Hey Everyone,
So I haven't played DDO in a while and since I started in with a Pathfinder group (pretty much DnD 3.75) I've wanted to play so DnD stuff. Because of my situation (I have a little girl with cerebral palsy) grouping can be difficult as I may have to go AFK without a moment's notice. So I'm looking for a little information help. I have found a handful of guides but most of them are old, some are 2009 old, and so if someone can point me at recent soloing guides I would appreciate it.
Also, I've read that clerics and paladins are best for soling but I'm planning more of a ranger/thief combo. That might be more difficult but I would prefer to play something I like rather than being limited. Any suggestions on gear I should be looking for or enhancements that would be rogue/thief specific?