the old UI with a simple UI selection in the options but I like the UI so I didn't look.
Love Live Eternal Faith ~Sarlonian 4 lyfe~
While I would like to see the spaces between the bars scrunched down some so the overall raid/party list is not so big, the very first thing I did yesterday after the update was did a Shroud and Hound run and had absolutely no problems healing and using the new UI at all.
The only deaths occurred because of typical gameplay and would have happened with or without the new UI.
Ugh, is all I can say about my first experience with the new party layout in a Shroud raid group. Running my FVS melee/2nd tier healer I'm often trying to balance swinging, spamming mass healing, and keeping an eye on health bars where extra spot healing is required, while also needing to watch cool down timers in a heavy firefight.
The huge increase in the party UI display footprint makes it much harder to balance all these things when I can't assess the party's health situation as quickly at a glance--the critical information I need to watch is now spread over a much larger area with smaller status bars. Not to mention the transparency. Please give us a UI option to go back to the old format or a more compact layout. Right now I'm looking at spending less time swinging, or more toons dying, neither of which is a fun gameplay change.
I never stated it did.. Just chiming in with the fact that the new toggles can help, and allow one to customize it to Bad as opposed to the out-of-the-box setting of Worse.
Heh! That said I'm hoping like hell its changed. But better to be unhappy and coping-as-best-able, than to just be unhappy 'eh?
I'll sign again..... And again.. And again...
Notice how not a single Dev has acknowledged this junk.... Theyr'e all on looking around though....
I have the same problem. Would be good to have the old interface, and a button to turn hp/sp-numbers on/off. The way it is now, healing has become far more difficult. It's not fun anymore (less playing -> not buying tp, maybe losing interst in the game -> no $$$ for Turbine - so maybe you should care...)
It has dramatically increased the space taken up by useless information; specifically, the class icon and the blank space for non-existent pets.
It has dramatically reduced the accessibility of useful information; specifically, the amount of health left for any given character.
These specific changes have done nothing but hinder my enjoyment of the game. I didn't ask for them, I don't want them, and I would really appreciate a toggle to go back to the old way.
This is not a case of my having to get used to a different way. This is a case where you just made a mistake. You should fix it.
What's really killing me is this.... I was just in party with Arti and his dog from my guild... All they needed to do was split the Arti's blue bar length wise giving the dogs health the bottom 1/2 and keepign dogs health bar red, jsut like it does when you ahve a spalsh monk that has red/blue/yellow. The rest of of the party/individual UI could've been left 100% alone.
DDO-EU Update-11- ME
That's what it SHOULD be called...
Yes, it's a Windows ME reference
Ok so the new ui actually doesnt really bother me too much fact the only thing that bothers me is that blackbird custom ui is not compatible with certain things ..which sucks
What does bother me is all the [players] who gave the ui one day before they [gave their feedback] about it..
Its like anything else,give yourself time to adjust and before ya know it you will be healing like you used to be!
If the ui looked like that when we all first started the game we would have it down and everything would be ok..but it didnt so nows the time where you should at least attempt to adjust..
And if you cant adjust im pretty sure there is an option to more stream line the ui ..not sure about that but i think there is..
Am i completely used to healing with this ui ? No not at all lol feels clumsy and less noticeable for me for some reason so i forget where im looking..BUT I will give it time as i know i can adjust to such a small change to my game play..I am comfortable and competent with my skill and know how in this game that a little change like that should only affect me for a few days or so..
Over all the ui change is pretty cool imo, but i can understand why some dont like it..its different..out of your comfort zone. Thats ok a lot of people don't like change but the smart ones will learn to adapt and WILL get used to it..
Then of course once we are all used to it turbine will change it back to its former self and we can all cry about that too
Last edited by Tolero; 09-14-2011 at 11:10 AM. Reason: less name calling, more feedbacking plz
I was looking forward for a post about "change is good."
Change for the worse is NOT good, and there have been many, many intelligent posts describing what the problem is with the new Party UI, which I won't bother repeating to you.
It is less focusable and non-intrusive. This is a problem when it is the most important part of your UI.
Someone has made a conscious decision and said: "We need the party health to be more spacious, narrow, unfocusable and out-of-the-way."
Nobody is whining because of a simple change of colors and shapes.
Last edited by Tolero; 09-14-2011 at 11:11 AM.
It was not ONE DAY it was many many days of people stating it sucked.
As usual Turbine did not listen and let it go into production.
My healer is retired until such time I can read the bars. Even just giving them a background would suffice, but transparent ain't working.
The majority of players (according to the many threads of people complaining about the new change) would be ecstatic if they changed it back.
Many of us have been using the new UI since it was released on Lamannia. The devs didn't listen when most people complained about it then. The point of all the complaint threads/posts is to try and convince them to change it back. If no one says anything, nothing gets changed (not referring to just this topic). If mass amounts of people didn't complain about the rare & raid loot involved with the cannith crafting, they never would have removed most of it. That's how things get changed, speaking up. If you disagree with people that are against a change, that's fine, I think every intelligent person can respect that. But calling people "whiny little babies", because you disagree with them, just makes you look like a tool, who can't come up with a valid argument.
Make an option between the two.
Problem solved
Begone knave, you disrupt our polite conversation with your trollery!
The new ui looks an awful lot like the crappy ui in lord of the rings.