I'm almost flagged now!
Smrti might need a crack at this sometime soon Revs!
I'm almost flagged now!
Smrti might need a crack at this sometime soon Revs!
Smrti on Khyber
Outstanding guys! Our attempt on eLoB was....not so succesfull.
Max Gratz again (:
a L i c l a n
tridirt farfisa lalae beeswax
Congratulations, on LoB it was pain raid on lama dont think they went to soft on Live
Thelanis, Playing since 2009
S II | Favor 12 Mmaha 6015 | Reaper 43 Mmaha 115,954
S III | Favor 22 Maha 6005
S V | Favor 19 Maha 6267
Community Member
well nice, but
to everyone else id say "graz, nice achievement!"
to u guys, its only:
didnt expect anything else from you![]()
R.I.P. Devourer - 20-Aug-2010 11:00 GMT(+1 DST)
(World Broadcast): World broadcast: 'Farewell to all our loyal players and thank you for your time in Eberron. We wish you all the best for your future adventures. Please log out now as the servers are now going down. Many thanks, Codemasters Online.'
***Ghallanda Rerolled*** *Yvonnel-1* "Peinlicher" Sylestria-1 Jarlaxle-1 Sammaster-1 Zapp-1
formerly Dorn / Devourer - EU
Super job guys! Most impressive.
[RENEGADE (Monk) - LEGION - FOUNDER AUG 2005]Blutus, Bodak, Diablo, Guilloteen, Jellybean, MantikorMarauder, Renaissance, Rigormortiss, Ungajinga, Valkyrie1st ww Tower/Vision/Abbot/Shroud, Epic VoN/Chrono, Reaver Xoriat * 1st capped Permatoon
I just woke up it s 3 pm, went to bed at 6:30 am. I will be very grumpy today. Had lots of fun tho, gj everyone. Thx Ira and Swez, the extra dps you guys brought, certainly made it easier.
~~~ R E V E N A N T S ~~~
Ayspam Life #27/27(Completionist Sorc), Aycare Life #10/10(Evoker FvS), Ayplink Life #22/22(Completionist to be decided), Aygo Life #14/14(Helvesbarian)
Congratz to all of u guys. This surely wasnt easy.
I ve been in LoB twice. And Although its nearly impossible to wipe, it is also very easy to get carried away resource-wise, as it was stated earlier. Imho 120 pots/800hs is not bad at all for the current state of this raid.
Also and Most Importantly -----> Everyone hail the return of the Intimi Tanks !! I am confident we ll see a lot more of those in the near future and it was bout time that true battle tactics would be back in this game, instead of the massive majority of non-arcane classes we see atm, that are mainly hit-n-run feather league toons.
Nice one, gratz. Will try to do it today if i can get the right party![]()
“Pretend inferiority and encourage his arrogance”
Pakidobom / Axanon / Enro / Frederichtho - LootCannith Server
Max Gratz to Revenants!!!
Axebiter, Cujo, Runeforge, Runefury, Runegoth, Runehealer, Runehamer, Runehorde, Runenight, Runesongs, RunezephyrAnd the forgotten: Runeaura, Runedevourer, Herstinkie, Runewolf,Caught somewhere between casual player and power gamer.
Nice job Revenants!
3 questions now:
1) where is the raid?
2) must be flagged?
3) need any special boots?
Fizbanius The Project - Horlando The Fury - Fizbot The Tukaw's A-BOrT - Bhaltazhar The Arcane
LEGION - Thelanis
The team is very happy to hear you guys had a good time!![]()
Great job guys!
You can't spell sarcasm without Sarc(Say): Conjoined Abishai Devastator says, 'I am weakening, you must have greensteel... impossible!'