How do you heal the party with these UI's? I haven't figured it out-has anyone? Share your techniques on how to actually use this piece of, well, annoyance.
I had to unfocus my eyes. Like when you stair at those non-sense dot posters and a 3-D image appears.
This will allow the background effects to blend back and you can actually see all 12 bars of your raid.
It is effective for healing.
Of course this has left me with strained eyes for the past hour.
My cleric is done and probably all my toons since noone is going to be healing but pocket-clerics. At least not in intensive raids or epics. I'm sure casual quests are no problem to heal.
They are kind of awkward, but I think people just need to adjust to them. Specially clerics who have been healing a long time looking at the same UI. It is just going to take some getting used to.
It is going to be hard for me to adjust. I don't know about the getting used to part. Here is my take why:
Old UI: you can do a lot of stuff, because you are not there only for healing. You can still see the bars even though you are focusing on other mobs, etc.
New UI: If you unfocus your eyes from the bar, for me they will disappear because they blend with the background. So if you wanted to heal, you need to focus back to the bars.
My answer for the OP, I don't know, maybe the technique is, wait for them to yell at you for hjeals?
(I apologize if any of my posts are frustrating to read or make anyone's hard to write a post when I have a massive headache and I'm quite grumpy at the moment after 4 hours of frustration trying update 11)
I won't be adjusting. Been here since update 3, never got a headache from playing DDO. after about 1 hour of playing DDO on my healer, got a huge headache trying to look at hp bars. I have 20/15 vision, and I feel like playing ddo will make my eyes strain and make them worse and worse over time. DDO isn't worth losing my good vision over. Goodbye DDO, it's been a good 18 months. The wing nerf was unjustified and didn't do anything to make is less powerful, just more annoying. They could've made raid bosses prevent wing use, and allow 5sp with no-charge wings everywhere else. I didn't like their ridiculous nerf that had no place, but I thought I'd give them a chance. I thought I could maybe convince myself that it doesn't matter. I wanted to give Turbine a chance to prove me wrong. Well, thanks to this awful UI change, among other things, it's an easy decision to say goodbye to DDO and I have no regrets.
I like the fact Big Top is no longer a boring race to the boss and kill...rinse and repeat 20 times weekly. However, what's with the invisible walls? haha. Turbine makes so much money that the devs can be so lazy as to not have the time to make a rock or something that is a visible obstruction. They need to just make invisible walls to save time. I can't stand trying to have fun in a game where corners are cut. Yes, it's their game so I can't control what they do to it. I will never pay another dime to Turbine though, I'm done. Subscription and DDO points are gone. When the devs have no interest in players having fun, and instead try to punish the players and make fun of these players, I get angry. No game is worth being angry over...(see ) where the devs make fun of the wing nerf as if it was justified and everyone who was upset was being over the top. They basically said they don't care, and you know what, neither do I anymore. For all I care, take away the wings completely from fvs, and on top of that, make the hp bars 3 times smaller than they are now in update 11. make them so small that my characters' goggles are bigger than the hp bars.
Last edited by Flugzeug; 09-13-2011 at 03:01 AM.
Its god awful.
I play with a 24 inch Monitor in 1920x1080--and its just tiny. My eyes are very strained and I was just questing, I cant imagine the raids.
Hexxa CLR 25 *TR* * ~Hexanna ~*TR* FVS 25 * Hexecuter CLR 20 *Flexanna RGR/R/M 18/1/1 *TR* * Flexa FTR/R 18/2 TR * Hextravaganz Bard *TR* 18/2 * Hexotic Sorc 13 * Hexquisite Wiz 23 * ~~Quantum Entropy * SARLONA~~ - * and various other scoundrels
Re-associating the F-keys may take a while, as might mouse-clicking names, so in the meantime all I can suggest is yell 'Hug!' in voice chat.
I ran one ToD today where I was reconning in parts 1 and 3. I almost let the tank die twice and almost got myself killed just because I couldn't tell either of us needed heals... Not to mention the headache at the end...
In part 3 I just invised myself and watched the focus orb instead (yes I should have done that from the start....)
It's been kinda rough so far, mainly because the new bars are so small, but also due to the "blending" problem others have mentioned. Plus in a raid, the way they've got them spread out now takes up a TON of room on the screen.
Just wish they'd give us the option of using the old bars.
How i cope?
Bad :/
Hate this new UI and will probably stop playing fvs and try something else for now.
No im casting Mass Heals regularl - doesnt matte how much hp party have. Its not like i can see it properly.
Then Im out of mazna quickly. And im not going to drink pots because of Turbine "great" idea. If party dies then shame ;p I tried, right? With these bad conditions i cant be blamed.
Just logged out from the game. I have a headache and had four massive repair bills from party wipes.
Havent figured it out. and based on the current situation, I think I might just retire the FvS for a while and work on the tr wizzy and the fighter.
*fine print: toggle must be activated each login.
But seriously,
It wasn't needed in the first place. I prefer playing divines, support classes. Though the new UI nice an pretty (kinda), it's not a good change. Specially for someone with limited screen space.
For now, till things adjust, i'll stick with my divine classes. Just hope the party has a bit moar patience as the adjustment is made.
I haven't tried it yet...
But I already know that I will have a hard time coping with that new UI.
I will give it a try... but I'll probably put my various clerics and healing bards in extended vacation until that UI mess is fixed.
What I find most annoying is that we warned and warned and warned in Lamania that this was a bad move.
On G-Land : Flavilandile, Blacklock, Yaelle, Millishande, Larilandile, Gildalinde, Tenalafel, and many other...
just another example that the devs don't care about us. They see it as their game and they can do whatever they want. They think they are the reason this game has become a huge success and forget that this game can die just as quickly. When someone (100s of people) spend time on lamannia and they all gave similar advice, and they ignore it, well...
Sure, I could TR my favored soul that is my crafting toon to an Artificer and be done with healing. plus I'd get bonus crafting levels. although to be honest, I don't see much point in crafting anymore, ever since I crafted about 10 of every major shard back before update 10 was released. attack +4, greater evil outsider bane, holy burst, etc. not much need for anything else since crafting doesn't have much else going for it. who knows, maybe one day Turbine will decide to just nerf all of the greater banes like they nerfed vorpal. all of that hard work leveling my crafting up for nothing. either way, waiting in a group for 30 minutes for any healer to join, and none do, not my idea of fun. Not to mention, I'm not feeling any urge to risk spending $10 of turbine points (1000tp I heard Artificer was) when who knows what changes could be made in the future that I don't like.
I could TR my cleric into a paladin, and then both of my healers (cleric and fvs) would no longer be healers. But I have no trust in the Devs anymore, so why should I think my paladin who might be fun today, would be fun a month from now. I want to trust them that if I spend tons of time on any of my characters that this time won't go to waste.
Last edited by Flugzeug; 09-13-2011 at 03:04 AM.