Ayaru || Cherrypopz || Chookity || Hjaste || Ifindtraps || Juzforkickz || Kazzii || Konqur || Lar-ynx || Lillypopz
Lollypopz || Mehealzyou || Minipopz || Praya || Riggomarole || Sodapopz || Zhaqq || Bitj
I for one will be soloing a lot more now. I used to really enjoy the healer role. I used to. With the new UI it takes me much longer to scan the party list for casualties and my eyes are much more strained while doing so. The HP & SP bars are smaller which means they are now less precise / useful.
Not buying anymore TP because this is the only voice I really have.
Ayaru || Cherrypopz || Chookity || Hjaste || Ifindtraps || Juzforkickz || Kazzii || Konqur || Lar-ynx || Lillypopz
Lollypopz || Mehealzyou || Minipopz || Praya || Riggomarole || Sodapopz || Zhaqq || Bitj
I just did two eChrono raids. One where I was my fighter and where I was my cleric. As a fighter, it seems like no big deal. It's unsightly and ugly but it doesn't seem to be a problem for any of the melee classes.
HOWEVER! It's a big, fat, nasty pain in the tush as a healer. The bars are clear, and if you're anywhere near something that's red, brownish red, or something similar in shade, telling the difference between a full bar of health and an almost empty one is just ridiculous. Even after adding percentages of health in there, which you can do through gameplay settings, it was still an obnoxious pain.
I'm not happy about this at all. -Shrugs.- It's hard for me to do my job as a healer if I can barely differentiate between scenery and actual health. -Sighs.- Someone please fix this. Please, please, please!
Argonnessan Characters: Nestarial (20, cleric), AsmodaiScion (20, fighter)Eveinalee (14, TRed Wizard), Belriina (4, sorc), and Salvatia (4, paladin).
A temporary solution is to throw an empty chat box behind the UI. Just make sure at least part of the bars are sticking out in case of an accidental mis-click that hides them all from you.
Glenalth Woodwalke ■ Preston the Ranger ■ Brisqoe the Dentist ■ Prescription Liberator
AoK @ Argonnessen
The new UI is beyond ******** and makes me want to quit. I'm so sick of this ****.
EDIT- In case you're wondering what be crawled in my bonnet, see the post two above mine. It is impossible (for me at least) to heal with this UI.
~ Pallai, Chennai, Saraphima~
~Shipbuff, Sophalia, Northenstar ~
~ Ascent~
Yeah. Maybe we will do some divines protest?
In before updates, nerfed clerics bursts,
]Now nerfed fvs wings.
And to this all - this new UI!
Maybe we just wont play divines for some time, and then others players will start to also complain. When EVERYONE will be unhappy they will do sth about that, right? xD
From now Im playing on my low lvl ranger/fighter ;p Or a monk. Or whatever. Just not divine, cause playing divine now is a pain.
Good point, and the whole thing already looked similar to other games to begin with, like the map.
But who makes a market research these days if can just copy the proven methods?
(naturally won't be the only way, e.g. i like the 4-button UI of Shadow of Mystara, the two D&D arcade games)
i hate this thing, its in the way, cant turn it off. ITS MY SCREEN!. . . .get off my screen, its mine GO AWAY! i dont like you shooooooo!!!!
I like that the server is finally together on something, but yet Turbine arn't doing anything to fix it! 2 of the best players ive met on this game are thinking of leaving and this just makes me :'(
I would love to be apart of your protest :P i too play divine, not as much as some but its not even funny how much harder its become!!
Ayaru || Cherrypopz || Chookity || Hjaste || Ifindtraps || Juzforkickz || Kazzii || Konqur || Lar-ynx || Lillypopz
Lollypopz || Mehealzyou || Minipopz || Praya || Riggomarole || Sodapopz || Zhaqq || Bitj
So ya th new party UI is a big FUGLY piece of something or other..As nearly 100 of of the feedback on Lama stated .. The HP/SP thing OK whatever.. EVERYTHING ESLE about is BIG FUGLY junk.
On top of that, if you go in to options > UI and remove the BIGGER FUGGLIER LARGE BAR for yourself, you get stuck with SMALLER FUGLY party style for yourself.. Which you can't move more than 2/3rds of the way don'w your screen beause the window thinks it's still a 6 man party in height,a nd you're at the top.
Is there anyone who likes this? Who thougth this was good? Do they own an AMC Pacer? That would explain a lot![]()
I like it, I like the little pictures, too bad that the couldn't do an image for each party member. I also like having HP / SP stats come up as it means I can compare my toon to others of the same class and similar levels to see how I am doing. The only thing I dislike is the gigantic new quest window that only just fits on my small screen. I have to drag it up to the top each time to be able to click on the options.
While this might be true, some hint of that would possibly make the extra work to adjust the UI to a playable interface, at least for me imo, would have alleviated some of the frustration.
As it is, the game is work rather than play now. Time to find a game I enjoy playing instead of working.![]()
Once upon a time, I was part of a team, and we saved some children. That was long ago and far away, and, yes, I am that old.
/signed. The new party UI blows taking up way too much space.
I've removed everything from it I can and while I am running solo, it's not so bad. But when I join a party, the spacing in between each name is ridiculous.
Is it set up this way to allow room for Artificer pets? That seems to be the general consensus. Another consensus suggests that the Artificers should worry about keeping their pets alive rather than slapping extra health bars in between real party members. I have to agree. The Artificers get bonuses to UMD and I don't see any reason why some of that skill can't be used for heal scrolls on their pets when they require it.
On a related note, why is the quest window larger? It seemed to serve it's purpose well enough in the previous releases. Why make the change to increase it's size? Is this all part of some scheme to see how much **** can clutter up the game screen?
Please give us an option to change it back to a classic view or at least some resizing options similar to our chat displays.
We should take a torch to this place and burn all the Trolls.
Transparent HP backgrounds and clear space around the bars makes this new UI a nightmare for healers. It's better if you turn all the numbers off, but then you can only guess what's your SP at...
Again, we were waiting for divines to join a Shroud PUG. This time I had a sinking feeling, that they were too intimidate by the UI to join.
The HP contrast issue needs to be addressed as soon as possible, in my opinion. People that took pride in their many years of healing tradition now feel like incompetent sods.
BTW, why is this thread on argo forums, instead of suggesions & ideas, where +5 anarchic burst pitchforks belong?
Better yet why ain't this topic in every area of the forums so no matter what the dev's see it and do something about it. at least then we might actually hear something from the dev's on why the stupid change was made and when they are going to fix the change. lol
God I'm Dreaming lol