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  1. #61
    Community Member drgsldr69's Avatar
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    Who knows maybe it has gotten to the point where they don't care about this game anymore, since they are working on "Mortal Kombat Online"? Maybe that is why they keep doing everything the players DON'T want, instead of giving the majority what they really want in this game.

    Which is also wierd guess they changed thier name for the MKO project since I know for a fact that Turbine is hiring FOR MKO>

  2. #62
    Community Member icepick320's Avatar
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    I like the the new hp/sp bars myself. Yes the bars take up to much room that's already crowded because of other things on the screen. But as a healer its really useful and helpful while healing especially while healing tanks. I agree that if they moved the bars closer and made them smaller id be allot better for everyone I just like being able to see where everyones hp is at as a healer. Im just mad about the wing nerf its a whole different subterrane.

  3. #63
    Community Member Xioden's Avatar
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    The new party window is driving me insane. The "Move window" area extends all the way across the top of the raid window regardless of if you are in a party or not.

    The red box is the area that whether solo or in a party you end up moving the party/raid window. It is not fun being in the middle of a fight and grabbing the party window instead of targeting something when it looks like there is absolutely nothing nearby.

  4. #64
    Community Member donfilibuster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BruceTheHoon View Post
    The HP contrast issue needs to be addressed as soon as possible, in my opinion. People that took pride in their many years of healing tradition now feel like incompetent sods.

    Thing is there's a lot of us that are "visual", so it's not a matter of just "getting used" to the new UI.
    As mentioned above you can turn off the numbers for now and know your bars but there ought to be a keymap toggle.

  5. #65
    Community Member dopey69's Avatar
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    Default signed

    I play many healer types

    this makes all of them solo only now for me

    absolute brain fart here imo

    one question how could anyone at turbine think this was a good idea ?

    /signed in blood

  6. #66
    Jedi Master Praya20's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xioden View Post
    The new party window is driving me insane. The "Move window" area extends all the way across the top of the raid window regardless of if you are in a party or not.

    The red box is the area that whether solo or in a party you end up moving the party/raid window. It is not fun being in the middle of a fight and grabbing the party window instead of targeting something when it looks like there is absolutely nothing nearby.
    yeh ive had this problem many times already, ive almost died in some solo runs because when i try to focus on something or right click and turn to move round faster im draggin the party vitals all over the screen getting confused and distracted by having to drag it back inot place.

    This wont be fixed tho i can almost gaurantee that it wont, so many other issues that came with U11 that we MIGHT just getover will be fixed but the important problems?? Nah, thats theyre trade mark right there.... like ironign out a pair of jeans and forgetting the back.... just coz THEY cant see why should they care??

    Quote Originally Posted by dopey69 View Post
    I play many healer types

    this makes all of them solo only now for me

    absolute brain fart here imo

    one question how could anyone at turbine think this was a good idea ?

    /signed in blood

    +1 LOL... Brain fart XD
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  7. #67
    Community Member EufretDemias's Avatar
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    Sorry all but I'm personally indifferent to the new UI, I agree I don't fully understand the why to all the changes but I'm not prepared to get my trusty pitchfork out over it.. but I'm not exactlly loving it either. I haven't had any big problems with healing since I messed around with the UI settings.

    Turned on the number display
    Turned on auto create party icon
    Turn off the "Sears" self portriat "studio"
    Moving the Party/Raid display over to the right some from it's default location has seemed to help me alot as well, keeps it more in focus for me so I don't have scan around as much.

    I just watch the number's now instead of the color bars, infact I feel as if I'm over healing a tad less now. I think with time it could help out with some of my notarious SP conservation issues.

    I've mainly used the F1 - F12 keys for years tho instead of clicking on names for targeting heals so I haven't had a misstargeting issue that some may be having.

    Then again I haven't ran anything really challenging on my Cleric since the update, just been pugging House P epics, did a Tor scale run, and did a norm VoD this morning with an AWESOME group.. fastest VoD I've been in since moving to Argo.

    Heck even on launch day in an Elite Reavers when I stopped my weak DPS on my Pally and started helping the healers spot heal (when one FVS got hit by the SP Trap and I had the SP Buff) I didn't seem to have too much an issue with targeting or keeping track of peoples HP. Sidenote: I feel LitII's suck hard now for Reavers, MinII's are making a comeback I guess.

    I'm sure tho that it can be a real PITA for tho's with smaller displays. The lack of an auto party icon did get my Bardcher killed right after U11 went live because I was glancing at someone else's HP bar thinking it was mine.. fixed that when I died and the bar I was watching was still at 70%.. /facepalm'd then went to UI Settings.

    Like all other changes to this game I've seen, I'll get used to it sooner or later, may not totally agree or like all of them but.. meh.

  8. #68
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    Default New UI Makes Sense On Paper, But Still Wrong

    I personally don't like the new UI changes to the HP/SP bars, however the changes kind of make sense on paper. Let's play devil's advocate for a moment...

    -- The new UI is visually attractive. The bars have nice large icons, silver borders, transparent backgrounds, and a portrait of your character.
    -- There is more information presented. Now you can see the actual numbers for HP and SP for your allies. This could help healers to choose the right heals, buffers provide the right buffs, and start more discussion on builds and increase the community interaction in the game.
    -- The bars are spaced out more preventing a block of color from concealing part of the action. It also allows for artificer pet HP bars and room for any other information they might want to add in the future.

    I can imagine all of these things being viewed as improvements, at least from the point of view of someone who doesn't actually play the game as often as we all do. But as someone who plays fairly regularly, I can say that I see these things as poor changes to the UI.

    The health bars are shorter, making "at-a-glance" review of ally health more difficult. There is less visual distinction between 50% and 75% health. The extra spacing between the bars also makes it more cumbersome to scan your allies for the one who is in need of aid. Combine this with transparent backgrounds overlaying some red cavern walls, fire, or other similar (or even just very busy) scenes and the problem is compounded.

    Now my complaints revolve around the "at-a-glance" review of HP, and you could argue that the extra information in the form of actual HP numbers in the UI makes all of this irrelevant. Just read the numbers in front of you if you want to know your allies health. I don't think this will work in a real-time game like DDO.

    Think of the difference between a digital and analog clock. Both tell you the time. Digital even can tell you the time down to the second -- you just need to read the numbers. Now think of an analog clock with the hands. You can't easily tell the exact time to the second, but you usually don't care. You can glance at the hands, see that it is roughly "ten-after-three" and that is good enough.

    Your six (or twelve!) HP bars in the old UI was like a row of analog clocks set end-to-end. You could quickly scan through them all and get the basic information you need. The new UI is like a row of digital clocks with space between each. To read the information, your eyes actually have to find and settle on the number for a moment and then find and repeat for the remaining stats. Although this still only takes moments, in a real-time game the difference is enough to have an impact.

  9. #69
    Jedi Master Praya20's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by squirrl811 View Post
    I personally don't like the new UI changes to the HP/SP bars, however the changes kind of make sense on paper. Let's play devil's advocate for a moment...

    -- The new UI is visually attractive. The bars have nice large icons, silver borders, transparent backgrounds, and a portrait of your character.
    -- There is more information presented. Now you can see the actual numbers for HP and SP for your allies. This could help healers to choose the right heals, buffers provide the right buffs, and start more discussion on builds and increase the community interaction in the game.
    -- The bars are spaced out more preventing a block of color from concealing part of the action. It also allows for artificer pet HP bars and room for any other information they might want to add in the future.

    I can imagine all of these things being viewed as improvements, at least from the point of view of someone who doesn't actually play the game as often as we all do. But as someone who plays fairly regularly, I can say that I see these things as poor changes to the UI.

    The health bars are shorter, making "at-a-glance" review of ally health more difficult. There is less visual distinction between 50% and 75% health. The extra spacing between the bars also makes it more cumbersome to scan your allies for the one who is in need of aid. Combine this with transparent backgrounds overlaying some red cavern walls, fire, or other similar (or even just very busy) scenes and the problem is compounded.

    Now my complaints revolve around the "at-a-glance" review of HP, and you could argue that the extra information in the form of actual HP numbers in the UI makes all of this irrelevant. Just read the numbers in front of you if you want to know your allies health. I don't think this will work in a real-time game like DDO.

    Think of the difference between a digital and analog clock. Both tell you the time. Digital even can tell you the time down to the second -- you just need to read the numbers. Now think of an analog clock with the hands. You can't easily tell the exact time to the second, but you usually don't care. You can glance at the hands, see that it is roughly "ten-after-three" and that is good enough.

    Your six (or twelve!) HP bars in the old UI was like a row of analog clocks set end-to-end. You could quickly scan through them all and get the basic information you need. The new UI is like a row of digital clocks with space between each. To read the information, your eyes actually have to find and settle on the number for a moment and then find and repeat for the remaining stats. Although this still only takes moments, in a real-time game the difference is enough to have an impact.


    I guess what your saying... its visually better but for the sake of what they are intended, seeing you allies hp its not a very good change at all??

    Quote Originally Posted by Droogald View Post
    Ive read around, and this guy has it right, im amazed he wasnt offered a job to replace the kids that thought up the new UI XD
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  10. #70
    LOOON375's Avatar
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    I was called an f'n noob when I asked in a shroud how do you turn on auto attack after the update. hahaha
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  11. #71
    Jedi Master Praya20's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LOOON375 View Post
    I was called an f'n noob when I asked in a shroud how do you turn on auto attack after the update. hahaha
    well thats just stupid, not everyone was told that the auto attack would be taken off the UI the fact that someone could be so pig headed that they cant take 2 seconds to explain the change is beyond rediculous!!

    for anyone else who doesn't know you know have to go to your feats screen and place the feat on your hotbar, yeah another great idea from turbine.

    +1 for being such a noob you couldn't tell the future XD

    EDIT: seems you disabled rep, so a mental +1 for you sir
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  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by Praya20 View Post
    I guess what your saying... its visually better but for the sake of what they are intended, seeing you allies hp its not a very good change at all??
    I tend to get long-winded, but you got my point exactly! The UI is very nice looking and technically it is more informative too, but it doesn't serve the main purpose of a quick reference of allied HP very well.

    I'm a programmer by day, and I know our kind tends to think more in terms of features we think would be cool rather than thinking about what the end user would actually find useful. I get where they were coming from... it just doesn't work well in this case.

    I love the images you referenced for an improved UI. Hopefully they take this to heart when they do their next updates.

  13. #73
    Jedi Master Praya20's Avatar
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    Yeah i do like those images, its got a bit of the classic UI and the new UI in it, it looks good and would work well too.
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  14. 09-17-2011, 09:20 PM

  15. #74
    Community Member Innara's Avatar
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    This is all very well and good but why is this in the Argo forums?

  16. #75
    Community Member gloopygloop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Innara View Post
    This is all very well and good but why is this in the Argo forums?
    Because all of the threads about Argonessen subjects in the Argo forums get locked or deleted, so we might as well have *something* in here.

  17. #76
    Jedi Master Praya20's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Innara View Post
    This is all very well and good but why is this in the Argo forums?

    Quote Originally Posted by Praya20 View Post
    I post in argo coz argo is where im at, if it shouldnt be here then let someone else move it, but although it may be an issue on other servers i care for the opinions of my fellow argo kids more

    save me typing it again......
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  18. #77

    Default Signed

    Very well spotted, the UI is more then bad. Period.

    Maybe it's nice for you fancy 20x TR solo toons sure enough... BUT
    it's an absolute hell for a good classic healer, devoted to other players, who focusses on one thing only to keep the party going and finish;

    THE PARTYBARS and the overall accessibility, viewablility of those bars.
    Everyone who knows it's a joke of a UI keep posting and spamming, if needed be on the forums untill Turbine changes this.

    Cause everyday Turbine doesn't fix this, they will lose players cause all healers are gonna be very frustrated and a lot of party's are gonna wipe for no reason, only cause of a bad design implementation.

    Hence I haven't been healing for over 2 weeks now, can't really do hardcore stuff with these bars.
    Afteristar Ghallanda
    E N T E R T A I N M E N T R E D E F I N E D

  19. #78
    Community Member DarkThoughts's Avatar
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    I'm not healing anymore either. I've ran a couple of guild runs with my Level 20 Favored Soul but I much prefer my melees since the update. And PUGs will never see me healing again until the new UI is fixed.

    Somebody must have thought, "DDO has too many healers running around! Let's fix that!"
    We should take a torch to this place and burn all the Trolls.

  20. #79
    Jedi Master Praya20's Avatar
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    XD i just loved the survery with SIX whole questions..... Please fellow UI haters, FILL THAT COMMENT BOX!!!
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  21. #80
    Community Member Levit's Avatar
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    Default horrible, just horrible.

    I work a ton and when I get a chance to sign on I always play my cleric one-buck. I'm not a great cleric but with most groups I run with I don't need to be that good.

    To the point. I've been playing this game a long time with very few breaks. Signed on after the update and tried healing an echrono. It was horrible, I was horrible. Since then I've signed on twice, last time well over a week ago. I have no urge to play, knowing that the little time I have to play is not worth the aggravation I will go through.

    Please tell me that they are going to switch back or come out with a way to switch back to the "classic" setting.

    On a positive note, I am sleeping more, getting more chica chica bow wow done with the wife and my repetitive motion pain in my wrists is going away.

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