Update gonna kill the game.
It was taking years to gather stuff for Chaoblades, but now u can farm TS or Shroud for some time, spend some money to buy essences and craft urself 2 weapons with Vampirism.
It was taking years to gather stuff for Epic Coif to boost ur massheal, but now u can just farm Cannith and make a blank with SupDevo9.
Same with Marilith Chain and new crafted items with Seeker +10.
So... Turbine is forcing everyone forget about epics, about Vale. Just buy this freaking u11, farm ingridients 24/7. And if u dont have u11 - u gotta sux.
Forget about Blitzes, barbarians and monsters. Str-based horc monk + crafted wraps with stun/doublestrike/light strike/+7enh bonus = win.
Say 'hello' to disbalance ^^