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  1. #21
    The Mad Multiclasser Failedlegend's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2009


    They've done it again

    Syndicate (Strategy?Action RPG?..hard to classify) ---> FPS


    It can't be brand recognition cause like I said early anyone who recognizes the brand is either going to be ****ed if their fans of the game or turned off if they didn't like the first game....all I see in that is gain.

    Also why would you make them into FPS/MMOs those are the two hardest genres to make any money in since your NOT CoD/Halo or WoW

    Side Note: Honestly I'd hate MMOs less if the following happened

    A) They weren't almost all clones of WoW which really isn't a good template to begin with

    B) More of them adopted the Premium (A-La-Carte) style of DDO without adopting the Pay2Win style of some "other" MMOs.

    C) Don't take it from a pre-existing series (ie. Why use KOTOR just use Star Wars or Why put the FF MMOs in the numbered series)

    D) Things you do actually accomplishes something this is one thing I liked about wow is the instanced quest lines where when you blew up a city it was actually blown up for you. Korthos Island does this in a minor way as well with the Snow.

    Alternatively just make a regular RPG give it a chat box and keep it constantly updated with get your CoT (Cash over time) and your game isn't ****. It's win win.
    Last edited by Failedlegend; 09-14-2011 at 07:29 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan
    There is little value in getting into an edition debate; as with anything, we create what we believe works best for DDO.

  2. #22
    Community Member Arnhelm's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    I've been thinking about this, and I'm updating my initial response.

    Part of the reason RPG's don't translate well is too few people understand what a role-playing game is supposed to be. Most people think of role-playing as dramatics of style and presentation, rather than functions of a character (aka the character's role) within a group. Role-playing games are group oriented rather than solo. If one plays a rogue, that character has a specific role in the group that cannot be filled by another character. Same goes for bard, or sorcerer, or fighter. More, that character's role is required for successful group play in the game setting.

    Originally, all role-playing games recognized that aspect of required roles, and were developed along those lines. When time came to attempt the transition to online games, however, marketing quickly learned most people would rather go alone than work in a group, guild, kinship, etc.

    So, it seems to me the biggest reason for failure of MMORPG's to be role-playing games isn't the developers, but rather the market niche true role-playing games inhabit, and the low return on investment (if any).

    DDO is a good example of this phenomenom. Originally, DDO started true to the PnP game. Groups were mostly required, and few if any real quests could be solo run. The game went broke. Now, people continually post "achievements" of running Elite and Epic content solo. End of role-playing group requirements, and start of FPS and PvP mentality.

    My additional 2 pp's worth, after a bit of thought.
    Once upon a time, I was part of a team, and we saved some children. That was long ago and far away, and, yes, I am that old.

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