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  1. #81
    Jedi Master Praya20's Avatar
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    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Levit View Post
    I work a ton and when I get a chance to sign on I always play my cleric one-buck. I'm not a great cleric but with most groups I run with I don't need to be that good.

    To the point. I've been playing this game a long time with very few breaks. Signed on after the update and tried healing an echrono. It was horrible, I was horrible. Since then I've signed on twice, last time well over a week ago. I have no urge to play, knowing that the little time I have to play is not worth the aggravation I will go through.

    Please tell me that they are going to switch back or come out with a way to switch back to the "classic" setting.

    On a positive note, I am sleeping more, getting more chica chica bow wow done with the wife and my repetitive motion pain in my wrists is going away.
    Terrible shame to hear that, ive run with you a few times and your not that bad XD but yeah more and more clerics i know are signing on less and less as the progressive aggravation of the U11 UI continues, resulting in longer waits for those who PUG (and i do from time to time coz its nice to meet new people) and is pushing some of my guildies more toward their melee more often resulting in having to let people in on our groups ( which we hate coz some people cant take our....strange personalities lol )

    I would like to think they will bring in a classic UI choice otherwise i can see them losing out on money aswel as a happy community of gamers which should be the main priority but alas they figure what they want SHOULD be tolerated just because..... because?? I don't see any reason to remark on their choices coz no matter what they will continue to make horrible changes and continue to the customers opinion, YES we are customers. We pay money to play the game you guys created, and to keep people interested you SHOULD give us what we ask for, NOT because we ask for it, because it will benefit everyone including Turbine.

    On a side note that extra sleep your getting should be time spent with some more....

    Quote Originally Posted by Levit View Post
    l chica chica bow wow.
    and more.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Levit View Post
    repetitive motion pain in your wife's wrists
    If you catch my drift. XD No offense intended.

    Apart from the fact that not only was this thread and many many more threads ignored ( You can say you didn't ignore all you want and wave your 'Survey' around but lets face it your doing jack to fix it ) we're all being left unhappy and that is not how things should be run. Like any business, the people to are supplying (being us, with entertainment) should always... ALWAYS come first.

    Lets just say from what i have read myself, 70% of DDO's community population are against the new UI and 20% are ok with it.... that remaining 10% that have not voiced their opinion have probably already rage quited and moved onto something better. And lets face it, we all know over time that 10% has a HUGE chance of growing.

    Some say the forums are dead?? Nah, they're fine.... but some one needs to /raise dead the games spirit or atleast dump it at a rez shrine in hopes it'l soon pick itslef back up.

    Ayaru || Cherrypopz || Chookity || Hjaste || Ifindtraps || Juzforkickz || Kazzii || Konqur || Lar-ynx || Lillypopz
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  2. #82
    Community Member
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    Oct 2010

    Default new rounder sexier look

    they are trying to appeal to the wow crowd and the star wars mmo crowd and every other crowd by becoming just like every other mmo, hence the arti

    here's a good tip from wow, customization choices... sure addons suck, so don't do it that way, just give the option to use x,y, or z interface... and stuff like that

    oh, and the 'round' look you are so fond of? where does that come from? apple? idk, but it sux... the square look is much better... old school (bbs style)... lets go... choices!!!

    true neutral poster... note the grey in my 'rep'
    kool-aid in my coffee! YEAH!
    {save me from myself}

  3. #83
    Jedi Master Praya20's Avatar
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    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by EarthFirst View Post
    they are trying to appeal to the wow crowd and the star wars mmo crowd and every other crowd by becoming just like every other mmo, hence the arti

    here's a good tip from wow, customization choices... sure addons suck, so don't do it that way, just give the option to use x,y, or z interface... and stuff like that

    oh, and the 'round' look you are so fond of? where does that come from? apple? idk, but it sux... the square look is much better... old school (bbs style)... lets go... choices!!!

    Ayaru || Cherrypopz || Chookity || Hjaste || Ifindtraps || Juzforkickz || Kazzii || Konqur || Lar-ynx || Lillypopz
    Lollypopz || Mehealzyou || Minipopz || Praya || Riggomarole || Sodapopz || Zhaqq || Bitj


  4. #84
    Community Member
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    Default separation of insanity

    at least the new cc stuff is just this one guy in the harbor and not a whole mess of trash everywhere you go

    [Edit: 'tinktinktink', 'tinktinktink', 'tinktinktink', 'tinktinktink', 'tinktinktink', 'tinktinktink', 'tinktinktink', 'tinktinktink', 'tinktinktink', 'tinktinktink', 'tinktinktink', 'tinktinktink', 'tinktinktink', 'tinktinktink', 'tinktinktink', 'tinktinktink', 'tinktinktink', 'tinktinktink', 'tinktinktink', 'tinktinktink', 'tinktinktink', 'tinktinktink', 'tinktinktink', 'tinktinktink', 'tinktinktink', 'tinktinktink', 'tinktinktink', 'tinktinktink', BARK!
    true neutral poster... note the grey in my 'rep'
    kool-aid in my coffee! YEAH!
    {save me from myself}

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