Episode 233 is ready! Here’s a LINK to the episode – just left-click to play, right-click and ‘save as’ to download as an mp3. You can find DDOcast on iTunes, the Zune Marketplace and Cyberears.com.
This week Sig and Anne talk U11, Artificer Build Ideas and Contests (with special poetry entry from Skaggy The Poet). We also have an Interview with Marcy Rockwell on her recently Released DDO book, The Shard Axe. Another mind-bending puzzle from Necrobotinist’s DDO Puzzler and Ecgric’s Review of Artificer with Rowenheal!
Also, thank you to the Heros of DDOcast! Who have donated thus far to helping us maintain the DDOcast website and gain other goodies for everyone!
Today’s Music is “Tonight D&D” by Allie Goertz. You can “name your price” and buy a copy of this lovely song from her website at http://cossbysweater.bandcamp.com/
And don't forget about our 1,000 TP give away contest! Read More Here!
DDOcast Episode 233 (09-10-11)
0:00:53 Intro
0:02:16 DDO News
0:10:02 LICH Line Caller: Rhyz, Says Thanks!
0:12:02 Sponsor Break
0:13:40 Interview with Marcy Rockwell on The Shard Axe
0:35:18 DDO Contest Winners
0:42:35 Skaggy’s Contest Entry Poems
0:46:39 DDO Puzzler with NecroBotinist
0:52:45 Premium Perspective with EcGric
1:05:21 DDOcast Contest Part 2
1:07:15 Mini-Crunchy Bits: Artificer Build Ideas
1:13:19 What’s Up With Us in DDO?
1:15:14 DDO Community News
1:18:54 DDOcast Lightning Post: Email, Messages, etc
1:27:53 General Gaming News
1:31:19 Closing
TOTAL TIME: 1:33:09
LINK for Official DDO Release Notes for Update 11
LINK for MajMalphuktion Tells All: Dear Devs, Why do you bother?
LINK for What Happened to Suffix/Prefix Overwrite in Cannith Crafting?
LINK for BUG: You can only Enter a MyDDO Lottery via your Character page
LINK for DDO Store Sales
LINK for The Shard Axe @ Amazon
LINK for The Shard Axe for the NOOK
LINK for NecroBotinists/Deadnettle Solution for “DeathBunny UMD Puzzle”
LINK for Cordovan’s Tips on Cannith Crafting
LINK for Tolero’s NPC and quest dialog in DDO
LINK for Crafting with Courtney: Rogue Goggles
LINK for Eberron Chronicle
LINK for Keith Baker’s Blog
LINK for Watch the Recording of PAX Prime 2011’s LIVE D&D Game
LINK for Zynga Absorbs Team members from Turbine for new Facebook Game
LINK for Get a job @ Turbine!
You can find DDOcast on Google+, Twitter, Facebook, iTunes, DDOcast RSS Feed, and UStream.
Hotline for Voicemail and Live Calls: (650) 336-5424 Yes that's (650) DDO-LICH
Email: ddocast@gmail.com
Website: http://www.ddocast.com
DDO Forum Names: Theris and Sigtrent
Sig and Anne