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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default Soloing guides/information

    Hey Everyone,

    So I haven't played DDO in a while and since I started in with a Pathfinder group (pretty much DnD 3.75) I've wanted to play so DnD stuff. Because of my situation (I have a little girl with cerebral palsy) grouping can be difficult as I may have to go AFK without a moment's notice. So I'm looking for a little information help. I have found a handful of guides but most of them are old, some are 2009 old, and so if someone can point me at recent soloing guides I would appreciate it.

    Also, I've read that clerics and paladins are best for soling but I'm planning more of a ranger/thief combo. That might be more difficult but I would prefer to play something I like rather than being limited. Any suggestions on gear I should be looking for or enhancements that would be rogue/thief specific?

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    I think that given the current state of the game the best way to go for a solo capable character is either 18 ranger, 1 monk, 1 rogue or 18 ranger 1 rogue 1 fighter. If you have access to the monk class go with that, if you do not then take fighter instead of monk.

    If you take your first level as a rogue, then keep leveling as a ranger until level 12 or 13 you should have no problems. Pick your feats so that you can go with the tempest prestige path. Put your skill points into rogue skills: search spot disable, then maybe some into open locks. The benefit of this kind of build is that you will have decent melee dps, nice burst dps with bows, and the ability to do most traps/locks in the game with easily available gear.

    Look for the forum thread on the exploiter build, it is the standard for rogue ranger at this time.

  3. #3
    Community Member thwart's Avatar
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    May 2009


    I solo (or duo with my son) all of the time. I am also an altoholic so I have tried every kind of class that is out there (with exception of the artificer, although I have one on Lammania). Rogues are fine soloers; however, it can be difficult to take advantage of their sneak attack because ... well ... it will just be you.

    I have also found that soloing is easier with a caster. You can certainly do it with a melee you just have to make sure that you are really self-sufficient. Of course, all soloers have to be that.

    In any event, check out the half elves angel build on the forums. It is a fighter, ranger, monk build that uses a rogue dilletante. It is not exactly what you described but I had been leveling one and found it great. The arcane archer part gives you some ranged capability and when power shot is off you can close with the khopeshes. It was a fun solo character to play.

    Good luck!

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    I don't have any guide advice but I think a ranger/rogue is a good choice for soloing. With the ranger you can usually range kill the enemy before they get close to you and you have access to healing wands. As a rogue you can disable traps and more importantly unlock chests and doors. I'll be following this thread as I prefer solo play myself.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009


    Here is a solo guide I found real quick:

    I no a lot a people have had luck soloing with the tukaw build:

    self heal, umd, skills, and high saves
    I am pretty sure it is the build used in this video here:

    WF sorc or wiz is usually a good pick as well, self heal, CC, offesnive casting and buffs

    MR Cow has a bunch of youtube videos showing how to run through quests as good guides. He has a list of non-red named quests here:

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Wow, lots of good stuff! Thanks everyone.

  7. #7
    Community Member Viciouspika's Avatar
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    Jan 2010

    Default soloists that I've tried

    Soloing with a Hireling or completely solo?

    I have tried several build on the forums and of my own design for soloing or self-sufficent. When i solo, I like to be able to do traps, open locks, self healing, crowd control, and dps. The best that I have found to be the WF wizard18/rogue2. It is able to do all of the above very well. A halfling assasin II/ninja spyI (13/7 or 13/6/1 fighter) with full dragonmarks also works well, but is weak for crowd control and mostly a stealth character. Another stealth character that i like to play is a Drow assasinII/virtuosoI (13/7). Sing a song(entrall or fascinate) , bluff, and attack. My current soloist is a Dual-weilding Dwarven ranger11/bard8/rogue1 which is working surprisingly well.

    I think a soloist should be able to do traps, open locks to get optionals and max XP bonus. Thus, rogue is a required class. Rogue should be taken at lvl 1 if you want to be a trap monkey to max dd, spot, search, umd, and half open locks. Evasion is also a great soloist ability, but you need 2 lvls of rogue or monk, or 9 lvls or ranger for this ability.

    DPS is also important weather though spells, sneak attack, or melee. For spell DPS, you need high levels in the caster classes( wizard, sorcerer, cleric, or FVS) this will also help with Crowd Control. I wouldn't take under 16 or 17 lvls of these classes for this reason. For sneak attacks and melee DPS, you can get away with 11-13 lvls in the fighter or specialty classes as a minimum. Remember take an odd lvl of rogue unless you are taking 2 lvls for evasion.

    Crowd Control is also important for the fact that if you getting your butt handed to you in a quest, you can control them to prevent your self from dying. As mentioned above high lvl casters are very good at this, but there is another option. The bard class has the strongest non-specialized crowd control in the fascinate and enthrall songs. If you chose bard as your CC, I would not take less than 7 lvls and keep perform maxed as a skill.

    Unless your taking a hireling healer with you, self-healing is essential. WF wizards and WF sorcerers can self heal with repair spells. Clerics and FVS or mechanical or fleshy races are good for selfing healing. Halfling dragonmarks offer limited healing. UMD allows the use of scrolls and wands to heal your character.

    Useful skills for the soloist are spot(able to see mobs and traps), search(to find trap control boxes and secret doors), UMD(most powerful skill), balance(for knock down recovery), Jump(for mario quests), concentration(for casters), perform(for songs), and disable device(to remove traps).

    Play around with the character generator to find a combination that you would like to play and plan in advance what you want your character to do and be. Good Luck and Have Fun

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